How to paint osb slab on the facade, possible options


  • 1 Why is it necessary to paint plates
  • 2 Types of paints for painting OSB boards on the facade
    • 2.1 Alkyd
    • 2.2 Acrylic
    • 2.3 Oil
    • 2.4 Latex
    • 2.5 Water emulsion
  • 3 Staining Features
  • 4 Color options and application features
  • 5 The nuances of work
  • 6 Video

It is unlikely that anyone would have the idea to clad OSB plates on the facade of a brick or block house. But such a solution is perfect for frame or half-timbered houses, because with the help of oriented particle boards a sandwich is created with a layer of insulation in the middle. The issue of exterior decoration for such panels is very relevant. You can, of course, sheathe the house with siding or veneer with ceramics, but such options are too costly for money and labor. It is much cheaper and easier to solve the problem using staining. But, here's how and with what to paint the OSB plate on the facade of the house you still need to think carefully.

Why is it necessary to paint plates

OSB slabs are a fairly light, warm, easily cuttable wall material, which is suitable for the erection of external structures, for internal walls, partitions.

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The panels differ in brands; for the outer side, denser products are used, marked with the numbers 3 or 4. Since the panels are made by pressing of wood chips and glue, the products are considered breathable, environmentally friendly, but sensitive to atmospheric influences.

The essence of the product is encrypted in the name. When forming boards, wood shavings and wood chips are oriented longitudinally in extreme planes, and in the middle of the product across the fibers. It is mainly due to this that the main strength and thermal insulation indicators of OSB boards are created. The surface of the panels is very pleasant and warm to the touch, but has a controversial appearance. This is one of the reasons why they need to be painted. Essential, but not the main one. The main objective of this action is to use paint to protect both the material itself and the house as a whole, from destruction, penetration of moisture, mold, fungi, and other external troubles. The products themselves are considered moisture resistant, but their joints are very vulnerable. Therefore, facades made of OSB slabs are certainly exposed to the outside. Before finishing, they must be cleaned of dust, putty and primed.

It is very important to make an exposure between the various stages of the production of paintings. After puttying, the drying process should last at least 12 hours, the same time is needed for complete drying of the primer.

OSB boards
Facade from OSB with a decorative coating
Facades from OSB plates

Types of paints for painting OSB boards on the facade

The modern building materials market offers many types of paints and varnishes. But not every paint can come up to paint the OSB plate on the facade. What and how to properly paint, should be decided after a thorough acquaintance with the properties of paints and their financial capabilities. When choosing paints, you need to remember that oriented particle boards are 90 percent wood. So, the scope and their properties should be paid attention in the first place. Consider some types of paint products in more detail.


Alkyd paints for painting facades are most loved by finishers and homegrown builders. Such paints are perfectly absorbed into the wood, quickly dry due to the water component. But there is a slight minus to this paint. It should be stored only at positive temperature, although in the hardened state it can withstand frost up to 30 degrees. Negative features include low resistance to fires and alkalis. But, despite this, paints of this class are popular because of:

  • lack of an unpleasant smell, harmful secretions;
  • quick drying, color preservation over time, that is, do not fade;
  • excellent hiding power or the ability to create a flat, smooth surface without sagging;
  • long service life without changing quality;
  • relatively loyal value.
Alkyd paints


Acrylic facade paints for outdoor work are no less alkyd. They consist of a polymer component, color and water. The most important property important for outdoor service is the ability of the paint to create a durable film on the surface to be painted. At the same time, acrylics are endowed with good adhesion to WWS. These two qualities significantly affect the demand for these paints for facade decoration. Manufacturers have learned how to create acrylic blends not only beautiful, saturated colors in a wide range, but with different physical parameters. Acrylic treated surfaces can be matte or glossy, transparent or dull. In addition, they:

  • dry quickly, have sufficient strength;
  • suitable for coating porous, loose surfaces, such paints do not spread;
  • possess remarkable water and vapor tightness;
  • paints perfectly tolerate sudden changes in temperature, well resist weather problems.
Weatherproof acrylic paint for facades and walls outside
Technical characteristics of front acrylic paint


Oil-based paints belong to the category of traditional and oldest. But, in comparison with modern coatings, they certainly lose their position, since, with all their fame, they have some harmful qualities, such as:

  • increased toxicity - it is recommended to work with oil dyes only in protective equipment, even on the street;
  • it takes a long time to dry, since the basis for the manufacture of such paints is drying oil;
  • experience is needed for uniform coating because stains often form when stained;
  • low resistance to weathering, which means a short service life, annual updates.

The positive aspects include good absorption in the painted surface, unpretentiousness to storage conditions. Thickened paint is easily diluted with drying oil.

Oil paints can be purchased at any hardware store.
Oil paints


Latex based paints behave perfectly on wood materials. For the production of such paints using ordinary water, acrylic resin, as well as latex polymer liquid substance. It is she who turns ordinary acrylic enamel into a coloring mixture with additional properties. To this, polyvinyl, silicone, and other additives are added for the purpose of improving the performance characteristics. Facade latex paints are produced to obtain OSV textured or dense, shiny, semi-gloss or matte.

Work with latex facade paints
Front white matte paint

Water emulsion

In addition to the above-described water-based paints, there are also types of water-based paints that are successfully used in the decoration of external walls from OSB panels and not only. It is also possible to paint concrete and stone materials with such paints, which must be treated with putty and primers before finishing. Water-based paint emulsions are:

  • silicate paints, the main component of which is liquid potash glass; such paints are endowed with the highest possible resistance to steam;
  • silicone paints based on silicone resin and fungicidal additives; after drying, do not let water through and repel street dust and dirt.
Facade water-based paint

Staining Features

Oriented chip products are a special material, so its finishing should also be approached not quite standardly. The main working surface is even, it can be absolutely smooth or a little rough. But here the edges before finishing work must be treated with a special tool to make them somewhat rounded. In addition, these same edges have a more porous structure, so the pigment on them will be absorbed in large quantities and will turn out to be different in color from the main coating. Puttying for external works will help to eliminate this malfunction. If you carefully repair all joints and seams with the use of a sickle, and then treat with a primer, then the painted plane will turn out to be even and smooth.

The surface of the plates must be leveled.
Surface alignment
Primer slabs
Plates should be primed before painting.

In fairness, it should be said that with a primer it is necessary to cover all the walls outside, and not just joints. It will help better adhesion of the dye to the OSB panels and will serve as an antiseptic, that is, it will protect the walls and the whole house from all kinds of harmful effects from weather and air. If during installation suddenly found defects, irregularities in the lining. Or there are simply suspicions that shavings can be seen through the coating, then the facade must also be puttied completely. For outdoor use, paint must be applied on a plane of wood at least two times.

To obtain a better visual result and a more durable surface, the external walls should be painted in three or four layers, waiting for the paint to completely dry on each of the layers.

Sealing joints
Seals are sealed with sealant.
Plate painting process
OSB plate painting
OSB wall mesh allows putty to stick
OSB wall mesh allows putty to stick

Color options and application features

Some features of the external walls of OSB panels have already been mentioned above. Now we need to discuss in what way it is better to paint the facade processed with putty. In general, there are three main methods for painting any planes and any coloring compounds:

  • using spray guns or spray guns. The method is effective enough to obtain an absolutely even and durable coating. The process of staining with such equipment does not take much time, but increases the consumption of the coloring composition against the norm. In addition, the mechanisms are not cheap, buying them for painting one house is unreasonable. Another disadvantage is the fact that the outdoor spray gun can only be used in the absence of wind, in very quiet weather, only with a respirator;
  • flat and round paint brushes of different sizes are used as the main tool. This method is the most trivial, but very laborious, time consuming;
  • The third and perhaps the most optimal method of painting the walls of the house outside is the use of paint rollers. To speed up the process, it is better to use wide rollers. This tool allows you to quickly and accurately paint large surfaces without loss of coloring compounds. Suitable for any kind of mixes.
Painting OSB with a brush
Painting OSB boards outside with a roller
The roller
With an electric spray gun
Electric spray gun

The nuances of work

To begin with, we will talk about the joints of OSB plates. Processing of these places with putty brings its positive effect, but only for a short time, because during the shrinkage of the house the plates can “play” and the putty can crack and fall out of the joints. This will certainly negatively affect the appearance of the facade. There is another way to design bottlenecks - the use of special decorative overlays. They close the seams after staining. These overlays serve as protection of seams and a design element at the same time.

It is more convenient to start painting work from the top of the wall so that the paint does not drip onto the finished, drying circle. It is also necessary to take into account weather conditions. Finishing work is most conveniently performed at a positive outside temperature.

Plate with machined ends
To avoid wide seams, you should choose OSB boards with machined ends

It should also be mentioned that the painted facade made of OSB boards is unpretentious during operation, but still requires some care. As a rule, facade materials are very resistant to external influences. Therefore, exterior walls must be washed periodically using ordinary detergents, unless otherwise recommended by the paint manufacturer. It is undesirable to use brushes with hard bristles, so as not to damage the finish.


We offer you to get acquainted with various types of decoration of OSB plates.

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