Curved walls in an apartment or house are a serious problem that needs to be addressed. This is a necessity, since it is problematic to mount the facing material on a curved surface and at the same time get an attractive appearance. That is, during the repair process it is extremely important to pay due attention to the walls, it is better to align them or only after that proceed to the finish.
How to smooth the walls
In order to level the wall of brick or concrete, you need to use several methods. Most often we are talking about plastering. This process involves the use of such tools and materials:
- Primer.
- Lighthouse.
- Reinforcing mesh.
- Plaster.
- Rule and spatula.
- Level.
First, you need to measure and inspect all the walls in the room visually, and then mark the most problematic places. In order for the final result to be as high-quality as possible, it is worth paying due attention to the preparatory work. That is, the wall must first be cleaned, all dirt and grease stains should be removed, it is necessary to dismantle the old layer of building material, knock down the protruding parts. For the last stage, you can use both a grinder and an ax.

Next, the entire surface must be primed, it is extremely important. The primer is purchased depending on the type of wall. And it is worth saying that it is best to apply several layers on a material such as foam concrete.
After the soil layer has completely dried, it is worth moving on to the next stage, and this is the installation of beacons, these elements make it possible to create the most even surface. Lighthouses can be of different sizes, but for such work it is recommended to use beacon No. 6, and for quick fixation on the wall they use a special solution that dries quickly.

Work should begin with the extreme lighthouses, from the wall they are mounted at a distance of 20 centimeters. As for the guide, it should have a height from the floor to the guide. The lighthouse should depart from the wall by at least one and a half centimeters, maximum - 3 centimeters. It is important to mount the beacons strictly according to the level, so that the wall is ultimately really flat.

After that, it’s worth going directly to plastering, and then a gypsum mixture is often used. In order for the composition to hold firmly to the surface, a reinforcing mesh is used. The mixture is applied with a trowel or putty knife, and evened using the rule.
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