Concrete is an artificial stone that is obtained from a specific mixture by molding and solidifying it. The composition of the mixture includes water, a variety of aggregates and cement, which acts as a binder. When creating concrete worktops, some additives can also be used, which affect certain characteristics of the finished products.

The main advantage of concrete worktops is exceptional environmental friendliness. Only natural components and nothing more that distinguishes products from analogues from other artificial stones, which in one way or another contain synthetic resins. Nature itself gave people water and sand, there can be no questions about their safety.

Cement is clay and limestone, calcined and mixed with each other. Organic and other additives in concrete contain very little - no more than two percent.

Concrete worktops need a polymer coating. They are applied on their surface with a very thin layer to close the pores. The topcoat can be glossy or matte. Neither acid nor pollution can spoil the appearance of countertops with such a coating. Re-applying polymers and varnish will not take many years if you operate the tabletop carefully.

By hardness, high-quality polished concrete is practically not inferior to granite. However, varnish is used to coat products from this material, which resists mechanical stresses worse. It should not be cut on a concrete countertop without the use of a cutting board, as the surface is scratched and loses its appearance in this case very quickly. You can damage the product with very hot dishes. If the temperature of the pot or pan exceeds one hundred and fifty degrees, the protective varnish will simply melt.

Concrete cannot be cleaned with strongly acidic and abrasive products. The cleaning solution must be neutral. Wipe the surface of such a countertop with a napkin or soft foam sponge.

According to the production technology, concrete countertops are divided into two types: monolithic and shotcrete. The first have a fairly large weight, so the kitchen set under them must be equipped with a reinforced frame. Products made by gunning are much easier, since the concrete mix in this case is sprayed onto another material. It is better to choose this option if you plan to replace the countertop, while maintaining the same frame.

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