Doors from a natural tree give elegance and appeal to the house. Because of this, many owners prefer to invest better on an expensive massive door than to install cheap analogues of MDF, plastic or metal.
The undoubted advantage in favor of wooden doors is that they do not need special care, do not rust, they are easy to polish and paint. It is easy to attach accessories to a tree: handles, locks, latches.

The wood of the doors retains heat well indoors, in addition to providing noise insulation. High-quality wooden doors are very strong and can last a long time.
However, wooden doors have a number of significant drawbacks. Many builders believe that today the tree is not the same as before. This is due to climate changes on the planet that have affected the growth of trees.

The main disadvantages of wooden doors
- One of the main disadvantages is the high hygroscopicity of wood. Moisture can easily penetrate inside, and the door can quickly rot away;
- The tree is not subject to corrosion, but termites, wood-boring beetles and other insects can affect it. For protection, the tree must be treated with special compounds;
- Doors made of poor quality wood will last a very short time. The downside is that it is difficult to determine when buying which material the manufacturer used;
- Good doors are made only of dry wood. If you install doors (especially entrance) made of poorly dried boards, then in damp weather they will swell and close poorly. In the heat, on the contrary, the door will dry out, but a gap will form between it and the box;
- It is easy to paint or coat the doors with varnish, but with excessive application, bubbles may form. As a result, this will lead to the sliding of a layer of paint or varnish;
- If termites start at the door, getting rid of them will not be easy. Their activity will also lead to the appearance of fine dust, which can cause allergies in the residents of the house;
- Wood is very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity - they tend to deform and crack under adverse operating conditions;
- Wooden doors are much heavier than analogs made from individual bars.

Due to such factors, not everyone can approach the wooden doors in the house. Moreover, the price of cheap analogue from bars is much lower. This is explained by the fact that in the production of solid doors, a lot of waste is generated. Given the disadvantages of wooden doors, you can choose a decent alternative from various modern materials.

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