When to plant pepper on seedlings?

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Fragrant cucumbers, ripe tomatoes and juicy Bulgarian pepper - something without which it is impossible to imagine a summer-autumn period. Grown-ups, they undoubtedly acquire a special taste. And if about any nuances of caring for tomatoes and cucumbers knows any self-respecting summer resident, then about pepper there are some questions. Let's try to answer them.

Planting seedlings

One of the most faithful and favorite ways for gardeners to get good bushes and crops is to grow pepper seedlings on their own. Why is this necessary? Very simply: to grow normally, the Bulgarian pepper needs warmth. And since we can not change the temperature outside the window, the seedlings will have to be moved to the room. In the open ground, shoots, if they rise, will quickly freeze and wither. And attached in cozy pots somewhere on the southern window, will grow much faster and stronger.

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What are the advantages of the initial planting of pepper on seedlings:

  • the period of fruiting increases;
  • the maturation of fruits in the future is accelerating for 2-3 weeks;
  • there is no need to deal with weeds and pests.

These nuances are enough to make the right decision and think about planting pepper seeds for seedlings.

How to determine the timing of planting pepper for seedlings?

To accurately answer this question, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the region and the climate in which the seedlings will be grown. Therefore, we generalize.

If you are going to transfer plants to the open soil in the first ten days of May, the planting of pepper seeds for seedlings should occur already in early March. And provided a long daylight hours, - even at the end of February. And even earlier, if it is possible to move the seedlings into a warmed soil, for example, into greenhouse conditions.

Often in January the weather becomes fairly clear. Do not let this lead you astray, because the winter days are too short and the shoots will not have enough light. With a strong desire, seedlings can be illuminated with special lamps for 12 hours a day. Of course, when to sow pepper on seedlings it's up to you, but it's easier just to wait for February-March. LED lamps can be used in the event that you want to plant seedlings later laid, for example, in April. This will help plants mature faster and be ready to transplant into open soil by the right time.

Read also:How to make LED lighting for seedlings?

Briefly, what needs to be considered when choosing when to plant the seedlings:

  • length of light day;
  • the expected date of transplantation of seedlings into the ground;
  • quality of seeds.

Note! The seed quality can also affect the seeding of peppers on seedlings. Some manufacturers specifically overdry them to extend shelf life. Such seeds will sprout an order of magnitude longer. There are also certain varieties with a late fruiting period. Usually this is written on the packaging, so when buying seeds, be careful.

Where to put?

As it was said earlier, the Bulgarian pepper does not like cold, and certainly needs direct sunlight. This is an important nuance, which must be remembered. The best place for pots with sprouts is the southern window, flooded with sunlight. In warm days they can and even need to be put on a glass balcony.

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When exposing glasses with pepper, check whether it is on the windowsill and whether there is enough heat on its surface. If not, be sure to put something under the seedlings.

Where to begin?

When choosing a container in which peppers will be planted, remember that he does not tolerate pickings. If you still decide to put the seeds in one common pot, and then seed, then the seedlings will linger in growth for several weeks. It is better to immediately select individual glasses, ideally starting with a volume of 100 ml.

There is an opinion that peppers do not need a lot of space. It's a delusion. As the roots grow, it needs to be transferred to large tanks, ending with two-liter. Of course, in apartment conditions, it is almost impossible, but it is better to know how to properly grow pepper seedlings and, if possible, to approach the rules as closely as possible.

It is better to pre-soak the seeds, especially if you see that they are over-dried. This will speed up and increase their germination. When the quality of seeds can not be determined by eye, you can try to plant a few things in advance and find out how quickly they will ascend. Based on this, you can find out whether it is worthwhile to soak them and more accurately determine when to plant pepper on seedlings.

The soil for seedlings must be warmed and "fed". It is best to mix the land with wood ash, humus and sand. And for heating, you can pre-pour hot water into the cups with the soil, collecting the evaporation on a film stretched from above. Remove this film is necessary with the first ascended shoots.

Read also:Growing strawberries from seeds

Is it difficult to care for pepper seedlings?

In stores today there are enough fertilizers that are suitable for sprouts of pepper. Here the main thing is not to overdo it, but just carefully read the instructions and follow them. Let them be better "undernourished" than vice versa. The frequency of watering depends only on how quickly the earth dries up in the pots. This just needs to be watched. In terms of watering, the pepper is unpretentious, but you should not forget about it either.

With the ascending shoots, it is important that the roots have enough access to the air, so the soil must be constantly loosened. And in general, the roots for pepper - "sick" place. Planting plants in the open ground, in no case can they be damaged and, if possible, even deformed. This leads to a significant slowdown in growth, and in the future - to a decrease in fruiting.

Summing up

As you now know, in general, care of pepper seedlings is not so complicated. Observance of just a few simple rules will help you gather a large and good crop of juicy pepper:

  • always give the pepper as much heat and light as possible;
  • Do not regret for each sprout a separate container, as it grows, increasing its volume;
  • let the roots breathe;
  • Do not overfeed and do not fill the pepper seedling with water.

Read also: when is it better to plant tomato seedlings?

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