5 reasons why a circuit breaker can spark and how to fix it

The main malfunction of electrical appliances in the house is the sparking of contacts or its absence. The fundamental reason for the development of such a situation is the complete wear of the internal system of the circuit breaker or the breakdown of some components of the device. The sparking of the circuit breaker must be corrected; otherwise, the entire device will have to be replaced with a new one, but this does not mean that the new device will not soon be completely replaced. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of the sparks and eliminate it as soon as possible.

5 reasons why a switch can spark

  1. The formation of carbon deposits on the contacts of the device - in this situation, all the contacts of the switch are too close to each other, because of which an arc forms, which the person sees. This is the most common reason for the failure of the appliance, because carbon deposits form small islands on the contacts, which create a small circuit.
  2. Significant weakening of the plate, so to say compressing the contacts when the light is turned on. The click when turning on should be sharp, but if the switch is easily pressed and the sound is almost inaudible, and besides, you have to press the device with force, then the whole point is in the plate. In this situation, either the plate or the entire switch changes.
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  3. Violation of the parameters of the voltage of the electric current on the conductive cores connected to the switch.
  4. The deterioration of the circuit breaker elements is perhaps the most commonplace problem. Due to the prolonged use of the device, all internal components are weakened, and therefore the circuit breaker cannot function fully. In addition, for the same reason, the reliability of use is significantly reduced. This can not be fixed anyway, you just have to change the device to a new one.
  5. And well, the last cause of the sparking of the switch is the increased humidity in the house or apartment, which in the end leads to oxidation of the contacts.

How to solve a sparking switch problem

In order to eliminate arcing, the first thing you need to do is to turn off the house and disassemble the device. Understand what could be the reason. If this problem arose due to a large accumulation of carbon deposits on the contacts, they must be cleaned well, as a result of which clean contacts will function as before all the faults.

In the case of the plate, there is only a replacement for this part or the entire switch.

The deterioration of the switch should alert the owner, and in any case, such a device must be replaced; it cannot be repaired.

Sparking in the house due to a high or low switch, easy to eliminate is enough. Buy a voltage stabilizer and then the whole house as a whole will be completely safe.

With high humidity, the first thing to do is to eliminate the source of water, which became the cause of this problem, it is also necessary to ventilate the house more often and, if possible, not to dry only that the washed laundry in indoors.

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