Why cracked floor screed does not last long

It happens that the floor screed crack. This occurs for various reasons, for example, improperly made seams or their absence when the temperature changes can cause cracks. Also, when preparing the solution, you need to be careful, since excess or a small amount of water can also lead to cracking of the base. Weak reinforcement, small screed thickness, in a word a violation of GOST during work.

Often, if the screed is made on its own, then they save on materials or forget to moisten the concrete during the drying process so that there are no cracks.


Why you should not just repair the coating

This is strictly forbidden, since a cracked coating will weaken the planks of the parquet or laminate, the adhesive coating. Therefore, the floor will begin to play. If the cracks or pieces of the screed move, you will have to remove the base. You can use a hammer or chisel for these purposes.

Repair screed can be done, but enough of this work for a maximum of 5-7 years. This is because only cracks are eliminated, and the foundation itself is not touched. It can give new cracks in 2-3 years, after which they will have to be embroidered with special tools and filled with bitumen, mounting or rubber mastic.

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What will give such a repair:

  • protection of joints from moisture;
  • compensation of thermal expansion and compression of concrete;
  • when filling cracks with a self-leveling screed, the surface will become ideal.

Do not touch the floor for a month, so that the screed freezes. This will allow not to repair the coating after 7 years in a new way.


What options for screeds exist

In order for the floor to last for a long time, you do not need to lay the laminate on top of old boards, but it is better to disassemble completely and pour concrete with a cement-sand mixture. Only after this can the defects of the wooden floor be corrected or completely replaced.

The second option is to use a dry screed or gypsum sheets. The third one can use an already thick ready-made mixture, which is sold in the store.

After this, you don’t have to worry that there will be problems with hydro, heat and sound insulation, as well as broken rotten boards that have not changed since the construction of the house. Especially such a misfortune happens with secondary housing. However, in new buildings there may be flaws in the filling of the screed, so do not rush to make the coating, check how well the screed is made.

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