Possible problems in the cultivation of cyclamen: the causes and ways to eliminate them

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Flower growers who have cyclamen in their collection of domestic plants know that this plant is quite demanding, which means that the slightest inaccuracy in the care immediately affects its appearance. We bring to your attention a brief guide to the problems that arise in the cultivation of cyclamens, and the ways to solve them. Flowers - they are like people, they also get sick and need our attention and care. Having corrected the mistakes made and neutralized the "enemy in most cases it is quite possible to save the pet and save him from death.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

One of the most common problems is the situation when the cyclamen turn yellow leaves. The innocuous reason for this may be the offensive of the plant during the rest period after the end of flowering - in this case there is nothing to worry about. So the flower begins to prepare for a break, transferring all the nutrients from the aboveground part to the corms.

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But if cyclamen does not belong to deciduous, and also turns yellow in the phase of active growth and flowering, it is worthwhile to be alert and carefully study the bush. Yellowing of leaves can be caused by such factors:

  1. The bush "outgrew" its pot and is cramped. Should change the pot on a wider one.
  2. The flower lacks moisture as a result of lean or missed irrigation, as well as low humidity. It is necessary to adjust the watering regime and install pallets with wet pebbles near the cyclamen.
  3. If a cyclamen turns yellow and leaves dry during flowering, it means that on the face a lack of nutrition and bush should be supplemented with a complex mineral fertilizer.
  4. The room is very hot.
  5. Direct sunlight and, as a result, burn.
  6. Cyclamen was chosen by pests.
  7. The plant is affected by a fungal or bacterial infection.
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Where did the short peduncles come from?

A significant value for the cyclamen has a watering regime. It is impossible to allow the soil to completely dry out and vice versa - to fill the flower to the state of the swamp. The combination of these conditions together with the low temperature of the plant content leads to the fact that the cyclamen shortens the peduncles.

If your flower inflorescence has blossomed under the leaves on short peduncles, you need to adjust the watering.

Cyclamen disease

Cyclamen, like any other indoor plant, is not immune from various diseases. If you do not start treating the flower in time, you can lose it.

Among the diseases of cyclamen it is worth noting such infections that affect the flower more often:

  1. Gray rot. Symptoms: the leaves turn yellow and become covered in a gray bloom. Reason: high air humidity and low temperature of the plant's content. Treatment: removal of all affected parts of the bush and treatment of cyclamen by Fundazol. In addition, for the prevention of gray rot should avoid overflow and regularly ventilate the room.
  2. Fusarium. The disease is also called fusarium wilt. Symptoms: first the leaves turn yellow on one side, then the infection spreads to the entire leaf plate, and then it dies. Gradually the leaves of the cyclamen all fade. Reason: fungus. Treatment: remove diseased leaves, pour the bush with Fundundol solution, and topchin-M abundantly spray the remaining leaves.
  3. Wet rot. Attributes: the bush abruptly and quickly begins to wither, spreading putrid smell. Reason: watering with contaminated water or standing next to a sick plant. Treatment: when a bulb is damaged, a flower is very problematic. You can try to clean the rotten places, treat the fungicide and transplant it into fresh soil. Otherwise, the cyclamen should be isolated from other cultures and destroyed, so as not to spread the infection.
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What insects like to eat cyclamen?

Another problem in the cultivation of cyclamen are pests. Juicy leaves of the cyclamen attract attention of not only florists, but also various insects. Having established who exactly attacked your flower, you can help him get rid of "uninvited guests". This can be done using a magnifying glass or by the nature of the changes that occur with the bush.

The appearance of a cyclamen tick is easy to notice by such signs:

  • first, the leaf plates begin to lose their shape and ugly curl;
  • then cease to grow, and become rigid;
  • inflorescences fade, and flower stalks deform (curved).

Unfortunately, it is often impossible to get rid of an insect, because the usual insecticides and fungicides do not have the desired effect on it. It remains only to voluntarily "kill" the plant, in order to avoid contamination of all the flower collection.

If on cyclamen appeared thrips, leaves of the plant:

  • first they are covered with white dots;
  • then they merge into gray-silvery spots;
  • begin to twist;
  • gradually die off.

In the fight with thrips use Aktaru or Phytoverm. At the initial stage, when pests are not yet very many, the drugs can help get rid of them. With a massive defeat, the flower dies.

One of the most dangerous pests of the cyclamen is the scab, primarily for the reason that it is impossible to get rid of it with the help of drugs. Often, the flower growers do not even notice it until the flower begins to vanish. If you saw protuberant growths on petioles, peduncles or the reverse side of leaves, it is not a deformation of the plant, but a very dangerous enemy. The shield from above is covered with a strong semicircular shell protecting it. The insect is firmly attached to the flower, literally fusing it into one, and no chemical preparations will help here. To get rid of a scabbard on cyclamen it is possible only mechanically, manually tearing it off.

To facilitate the process, before removing the pest, it must be wiped with a swab dipped in alcohol. During the removal of soil under the bush should be covered, so that the scab does not fall into the pot.

Frequent "guest" on cyclamen and aphids. These small white insects suck from the leaves of the juice, as a result of which they begin to twist and deformed, covered with a sticky coating, and young leaves appear small and also curved.

Cyclamen can be released from aphids by washing the leaf plates regularly with a solution of green or household soap, additionally spraying the bush with Phytoverm.

Why does the cyclamen not bloom?

Despite the fact that the plant has very beautiful and decorative leaves, their color and shape is not the main ornament of the bush. Still, the cyclamen is grown for its adorable butterfly flowers, and it is very insulting when they do not want to appear.

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The reason for the absence of flowering in cyclamen may be such factors:

  • low level of humidity in the room;
  • lean irrigation;
  • high temperature content (he does not like it);
  • too spacious pot;
  • corms are completely buried in the soil (in varieties for which this is unacceptable).

By adjusting these errors and creating comfortable conditions for the plant, you will soon see its flowering.

As can be seen, most of the problems with the cultivation of cyclamen we create ourselves, not providing the plant with proper care. Fortunately, this can be corrected by paying attention in due time to the changes that occur with the flower. Surround your cyclamen with care, and he will please you with a chic bloom.


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