Calendar for summer residents: November on the home

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With the onset of autumn grass in the pasture is becoming less. Owners of livestock and poultry transfer their pets to the gondola and under the roof. Prepared for winter premises to the beginning of the stall period, you need to check again and make sure that the animals are not threatened by rodents, drafts and leaks.

Since the duration of a light day in late autumn is reduced to 8 hours, in goat, poultry and other facilities need to provide lighting, as well as prepare inventory, material for replacement litter.

As soon as the animals occupy the winter "apartments immediately begin regular cleaning of stalls, cages, pens. As necessary, lay a new litter material. On fine days goats, sheep, and poultry are let out for walks.

Goats and sheep on the farm

During sukoznosti goats require increased attention and quality feeding. In the fall, the first half of this important period falls. To provide the animal with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins, in the daytime The menu includes 500 grams of hay, slightly less straw, up to one and a half kilograms of foliage or leafy brooms. 1 kg of boiled potatoes or equivalent kitchen remnants will cover energy costs.

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If the goat has a goat producer, it is provided with a caloric diet, including, among other things, grass hay, brooms, grain and juicy feed.

When equipping the goat, you need to remember that each goat has its own dishes for drinking. It is with a warm swill with a cold season begins a meal. Then the animals get a juicy forage, rough - complete the feeding.

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In sheep, the hassle is also added to winter. In the middle of autumn, animals are scheduled for fattening and slaughter, which is usually carried out in December or January. In the herd menu, concentrates, kitchen waste, hay, whose volume reaches 2 kg per adult ram, and juicy feed in the same amount are actively used.

Youngsters are offered less hay, but more silage, concentrates. The fodder and sugar beet will be a good help in the breeding of animals.

Rabbits in November

By late autumn, rabbits become quite well-fed, their skins are much better in quality than those of the summer generation. Therefore, in November, often slaughter, giving a double benefit. Skin from the dead animals is removed with a stocking. After that, its inner part is freed from fat. Skins are dried in a ventilated room at a temperature of 25-30 ° C.

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The rest of the livestock before the colds are transferred to a shelter or in a room. As in the case of goats and sheep, changes in the diet of fluffy residents of the hospice also occur. In the course is the summer herb hay, mixed fodder, stored vegetables.

Until the last opportunity in the menu of rabbits save juicy green top dressing from the garden and from greenhouses.

Poultry keeping in the summer residence

To support the active life of chickens, lighting is installed in poultry houses. Lamps are hung at a height of about two meters from the floor. The duration of daylight hours for birds is gradually increased, bringing 10-12 hours per day. At the same time, above the feeding troughs, the illumination should be higher, and the nests for layers should be left in the semi-darkness.

In the cold, eggs are collected much more often than in the summer. So that they do not freeze, visit the nest of the poultry farm every 1.5 hours or 2 hours.

In the diet of poultry in the fall, there are also changes. The share of green fodders considerably decreases, whose place in the menu is occupied by wet mashrooms and pre-crushed, steamed grass hay.


Helps to ensure the needs of the body in vitamins. Since the fall, it actively accumulates ascorbic acid, carotene and other bioactive substances. The collection of the stem and spruce needles begins in November. At the same time, a grinding field is included in the diet of birds.

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The daily portion of such a green delicacy weighs:

  • for hens about 10 grams;
  • for ducks and turkeys about 15 grams;
  • for geese up to 25 grams.

Increase the nutritional value and digestibility of oats and barley, can be by germination. Chickens are fed more than half of this grain, and sprouts should be given in the morning. Afternoon meal - this is a pouch with the inclusion of waste from the kitchen and other food. In the evening the bird receives usual dry cereals. If there is a possibility, fresh herbs are driven out for the livestock to the cold.

Geese and turkeys tend to grow fat in winter, so the bird is actively offered green grass hay. It is tied in small bundles and fastened next to the feeders. While the weather keeps good, chickens and other birds can walk. Therefore, you can feed your pets here. Street drinkers in the cold season need to be updated frequently, so that the water in them is not covered with ice cake.

November in the village - video

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