Since ancient times, it is believed that a bed made by yourself, protects the baby from the evil eye and dark forces. Maybe the matter is in the love and care that the father puts in, collecting a tiny bed, because positive energy charges this cradle and, like a shield, envelops the baby with currents invisible to the eye. In any case, a do-it-yourself cradle can help parents save money decently.

What to make a cradle from?
Newborns and older children are also very sensitive to synthetics, chemistry and poor-quality plastic. Therefore, it is better to give preference to a tree.
Moreover, an array of wood, depending on the variety, can have a calming effect on the baby (pine, spruce), but eucalyptus, cedar and walnut can even kill a significant part of the germs, protecting the baby from colds, fevers and dysentery.

Having decided on the choice of material, you should think about an action plan. Calculate how much material you have left. For example, if you collect a cradle measuring 60 cm in length and 40 cm in depth, you need the following: 4 yards in length (one meter on the bed base, two on the railing). You also need 4 transverse rails of 60 cm each.

It will take 15-20 thin elastic battens 63 cm long for flooring the base of the cradle and battens for the protective sides. If you let the yards vertically, then you will need 32 slats 40 cm long. If you fix the rails cross-wise, then 34 slats 55 cm long will leave - placing on a diagonal increases the consumption of the slats.

And the last detail - you need yards for the lower arch (to swing the baby). To do this, you need two straight rails with a square or rectangular cross section 60 cm long and two elastic, easy to bend flat rails 5-7 cm wide and 65-70 cm long.

Of the tools and consumables you will need a hammer, small cloves - their length should not exceed two thicknesses of the rails used for the curb. You also need a corner planer to make on the upper planes, to which vertical slats, a groove will be attached. A groove is needed so that our slats lie "under the face" and do not stick out anywhere, do not cling. To increase the strength of the structure, eight metal corners should be purchased (four are mounted at the corners of the bed, four at the upper corners of the fence).

Stages of collecting cradle
Take the rails intended for the frame, and cut from one end on each of them a groove equal in depth to the thickness of the strips that will go to the fence. Assemble two frames measuring 100 by 60 cm, reinforcing them with corners for added strength. The grooves on the lower frame should be from the upper outer corner, but on the frame, which, like a railing, will cover from the end of the curb, the grooves should be located from the outer lower corner. Now you begin to sheathe rails - vertically or crosswise. Each rail must be inserted into the groove so that it does not stick out and does not cling, and fix both ends of it with small studs.

Having finished with the construction of the protective border, proceed to the collection of the lower arch. Screw the flat bar to the square rails, slightly bending it so that it forms an arc or arch, and the ends of the bar and rails coincide. Two obtained arches with a self-tapping screw should be screwed to the bottom of the cradle with the flat side to the fence, and the arch to the floor so that the cradle can swing. Now the last thing remains - to line the bottom of the bed from thin elastic battens, they need to be slightly bent so that the tubercle in the center sticks up. It will fix the slats and sand with fine sandpaper the surface so that the child does not drag the handle. Coat the cradle with varnish without artificial impurities and allow to dry well.

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