How to knit reinforcement yourself without a special tool

The process of knitting reinforcement is the most basic stage in creating a durable frame for many years. By connecting different parts of the reinforcement, you create a structure due to which the concrete will be more durable both in terms of load and in terms of tension. If the load-bearing parts of the reinforcement are not correctly connected, the concrete can completely get the opposite effect, but at least it will not have the strength for which the reinforcement was mounted. Let's look at how to properly connect the reinforcement and with what it can be done. The article will be useful for both beginners and experienced builders.

No one does manual work with fittings for the reason that it is almost impossible. But what if you do not have at hand a special knitting gun or welding machine, and you need to do the work? In such cases, a hand hook and ordinary pliers can be the way out of your predicament. Although you can do the work and you can, it’s not worth forgetting that everything is done manually and will not be so simple.

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Features of the crochet work is that everything is done manually. The process is very lengthy in the early stages, you will need to fill your hand and get used to it. It should be noted that the hook must be steel, well, and the handle can be wooden. The most common crochet method is as follows:

- Take a 20 cm long wire and bend in half:
- Next, bend the wire again but not completely, having formed a hook and put it under the reinforcement that you will knit;
- Then, the hook must be inserted into the formed loop and hook on it the free end of the wire;
- Just one turn, but do not forget to hold the free end of the wire;
- Pull the hook towards you and tighten the wire until it comes off.

When working not with a hook, but with pliers, you immediately have one advantage in that you will save wire by tying it into one, rather than twisting it with a crochet loop. But there are enough minuses:

- It takes more time, or rather practice for quick work;
- The speed of work in any case will be several times less;
- You will need special shoes, because when you bundle the two ends of the wire, you risk breaking your leg by accidentally stepping on the sharp end.


As for the wire, here, too, is not all clear. Agree, in our case, wire is a very important element of work. And the quality of work in principle depends on its quality. If we turn to GOSTs, then the wire must comply with the following parameters:

- When the reinforcement cross section is less than 12 millimeters, the wire should be taken with a minimum of 1.2 millimeters;
- When the reinforcement cross section is more than 18 millimeters, use more than 2 millimeters of wire or double wire consisting of two 1.2 millimeters.

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