Characteristics and installation of cork panels

Wall panels are made of various materials. Including, products made of cork are of great demand. Do not confuse cork wall panels with ordinary technical cork. They have much better practical and aesthetic indicators. The main thing is to properly handle them.


Characteristics of cork panels:

  1. Natural origin - only environmentally friendly materials are taken for the manufacture of cork panels. In particular, bark of balsa wood. It is only important that in production it is not treated with hazardous components.
  2. Highest insulation performance - cork panels are even better in terms of heat and sound insulation than lining and other wood materials. It can be compared with mineral wool and foam. This means that this is not only finishing, but also insulating material.
  3. Hypoallergenicity - cork, possessing the ability to repel dust, is much less likely to cause allergies. Another useful feature is that it does not absorb odors. It is especially useful if the owner likes to smoke indoors or if you want to decorate the walls in the kitchen.
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  5. Moisture resistance is another plus in favor of using wall panels in the kitchen. They are not afraid of moisture. Especially if covered with an additional protective layer.
  6. Presentability - cork is not endowed with any unique design qualities. But she looks impressive and interesting.
  7. Easy installation - no special skills or expensive tools with fasteners are required to secure wall panels. But how exactly does the process of fixing them look like?

Features of the installation of cork panels

Most often, such panels are laid on glue, since they have a small weight. Consequently, they will not create a large load. Before gluing the walls must be cleaned of old materials and leveled. It is advisable to level the surface as intensely as possible, otherwise the panels may subsequently shift relative to each other.


The adhesive composition is applied to the back of the product, after which it is pressed to the surface and held for a minute. Glue the next element in the joint. There are also panels that additionally have a lock connection.

Wall panels made of cork have a lot of advantages and are easily mounted on the base. By purchasing this product, the owner provides himself with the opportunity to interestingly and practically design the room.

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