Wooden brick for building a house: features and benefits

The construction site is the first thing that is determined during the construction of the house. After that, they begin to draw up a project that describes all the technologies and building materials. Private houses are most often built from a variety of blocks, bricks, concrete, technological panels, but wood is also very popular. Wooden bricks are a material that not many know about, but you should definitely pay attention to it.


Wood is one of the oldest natural building materials. They themselves have a beneficial effect on human health at home, since wood “breathes” through micropores and releases useful essential oils into the air. New construction technologies have substantially squeezed it on the market, but among the new products there has recently appeared a wooden brick, which experts consider very promising. Perhaps it is he who will return the tree to the leaders of wall building materials.


With the phrase "wooden brick" in the head there is an image of an analogue of ordinary brick, but made of wood. Their name and form are really similar. But at the same time, wooden bricks are much closer to the timber than to ceramic bricks.

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Its main difference from a bar is its dimensions. Wooden blocks in this case have dimensions sixty-five by nineteen by six centimeters. To simplify the installation at the ends, special locking recesses are provided.


They make wooden brick only from very high-quality coniferous wood. During manufacturing, the raw materials go through several stages of processing. It all starts with drying the wood to reach eight to ten percent moisture. The production ends with machining, as well as grinding of surfaces. Additional decorative work for the walls after is not required, as they look great. But at the same time, a protective coating must still be applied, since precipitation and other natural influences are ways to harm natural material.


A wooden brick has several advantages over a timber. The use of the first material usually requires a pause between the end of construction and finishing, since the house needs a certain time for shrinkage. In the case of wooden bricks, such inconvenience does not arise. The masonry is practically not deformed, since the individual elements are small in size. Expensive construction equipment is also not required, since the weight of wood bricks is less.

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