Popular varieties of hydrangea tree


  • 1 Varieties of hydrangea tree: the main differences
  • 2 The benefits of tree hydrangea
  • 3 Tree Hydrangea Care
  • 4 Tree hydrangea in landscape design
Popular varieties of hydrangea tree

All kinds of white, lime, pink, burgundy or even dark crimson shades of large inflorescences mesmerize with their elegance and, at times, literally amaze with their scale. There are many types of hydrangeas, but only some are able to survive cold without consequences. sometimes even snowless winters near Moscow, pleasing from year to year with an ever more magnificent habit and vast flowering. These include:

  • tree-like;
  • panicled;
  • petiolate.

If only white-cream inflorescences always bloom on petiole hydrangea, then panicled on the contrary is able to please with a variety of shades of flowering, depending on the variety and acidity of the soil.

Varieties of hydrangea tree: the main differences

In this article, we will talk specifically about the tree-like varieties of this charming shrub. Although not many shades of flowering on tree hydrangeas can be found today in gardens, but these charming rounded pillow-shaped inflorescences, incredibly large, dense, literally enchant with their stateness and airiness.

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Buy tree hydrangea with a closed root system and plant it in open ground, you can at any time convenient for you: in spring in summer or in autumn. The most popular and unique varieties:


The first four from the list will decorate your garden with white and cream inflorescences that differ in shape and size depending on the variety. The height of the bush can also be different: from 1 to 2 meters, which means that a tree-like hydrangea can decorate as mixborders, and to perform the role of a tapeworm, not getting lost on the background of the lawn, but decorating it with large saturated green foliage and attractive flowering.

Not so long ago, breeders were actively engaged in the cultivation of tree hydrangeas with pink inflorescences. There are already quite a few shades, but the main thing that attention is now focused on is the work on the quality of the shoots. Some varieties are remarkable for their incredibly huge inflorescences, which, as if fluffy clouds rise above the bush, but it is worth it to rain or blow a strong wind - all beauty tends to the ground, which obviously negatively affects the decorativeness shrubs. “SWEET ANNABELLE” and “PINK ANNABELLE 2” are the real pride of the breeders and the joy for landscape designers, after all, it is these varieties that are really good not only in flowering, but in the power of shoots, which bad weather. Under any conditions, they perfectly retain their decorativeness and decorate the landscape with their elegance until the fall.

The benefits of tree hydrangea

Tree hydrangea is beloved by gardeners for their unpretentiousness. Its main advantage over large-leafed and petiolate is that it does not require shelter for the winter. The declared frost resistance of tree hydrangea is up to 30 degrees below zero, but even if the winter is snowless and more severe, it does not matter. Frozen shoots will not affect the decorativeness of the bush in the summer, because this species blooms on the shoots of the current year. In the spring, it is enough just to trim the damaged tips, and then enjoy the beauty of your favorite bush all season.

There is another small advantage of tree hydrangea over other species - earlier buds wake up and buds are tied. If panicled hydrangea in the spring for a long time can sit with bare, as if unbroken shoots, then the tree-like one will have time to please small green leaves.

Tree Hydrangea Care

In order for this lush shrub to bring you only joy, you should follow a few rules, thanks to which the seedling will have excellent immunity and all chances to become a real star of your garden landscape.

  1. Timely watering. Even from the Latin name of hydrangea (Hydrangea) it is clear that water for this shrub is a friend and comrade - the main source of vitality. If you miss the next watering, you will immediately notice how the leaves and inflorescences wilt. But if you just water the bush, then within an hour the former decorativeness will return to it.
  2. The right soil. Hydrangeas prefer to grow on acidified soil. To do this, when planting, add acid peat or pine litter to the garden soil. If the soil is not acidic enough, it will be clearly visible on varieties with pink blooms: the shades of inflorescences will be dull or even completely with white glimpses.
  3. Fertilizers for hydrangea in the spring. Already in early spring, as soon as the snow has fallen, you can begin to fertilize under hydrangea bushes. At this time of the year top dressing with a content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is relevant. It is better to pay attention to complex fertilizers, because they contain a lot of useful trace elements that will help maintain the immune system in excellent condition.
  4. Fertilizers for hydrangea in the fall. Like any other plant, hydrangeas need to prepare for the cold: strengthen immunity and build up the root system. That is why already at the end of August we begin to apply phosphorus-potash fertilizers under each bush.
  5. Moisture charging watering. This item can also be attributed to other plantings on your site. Before wintering, any plant needs to be saturated with moisture so that both the aboveground and underground parts of the plant are not damaged by frost. When the air temperature is already close to zero, it is necessary to properly shed all the trees and shrubs on the site. It is especially important to pay attention to this if the autumn was arid.
  6. Sanitary pruning. Sanitary pruning can be carried out at any time, because it is more likely to affect damaged shoots, leaves or inflorescences. If you notice a wormhole in the ideal hydrangea habitus, remove with the help of a secateurs the part that violates the harmony of the landscape and then you can not worry about the health of the seedling. In spring, frozen shoots should also be shortened.

Tree hydrangea in landscape design

Quite often, this shrub is used for both group and single plantings on the site. and not by chance, because the beauty and attractiveness of inflorescences of tree hydrangea literally captures spirit. Continuous flowering will add color even to the shaded corners of your garden, because this is one of the few shrubs that belongs to the shade-tolerant.

Looks charming next to conifers and shrubs: dwarf spruce, fir and arborvitae with their shapes repeat thick tree hydrangea and can be planted both in the background and in the foreground, depending on the characteristics of the variety and the declared heights. If we are not talking about dwarf species, then the same juniper, tsuga and pine will become a charming backdrop for a lush shrub.

Often, tree hydrangeas are found in landscape sediments. If you contemplate the alternation of plants in the future, it is thanks to this deciduous shrub that you can very clearly place the emphasis in the composition and highlight other plants.

Do not forget that any hydrangea in a flowering state instantly catches your eye, because if you plant others nearby flowering shrubs, it is better if they bloom before the appearance of buds on hydrangeas, or if it literally eclipses with its beauty everything and all.

Garden center in the suburbs Romashkino Park offers for sale seedlings of all types and most varieties of hydrangeas, which means that on in one trading platform you can choose for yourself the very beauty that will fit perfectly into your landscape.

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