Fodder for chickens and chickens

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Combined feed is a dry balanced mix consisting of grains of different cultures, products with high protein content, amino acids and protein, as well as various fats, minerals and vitamins. For each stage of growth, feed for broilers is compiled individually, so that the bird grows healthy and quickly gaining weight. A dry mixture can be purchased in ready-made form or made by hand. The latter option is preferable, since then it is known exactly which ingredients are mixed, and there is no doubt about their quality and origin.

Especially since many manufacturers use synthetic analogs instead of natural ingredients in finished feeds, which mix poorly and settle on the bottom of the feeder. In addition, making feed with your own hands is more profitable, it is enough to buy grain and add vitamins and mineral supplements to it. Even in this case, the price will be lower than that of the finished combined mixture.

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Methods and norms of feeding, as well as the basic composition of feed

The optimal feeding methods are two-stage and three-stage. In the first case, the starting mixture feeds the chicks up to one month from the moment of their appearance. After that, gradually transferred to the final composition for a set of muscle mass. The three-stage method consists of a pre-mix mixed feed for broilers, used to strengthen the immune system and active growth. They are fed until three weeks. The next two stages are the same as in the two-stage method of feeding.

Feeding broilers for longer than three months is not recommended, since before that time they have fully grown and gain the maximum possible weight.

In the composition of mixed fodders for broilers must be present the following components:

  • forage wheat and corn;
  • cake or meal;
  • bone or fish meal;
  • fat;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • salt.

Depending on the stage of growth of the chickens, the percentage of each ingredient will also vary. The main thing is to correctly calculate the necessary amount of feed, since underfeeding or overfeeding causes deviations in the health and growth of broilers. From the table below you can find out how much to feed to one chicken, depending on its age.

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Broiler age Feed amount, gr
Up to 14 days 15-25
From 14 to 30 days 50-120
More than 30 days 150

In the first week after hatching, they need to be fed 8 times a day. In the second week they feed 6 times, on the third 4 times, from the fourth and up to the slaughter 2 times a day. You can give out as a dry mixture or a wet mash, but it is bred in such quantity that the bird could eat all at once. Because of prolonged downtime, the mash from the mixed fodder for broilers is sour, and this can cause an upset of the intestines. Diluted from the calculation of 1 kg of a dry mixture of half a liter of milk, whey or broth. The fiber content in any kind of food should be up to 4%, as it is not fully digested by the intestines of broilers. Therefore, do not pour a lot of barley, oats or herb flour.

To increase the nutritional value of the food, it is recommended to yeast or germinate the grain. For 2 liters of water, use 1 kg of the mixture and 10 g of yeast. Leave to infuse for 7-9 hours, stirring occasionally at the same time.

Recipes for combined feed

Ways of preparing mixed fodders for broilers with their own hands are huge, the main thing is that all ingredients are quality and natural. As soon as the chicks hatched, they are fed finely chopped boiled eggs, cottage cheese, millet, small croups, and also milk-based buns. The main thing is that the food is easily digestible. 3 days after the appearance of the chicks, small milled grass (dandelion, clover, sow) can be added to the mash.

Combined feed for them must consist of the following components:

  • corn - 50%;
  • wheat - 16%;
  • cake or meal - 14%;
  • kefir - 12%;
  • barley - 8%.

Recipe for starting mixture:

  • corn - 48%;
  • wheat - 13%;
  • sunflower meal or cake - 19%;
  • bone meal - 7%;
  • fat - 1%;
  • herbal flour - 3%;
  • yeast - 5%.

Corn and cake will provide broilers with vitamins, herbal meal with protein (instead of it you can use alfalfa), and bone or fish meal with protein. In order for the combined mixture to be high-energy, it must have a minimum of 40% of cereals, with two species.


The recipe for the final mixed fodder for broilers, which you can do by yourself:

  • corn - 45%;
  • wheat - 13%;
  • sunflower meal or cake - 17%;
  • bone meal - 17%;
  • fat - 3%;
  • herbal flour, chalk - 1%;
  • yeast - 5%.
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When the bird reaches the last stage of fattening, it needs to be fed with more caloric mixtures, so that it quickly gets the maximum weight (2 kg).

Next to the troughs must always be fresh and clean water at room temperature.

Poultry feeds differ not only in composition, but in size. For example, two-day chicks can not eat large granules, they just will not swallow them. In addition, their digestive system can not cope with such a rough food. Therefore, it is necessary to select a combined mixture for each age of the bird separately.

Table with the sizes and structure of mixed fodders for broilers made by own hands.

Broiler age Structure and size of feed
Up to 10 days Microgranules or small groats
From 11 to 30 days Granule 2, mm
From 30 days Granules, mm

The best way to feed the broilers is combined, when the dry mix and wet mash are alternately produced. Mixed feed can be kept in the feeder constantly, and the mash-pan feed 2 times a day.

What feed is best for broilers and how much does it cost?

The mixture for feeding is selected depending on the age. Pre-start feed for broiler chickens is marked with PK5-1. They are fed a bird up to 14 days old. Its main component is chopped corn, and also contains barley, peas and forage wheat. All these ingredients contribute to the active formation of bones of the skeleton, and have a positive effect on the work of the intestines and stomachs of chicks. After it broilers slowly accustom to the starting mixed fodder with marking PK5-2, as they have time of intensive growth. As soon as the bird reaches the age of one month, they are transferred to the constant feeding before slaughter with the final feed of PC6-1.

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To find out what feed for broilers is the best, you should carefully study the composition of the products. It should contain only natural ingredients. It is also better to purchase fodder from large producers that have quality certificates. If you buy products of a little-known company, then there is a chance that the bird will not receive enough vitamins, as a result, may get sick.

As a starting mixed fodder for broilers with a price of 1350 rubles for 40 kg, a combined mixture of BR-1 (Start) for nestlings with an age of up to 14 days proved to be a good one. As a basis, it uses corn and wheat, and also contains fishmeal, sunflower and soybean cake, salt, chalk, vitamin-mineral premix, amino acids and vegetable oil. For poultry with age from 14 to 30 days often get a combined mixture of PK-5. It is also based on wheat and corn, but there are also wheat germs, meat-and-bone meal and yeast. The price of this mixed fodder for broilers starts from 1100 rubles for 40 kg. As the final feed, BR-3 (Finish) is used - 1300 rubles, or PC-6 at a cost of 1000 rubles per bag.

Helpful Tips

To quickly grow broilers, you need a combined mixture. On a normal fodder, the bird will grow much longer and may not gain its maximum weight until the time of slaughter. Do not feed broilers for longer than three months, as this is unprofitable. In addition to the main feeding, it is necessary to use medical preparations against the appearance of illnesses, as well as to carry out the disinfection of the pen. It is impossible that access to food was hampered, and a crush occurred in the cage. With proper and rational feeding, monthly chickens should weigh from 500 to 700 grams, and two-month-old 2 kg.

If you feed the broiler only with compound feed, then in 40 days they reach the maximum weight in kg, and they can be sent to slaughter. It is noticed that the pellets are better absorbed by the bird, therefore, if it is planned to breed a large amount of poultry, it is recommended to purchase a granulator machine.

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