- 1 Floors must be cleaned from old paint.
- 2 Floors must be degreased
- 3 The floors must be leveled.
- 4 Floors must be sanded
- 5 Floors must be primed.
One of the main elements of our home, creating coziness and comfort, is a wooden floor. During operation, it has the largest load, both mechanical, teak and physical. To maintain the floor in working condition, it is necessary to carry out maintenance repairs. If the coating does not have places affected by fungus or mold, the floor does not bend and does not make a creak when walking, the repair will consist of painting the floor. So that the repair result is not upset, and the money was not wasted, we will consider 5 facts that you need to know before starting work.
Floors must be cleaned from old paint.
For cleaning floors from old paint, there are several methods that differ in technology, materials used and the complexity of the execution.
• Chemical: old paint is softened by applying alkaline or acidic compounds to a wooden coating, solvents are also used. Paint is removed with a spatula.
• Mechanical: the surface is cleaned with a grinder or a drill with a metal brush. Electric tools will speed up the work and will not be interchangeable for cleaning large areas. In the absence of power tools, we use metal brushes, a spatula and sandpaper. Construction organizations sometimes use sandblasting equipment when performing repair work. It is effective, but it is not cheap, therefore, as a rule, it is not used in domestic conditions.
• Thermal: old paint is cleaned by heating the surface with a building hairdryer or burner. With this method, even old paint leaves well. When performing work in this way it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules.

Floors must be degreased
To get rid of greasy stains, water-based chemical cleaners can be used. They gently act on the stain structure without destroying the wood.

The floors must be leveled.
Irregularities formed by knots are aligned with a chisel. Hats of self-tapping screws are carefully recessed into the wood. To form a flat surface, we cycle the floor with a machine and a manual cycle. Then we process sandpaper with fine grain.

Floors must be sanded
Before polishing floors, it is necessary to carefully repair cracks, cracks and holes from fallen knots with a putty compound. It can be purchased at the store, or can be made independently by mixing small sawdust with carpentry glue or PVA glue. The resulting mass is applied with a spatula to the dust-free slots, compacted, leveled to the floor level. Excess putty is removed with a spatula. After complete drying, the floors are ground using a looping machine or sandpaper.

Floors must be primed.
For priming wooden surfaces, you can use drying oil, or you can apply modern soil compositions containing an antiseptic. Such primers will protect the wood from decay and fungus and give the surface smoothness with good adhesive qualities. To get a good paint finish, the primer must dry thoroughly.
All the facts that you need to know before starting work on painting a wooden floor are considered. The time has come for the final stage. Of the paints offered by the construction market

• Oil
• Polyurethane
• Acrylic
• Alkyd
We select the one that is suitable for our coating according to one or another indicator, and proceed to painting the floor.
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