Using plastering, you can get a perfectly smooth wall surface both inside and outside buildings. You can plaster the walls yourself, but this will require the availability of the necessary tools and compliance with the technology of the work.
- Begin with the preparation of the walls. To do this, old whitewash, paint, peeling plaster, greasy stains and other contaminants are removed from its surface. You also need to free the wall from sockets, switches, lamps, nails and screws. Then it is cleaned of dust and primed. Apply for this deep penetration formulations. They are applied in several layers. Each layer, before applying the next, is completely dried. If the wall is new and does not have a rough coating, the primer is applied directly to brick or concrete.
- If the wall surface has a strong curvature, you will need to apply a thick layer of plaster. Its reliable fastening can be ensured using a special plaster mesh. It is made of plastic or metal wire and has cells of various sizes. The grid is fixed to the wall using plastic dowels and screws, or on a thin layer of plaster. It is first applied to the wall, and then a grid is glued to it. After that, she immediately covered with another thin layer of plaster.
- Curved walls will require the installation of stucco beacons. These are special metal or plastic strips mounted on the wall and indicating the vertical and horizontal surfaces. For their proper installation, a construction plumb will be required. Lighthouses should be installed a few centimeters from the corners of the walls. The distance between the slats should be 10 centimeters less than the length of the rule used to level the plaster.
- Plastering work must be carried out at a temperature not lower than + 10 degrees Celsius. This will provide a more comfortable working environment, as well as provide a good and quick curing of plaster mixes.
- At the first stage of plastering, a liquid solution is applied to the wall by spraying. It is produced using a special bucket - trowels. The consistency of the solution should be such that it rests on the wall with a cake and does not flow down. After that, it is leveled on the surface with a grater.
- Next, a second layer, called soil, is applied. Its thickness should not exceed 1.5 -2 mm. After one hour, it is triturated until a smooth surface is obtained.
- The third, covering layer, is performed at the final stage of work. It is applied with a spatula after the previous layers of plaster have dried.

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