Appeal or not appeal tax decisions?


  • 1 Received tax notice - decision. What to do?.
  • 2 Appeal or not appeal?
    • 2.1 What specific decisions of the fiscal service can and should be appealed?

In the modern world there are not many entrepreneurs who have never come across a tax service. This meeting is inevitable, and, unfortunately, most often it has a negative color. Ukraine is no exception in this matter. Sometimes, decisions, acts and decisions are formed illegally, often this happens due to the lack of reliable and justifying your actions facts. To avoid such situations, it is important to have a personal tax consultant in the person of a highly qualified lawyer.

Received tax notice - decision. What to do?.

It’s definitely impossible to delay appeal. No matter how important your plans are, in the near future, we advise you to take a moment and contact a tax attorney. Only a professional knows his job all subtleties of appeal and can solve the problem before the consequences become irreversible. Its task is to warn you from unnecessary material costs and maintain a good reputation of the company.

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A tax lawyer in Kiev will help:

  1. Properly make a complaint about an unlawful tax notice - a decision;
  2. Submit a written complaint to the supervisory authority of the highest level;
  3. Provide copies of all documents, evidence and calculations;
  4. Effectively appeal a controversial tax notice is a decision of the court.

This issue is relevant not only for entrepreneurs, because the tax burden in Ukraine is enough high even for an ordinary taxpayer and tax disputes about this are and will be relevant.

Appeal or not appeal?

Unfortunately, not all taxpayers are ready to fight for their rights. But, the statistics are encouraging, because in our country more than 75% of the decisions of the fiscal authorities, which went through all stages of the appeal, were canceled.

A guarantee of a positive result is a high-quality and well-composed appeal to the court.

What specific decisions of the fiscal service can and should be appealed?

In fact, you can appeal almost all decisions of the tax service. The main thing is to do it competently and on time. Most often, entrepreneurs turn to a tax attorney for assistance in appealing:

  1. Order on tax audit;
  2. The results of a tax audit (tax notice - decisions);
  3. Tax invoice registration stops.

One of the most reliable and safe solutions to avoid problems with fiscals is to call your lawyer for complaints in the initial stages of doing business. An experienced lawyer, thoroughly versed in legal and tax issues, with a 95% probability will be able to resolve the controversial situation in your favor.

Do not fight with windmills alone - only a person who has worked with tax authorities for a long time can find the right approach on time and eliminate the threat to business.

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