Why do grape leaves dry?

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Last summer my vineyard had a lot of pain. First, the leaves began to dry on one bush, and over time the disease spread to almost all plantings. Tell me why the leaves of the vine dry and what to do?

Grape growers often face beautiful green leaves that suddenly begin to dry and then fall off. This may be due to abrupt changes in climatic conditions, as a result of which grapes become vulnerable to various diseases. One sick bush is able to infect and destroy the entire vineyard, so it is important to start treatment on time.

Causes of Vine Leaf Drying

Before proceeding with shrub treatment, you should find out the specific reasons why the leaves of the vine are drying and what caused the infection to occur in order to prevent the situation from recurring. Crops grown in northern latitudes are more susceptible to diseases. This is due to the fact that they should be covered for the winter. High humidity and minimal air access under this very shelter create a favorable atmosphere for the development of fungi.

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Insufficient amount of light, heat and moisture or improperly selected soil also affect the immunity of grapes.

If the leaves first brighten and then dry, this indicates a lack of nitrogen. Grapes should be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers or make manure.

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Diseases of grapes, their treatment

Shrinking of vine leaves suggests that the shrub is infected with infections or fungus. Among the diseases of the shrub should be the most common and dangerous:

  1. Mildew .The leaf is covered with spots of yellow color with a white bloom at the cutting. Treatment: spraying Bordeaux mixture between the formation of buds and the beginning of flowering, and at the beginning of the disease - “Rodomilom-gold”( provided that more than a month is left until harvest). Prevention: sowing between dill shrubs.
  2. Oidium. During a drought, ash leaves first appear on the leaves, then they dry out completely, and the berries crack and rot. Treatment: spraying with sulfur solution. Prevention: to ensure good air circulation inside the bush and between plants, regularly pruning and removing weeds.
  3. Gray Rot .In conditions of high humidity, leaves are covered with a gray fluffy bloom, which is carried by wind to neighboring bushes. Berries turn brown and rot. Treatment and Prevention: sore leaves to tear off and burn, and spray the bush with a solution of 0.5 tsp.soda per liter of water.
  4. Alcoholism .The underside of the leaves is covered with olive bloom, rolling on the clusters. Berries get lilac flow and fall off. Treatment : tear off and burn the sick fragments, spray the bush with Bordeaux mixture.
  5. Rubella .In the hot summer red dots appear on the leaves, with time the whole leaf turns red. Treatment : treatment with drugs Kvadris, Fundazol.
  6. Alternaria .The edges of the leaves dry up, and dead spots form in the center. During rains, mold appears on the sheet. Treatment : treatment with fungicides Skor, Colfugo super.
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