How to close up irregularities in the ceiling, if the joints of plates with a large difference


  • 1 Ceiling Leveling Methods
    • 1.1 Wet Alignment Method
    • 1.2 Dry ceiling alignment method
    • 1.3 Decoration in a particular style

In panel-type houses, uneven ceilings are often found. Incorrect junction of plates or other visible defects. Developers pay little attention to this nuance, but the owners want to make the surface as flat as possible. In this material, we will consider the main options for aligning the ceiling and how to decorate irregularities.

Ceiling Leveling Methods

In order to determine which alignment method to apply, it is initially worth measuring the height difference. If the defect is insignificant, then in this case you can do with traditional plaster. When the difference is large enough, more radical methods will have to be used. There are three main types of solutions to uneven ceilings:

  • Wet method, involves the use of plaster and putty mixtures;
  • Dry method, manufacturing a suspended structure or stretch canvas;
  • The decoration of bumps in a stylistic form.
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Wet Alignment Method

To align the ceiling with small differences in height, you can use various plaster and putty mixtures. The process itself is simple, but it requires a lot of patience from the master. The thing is that it is necessary to remove not one separate section, but the entire surface, and the layer thickness should not be too large. As a rule, surface leveling is done in several layers, where the first two are rough and the third is fine. For a small room, the method justifies the effort, but when it comes to a large room, it is worth using other methods.


Dry ceiling alignment method

This method is one of the most simplified. It consists in the fact that a frame crate for gypsum board is made and you can get an absolutely flat surface. Also, with the help of drywall constructions, you can make a two-level ceiling, which today is quite popular, but subject to a sufficient room height. Also, as an alternative, you can make a stretch ceiling, which will help completely hide all the bumps and make a perfectly smooth surface. In time, this method is the fastest, and the life of the tensile structure is estimated for decades.


Decoration in a particular style

Sometimes irregularities on the ceiling, especially if - these beams can be used in interior design and thus not hide them, but rather emphasize. Recently, it has been especially advantageous to use imitation timber for uneven ceilings. Such a box is already completely ready for installation and it is enough to choose the design according to the style and can be fixed. On such a scenery, you can install additional lighting, which perfectly emphasizes the peculiarity of the room and can visually zonate the room.

There are many options for leveling the ceiling, and everyone decides what is best for him. The abundance of building materials allows you to realize any fantasies and ideas.

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