Why is it better to refuse to transfer doorways in an apartment

When repairing an apartment, there is often a desire to move the doorway to another place. This allows you to expand the useful area of ​​the apartment, improve the overall housing design, optimize the placement of furniture. However, it is necessary to know what constitutes the transfer of the opening and what consequences it entails.

What is doorway transfer in essence

By its nature, this action refers to the redevelopment of housing. There is no technical difficulty. However, before starting work, it should be borne in mind that no matter what wall intended for transferring the opening: bearing or not bearing, coordination with state bodies. The specialists of the relevant organization on-site examine the housing, on the basis of which they conclude: is it technically possible, without damage to the structure, to move the doorway. Then a project is developed, where all aspects are taken into account: from the structure used to reinforce the recess in the wall to the materials from which the new door leaf will be made. The procedure takes considerable time and will be considered completed after the redevelopment is registered with the bureau of technical inventory and changes are made to the technical passport.

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An exception to this rule is the re-equipment of a rectangular opening in an arch, that is, a change in the shape of a recess in the wall.


Consequences of Willful Transfer

If the transfer of the opening was not agreed with the relevant authorities, then undesirable consequences occur. For example, the homeowner will not be able to sell or alienate the apartment in any other way, since an unauthorized redevelopment was made that was not included in the technical passport. For the same reason, the owner will not be able to get a loan from a bank against a pledge of a house, apartment or other real estate with illegal redevelopment.


In addition, unauthorized actions to transfer the opening entail the imposition of an administrative penalty in the form of a fine and impose on the owner the obligation to formalize the redevelopment procedure.

If unauthorized acts prohibited by law have been committed, the court obliges the owner to return housing in the original state, in clearly defined terms, the observance of which will be monitored by the court bailiffs. If they are not fulfilled, the amount of the fine increases.


Perhaps it is better to abandon the idea of ​​transferring the opening than wasting time and money on various instances and all kinds of approvals.

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