Cleaning the boiler yourself

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When the storage water heater is used for a long time, it periodically needs cleaning. You can clean the boiler quite easily with your own hands and at home.

Why do I need to clean the boiler from scale?

If in a private house or apartment there is a storage boiler, then you should know that it periodically needs cleaning. To be more precise, its two main parts:

  1. the internal surface of the tank;
  2. the surface of the heating element.

Cleaning the boiler of scale is a must. If you do not spend it regularly, every few months, then it threatens to increase the consumption of electricity and possible damage to the boiler.

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The reason for this is the low thermal conductivity of the metal scale formed on the surface. As a result, the heating element for heating a large volume of water needs to work longer. Which is the reason for the increase in electricity consumption.

In the end, if you do not remove the scale from the heating element, the following will happen:

  • The water will cease to heat up at all or it will be heated very slowly;
  • The heater will fail due to overheating.

Of course, many models of water heaters are equipped with special thermostats, which do not allow the heating element to overheat. But often this is not enough reliable protection.

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Ways to clean the boiler from scale

Clean the boiler from scale, or rather the inside of the tank, in different ways. At home, without disconnecting the device from the wall, you can realize only two:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The mechanical method of cleaning is more labor-intensive. Since it is necessary to dismantle the TEN, which is far from always easy. This process is often associated with a certain risk and complexity: it is always possible to damage the insulation of the heating element. This may result in a short circuit.


The chemical method is simpler, it is carried out with the help of specially designed tools. Do not disassemble or dismantle the boiler itself. It's enough just to fill it with water and add a special compound to it.

Cleaning the boiler heater by mechanical means

Cleaning Ariston boiler, as well as other typical devices of this type, begins with its disassembly. This operation is not difficult, to implement it requires the following tool:

  • adjustable wrench;
  • set of carob split keys;
  • a set of screwdrivers of various types (cross and splined).

If this is the case, disconnect the boiler from the wall. Thus, you can work with maximum comfort. After dismantling, turn the device upside down to start work.

Cleaning the boiler with your own hands begins with its disassembly. It is carried out in the following order:

  • With the help of two screwdrivers, the front panel is removed - it snaps on;
  • the handle of the thermostat is removed - it is not fixed in any way, you just need to pull it on yourself;
  • unscrew the special screws that hold the panel (under it is the electrical part);
  • the power supply cable is disconnected - in order to do this, it is necessary to unscrew the three screws that secure the three cores (phase, ground and zero);
  • the thermostat and the flange, which conducts heating (the TEN itself is located on it), is unscrewed.
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The arrangement of all boilers is typical. Although some manufacturers make their products original. For example, the company Ariston came up with a unique way to fix the heating flange. It is shot as follows:

  • the part is pushed from the boiler body;
  • turns clockwise;
  • stretches itself.

Installation is strictly in reverse order.

After the heating element has been removed, it is necessary to scrape off all the scales formed on the surface with a knife or other similar object. Do this very carefully, so as not to damage the upper metal layer of the TEN.

When the cleaning is completed, the heater must be assembled in the reverse order. By reconnecting all unscrewed screw connections and supply wires.

Descaling the boiler heating tank

Many people ask themselves: how do I clean the boiler? Its internal surface is cleaned with special chemical compounds. This is done as follows:

  • it is necessary to scrape out all the inside of the scale of the tank with hands;
  • inside poured water, mixed with a special cleaning compound;
  • the water is drained together with the debris.
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In no case should you do the following when cleaning the inner surface of the boiler tank:

  • try to remove scum with sharp objects (knives, screwdrivers);
  • use abrasive (sandpaper and other);
  • touch the magnesium rod.

Pay special attention to the magnesium rod: if its length is less than 0.2 m, then you should buy and install a new one.

Cleaning the boiler from scaling and smell in the home is a laborious process, but necessary. It allows significantly increasing the life of the water heater. Since the main cause of breakages (scale) will be eliminated.

Important nuances that must be observed

To familiarize with how to clear a boiler from a scum, it is possible on the Internet, on set of a various sort of resources.

When performing cleaning of the boiler it is necessary to observe many different nuances:

  • power supply can only be provided if the tank is completely filled with water (otherwise the heater may fail);
  • after the assembly it is necessary to leave the water-filled boiler for several hours under supervision for leak detection (weak spot - flange);
  • after completion of work, it is necessary to rinse the container.

All operations must be performed as accurately as possible. Assembly should be carried out as neat as possible. Incorrect phasing or inaccurate handling can lead to boiler failure and expensive repairs.

Video instruction for cleaning the Thermex boiler from scale

Another video about cleaning the boiler with your own hands (step by step)

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