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When tropical fruit appears on the shelves, residents of European countries want to eat them. It turns out that some of them, for example - a banana tree, can be grown on their dacha site and in the form of a houseplant. It is enough to learn the secrets of growing such plants, put them into practice and, working hard. The reward to the most resistant gardener will be a plentiful exotic harvest in his own garden. What is the secret of growing a banana tree in the middle latitudes of Europe? Everything is much easier than many indecisive gardeners think.
Pleasant acquaintance with a plant from the tropics
As it would be nice to eat fresh tropical fruits, tearing them straight from the tree. So many gardeners who live in a zone of a cool climate dream. But nature has made sure that all people on the planet can enjoy his creations. Therefore, some tropical trees miraculously take root in cool latitudes. This includes a banana tree - azimine, as it is often called.
This heat-loving plant was first observed in North America, but eventually spread throughout the earth. It easily migrated to Europe, it is known in Asia, Africa and Japan. The plant is grown not only in suburban areas, but also in closed living quarters.
Despite its origin, this unique tree is able to withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, without ceasing to bear fruit.
Basically, it prefers moist soil, so it occurs near large water bodies. The plant received its name due to the fact that its fruits resemble a favorite banana, exotic mango or pineapple.
In natural conditions, it can grow to a height of 9 m. It is distinguished by a wide crown in the form of a pyramid on which elongated glossy leaves of ovoid form grow. In the flowering period, bell-shaped buds of a purple hue appear on the tree.They are like bright lights against a background of lush greenery, which attracts various kinds of insects. It is for these excellent inflorescences that a banana tree is grown at home as an ornamental plant.
The fruit of the fruit is usually oblong in shape. They are painted in green, which turns yellow when ripe. Under the thin skin is a tender whitish flesh, rich in sucrose and fructose. Thanks to this, the fruit's taste is very sweet. In addition, it exudes a fragrance that resembles the smell of pineapple.
The juicy pulp of the banana tree contains a huge amount of microelements necessary to strengthen the defenses of the body. Fruits grow with small apples of 9 pieces each, which looks very appetizing. Who does not want to grow such a miracle on his plot or in the garden? Refuse only lazy and indifferent to the green people.
Secrets of growing azimine at home
To date, gardeners classify about 60 types of banana tree, which were mainly bred by American breeders. I would like to mention only a few of them:
- "Martin" (cold-resistant version);
- "Davis
- Overlay;
- "Gold of Rebecca
- The Green River.
Such varieties as "Azimina Dessert" and "Sochi 11" were bred in Soviet times, but still appreciated by gardeners. Thanks to this variety, the cultivation of a banana tree in the Krasnodar Territory, the Stavropol Territory and the Crimea has become a special event. In this territory, the plant miraculously tolerates winters, even without additional shelter.The best adapted species, which perfectly suits in this territory - "Azimina Trehlopastnaya".
To enjoy exotic fruits of a banana tree it is possible and in northern latitudes. For this, the plant is grown in a three-dimensional pot, which can be kept in the street from March to October. Only with the onset of cold weather it is brought into the room away from frost.
To successfully grow an exotic tree on the countryside, you need to choose the right place and composition of the soil. The ideal option is an elevation that is well illuminated, protected from the wind zone and loamy soil with the presence of drainage.
When planting a tree in a hilly area, it is advisable to construct drainage canals. They will protect Azimin from torrential streams and spring thawed waters.
A great way to get a tropical tree is to take advantage of its large seeds.In diameter, they reach, see. Color - dark brown. Before landing, they are stratified for 3 months at a temperature within 4 degrees. The finished planting material is lowered into the ground to a depth of about 3 cm. The greens appear after 30 days. Since it is very tender, and the roots are still very weak, during this period the plant can not be transplanted. If a banana tree gets accustomed, then in 4 years really try the first fruits.
Another way to grow azimine is to use the root shoots. For this, before planting the plant on a site, in the pit put compost, a little humus and sand. The seedling is lowered into a loamy soil to a depth of 7 cm. If the soil is light - 12 cm. Then the plant is watered abundantly. When the soil comes up, the necessary amount of land is poured under a banana tree. You can be sure - the plant will get accustomed and give tasty fruits to zealous workers. After all, "the worker is worthy of food as they say in one ancient book.
In addition, it is not difficult to grow a banana tree, which can also bear fruit. To do this, it is important to place it in a room where there is a lot of light. And the temperature does not drop below 16 ° C. To ensure the plant optimum moisture, it is sprayed every day, creating a tropical rain. In such conditions, the tree miraculously takes root and brings a good harvest.
Competent care is the key to success
To make the azimina feel at home in the suburban area, it is important to provide it with competent care. It includes the following procedures:
- suitable watering;
- regular loosening of the soil;
- mulching;
- top dressing;
- annual pruning.
For the normal development of an exotic tree, it is important to make sure that there is always moisture beneath it. This encourages not to disregard the azimine, but to water regularly. Reduce it preferably in the rest period - late autumn and winter.
Loosening of the soil is carried out regularly. A few days after the next watering, the earth is gently plowed. The depth of loosening is not more than 1 cm. For mulching use mown grass that is spread around the trunk of a banana tree.
Feed the azimine for the second year after planting during the growing season every 7 days. In winter - once a month. To do this, use two types of fertilizers: mineral (rich in phosphorus and nitrogen) and organic (manure or ash).
Pruning is performed in early spring to remove frozen branches or sick. Due to this the tree successfully grows and fructifies better at the appointed time. Instead of cute buds on the branches appear oblong fruits of cylindrical shape. They are gathered in small bunches that resemble banana branches.
Apparently, to grow an exotic tree on the site is not problematic, the main thing is to listen to the advice of experienced gardeners. Achieve the goal will help amazing qualities - patience, observation and diligence. As a result, every year, the appetizing fruit of a banana tree will appear on the table.