Loft style apartment design, decoration examples

The word "loft" in the translation means "attic", "upper floor of a warehouse or industrial premises." So he looks. But this is not a simple attic. This is a well-furnished, tasteful room.


Loft style originated in the USA in the 40s of the 20th century. In those days, after the Great Depression, many abandoned factories remained, the premises of which were surrendered for pennies. Free artists and musicians, who were not interested in luxury, began to inhabit them, but they could create their own atmosphere from any materials at hand. Someone left a great-grandmother's chest of drawers, someone set up a simple table, and someone dragged a faulty traffic light and made a lamp out of it. And from such eclecticism in the conditions of factory attics, a new style was born, which in our time is used popularity not only among young and poor artists, but already among well-off people of various professions.


Loft Style Features

1. Open floor plan;
2. Industrial features;
3. Modern and antiques;
4. Lots of space and light;
5. Unexpected scenery.

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This style does not welcome walls, the room is divided by zoning - it can be different colors in the design, specially arranged furniture, transparent partitions or accent lighting.


Industrialism The main feature is brickwork without plaster or rough plaster, pipes, beams. Brickwork is done even where it is not initially - with the help of imitation in decoration or wallpaper with a brick pattern.


Making harmonious combinations of modern things with antiques. A clock with a pendulum can be combined with chrome furniture, an old table with a computer, and a distinctive feature of the style is various lamps, both modern and antique.


High and bright ceilings, huge windows. It is a style of space and light. Or even vice versa, if you successfully apply the loft style to a small room, then it will bring more light and freedom there.

Decor elements can be those that are usually not used in the design of premises, especially residential ones, for example, a steering wheel or a wheel from a car, graffiti on the walls, traffic signs, various posters and posters.



If we are talking about an apartment, then the one-room apartment is most convenient, especially a studio apartment, this is almost a ready-made loft, but if there are many rooms, you can simply expand the doorways. In a ready-made large room accentuations are created for the bedroom, kitchen and even the nursery in this style.


The kitchen is modestly located in one of the corners, without taking up much space, it can be accented by a large tiles on the floor, there are also modern appliances, glass and chrome furniture against a brick background walls. The living room is a sofa with leather or textile upholstery, armchairs, ottomans and pillows are possible, but the main thing here is to avoid piling up.

The bedroom and the nursery occupy the most comfortable corners, fenced off by a screen, accented by softer colors of the decor, as well as fresh flowers, a comfortable bed and a small fireplace.


The nursery in the loft style is already very interesting, children should not be bored. For example, for a boy you can make a bed as if from metal pipes, and for a girl - a princess’s bed from a fairy tale. Armchairs suspended from the ceiling, bag-chairs, various horizontal bars, non-standard things for sitting, for example, car wheels, all this will perfectly fit into the interior in the loft style.


Thus, it is possible to create an original and at the same time comfortable home with a huge scope for personal imagination, which best expresses the individuality of its inhabitants.

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