How to properly arrange drainage on the site


  • 1 Drainage installation methods
    • 1.1 Surface drainage
      • 1.1.1 Drainage facilities
      • 1.1.2 Units for joining drainage pipes for surface drainage
    • 1.2 Underground drainage
      • 1.2.1 Drainage
    • 1.3 Point drainage

Usually, after heavy rainfall on the site, large puddles form that do not go away for a long time. This entails the death of plants and makes it difficult to cultivate the territory. Stagnant water after rain must be eliminated. The most reasonable way to drain water is to use a drainage system.


Drainage installation methods

Surface drainage

In areas that have low soil permeability, most often the site is flooded. The easiest way to get rid of such troubles is to arrange the area in such a way that the liquid can drain into the lowest part of the area. This part of the plot is designed specifically for water drainage. In a territory with a natural bias, this method will be most effective. If this method cannot be applied, then it is necessary to choose another more suitable method.

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Drainage facilities

Even before the start of construction work, it is necessary to choose the most suitable drainage method. When the site is not yet built up, it will be much easier to choose the right direction in which the water will move. On the site you can dig a small pond in which water will accumulate.


Units for joining drainage pipes for surface drainage

Using the method of surface drainage, it is possible to divert water from the site and reduce the degree of groundwater. Fluid drains from paths and roads. Such a drainage system forms a complex of channels and trays, which are deepened into the ground and closed with a grate. At the end of the direction, a trap is mounted. It serves as a kind of filter. With the help of a trap, different rubbish (leaves, sand, dirt) is delayed. The trap is connected to the sewer using pipes that are underground. Along this path, water is sent, which managed to collect during this time.


Underground drainage

During the construction of underground drainage, groundwater is diverted from the base of the house, and the function of lowering groundwater is also performed. Such a drainage is made using pipes that are laid in pits at a certain depth. A network of pipes is filled with gravel and sand. When constructing an underground drainage system, geotextiles and pipes are used. The accumulated liquid flows into a special collector or sewer.



The construction of underground drainage is best done at the same time as the installation of surface drainage. This option is ideal for reducing the cost of installing a drainage system. If underground drainage and surface drainage are combined, then the liquid that has collected on the surface and groundwater will merge in one special tank.

Such a drainage system is installed by connecting all nodes. It is necessary that the pipes and reservoirs for water intake are designed for combined fluid intake.


Point drainage

In order to eliminate water retention on stone surfaces such as concrete, spot drainage is used. It will be indispensable for serving in such areas as a terrace, courtyard, walkway, irrigation taps, drainpipes. The design of a point drainage system includes a storm water inlet, which is closed by a grate and external sewage pipes. From the point water supply, the collected liquid is drained into the sewer or to the water receiver.

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