Can I put a microwave on the refrigerator?

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It is hard to imagine a house without a microwave. This type of household appliances has come into life and has become an indispensable assistant. So that from an assistant the microwave does not turn into an enemy, it must be taken seriously, used only for its intended purpose, installed in accordance with the rules of technical operation. In this article we will find out whether it is possible to put it on the refrigerator.

Microwave in the fridge
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Microwave Prerequisites

After purchasing a microwave oven, you need to read the instructions, prepare it for work. In addition, the appliance must be placed in the kitchen, installed securely, and conditions created for use. But what to look for when installing?

Microwave installation
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Comfortable height

The location of the microwave should be convenient, safe. Height for installation to meet the requirements of the family: the growth of the owners, the convenience of placing dishes. The possibility of young children reaching the control panel can cause burns. According to the standards, the distance from the floor to the microwave must be at least 90 cm and not higher than 150 cm. It is optimal to place it at a height of 7-10 cm below the mistress's shoulder. This is the most comfortable and safest height.

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Proper ventilation

For any placement of the microwave oven, special attention is paid to ventilation. The appliance is electric heating, so the case must be naturally cooled. This condition is specified in the installation rules.

The location of the microwave in the kitchen
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First of all: at least 10–15 cm should be a gap on each side and from below, at least 20 cm from above.

Secondly: When installing in a closed cabinet, ventilation is mandatory, and when turned on, keep the cabinet door open.

Thirdly: when installed above the stove there should be a screen covering from overheating. The microwave is operated at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.

Can I put the microwave on the refrigerator or next to the freezer

The instructions for some models clearly indicate the inadmissibility of placing microwave in the refrigerator and freezers, and it is not recommended to install heavy objects on these devices. This is not the best installation location. The owners resort to this method in a very small kitchen, when it is difficult to find another place.

The location of the microwave in the refrigerator
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  • Vibrating the refrigerator may cause the microwave to shift and fall;
  • Modern refrigerators are high, it is inconvenient to put and take out dishes, it can lead to burns;
  • Only warming up and defrosting is possible. Cooking in such an oven will not be possible: during long work, it negatively affects the refrigerator, the electronic settings;
  • Connecting two electrical appliances into one outlet will create a large load on the network;
  • The microwave is heavy, it can push and spoil the top of the refrigerator. To avoid the consequences, it is necessary to lay a wooden coating (plywood) between the microwave and the refrigerator.


  • The opportunity to make room in a small kitchen;

You can only install a microwave on a refrigerator in the most extreme cases when there is no other installation option.

Safety of installing microwave ovens in kitchen appliances

Any technique is undesirable to put on another. Operating appliances influence each other. This is vibration, heat, radiation. If the microwave is installed on another appliance, then if it breaks down, warranty repair will be refused.

The location of the microwave in the kitchen
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On the microwave oven, too, you can not put electrical appliances: kettles, TV. From above you can put light souvenirs, a vase. The main thing is that this does not interfere with ventilation.

Where better to put a microwave

From design to rationality, you can define several placement options.

Embed in the kitchen 

Thinking over the design of the kitchen and the headset, it is easy to insert the microwave in the right place. This may be a niche, a closable cabinet, a combined part with an oven and a microwave oven.

The microwave oven is built into the kitchen
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+ you can choose a place;

+determine the height of placement;

+ the outlet will be conveniently placed inside the headset, the wires will not spoil the appearance;

if it is not possible to install next to the countertop, it is inconvenient to get hot food;

It is necessary to provide ventilation and allowable clearances from the walls of the headset.

On the bracket 

The safest and most comfortable accommodation. Special brackets are designed to hold the microwave oven securely. The fastening should be on a strong concrete or brick wall, according to all the requirements of the instructions.

Microwave Bracket
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+ reliable fastening;

+ good ventilation, the microwave is open from all sides and from below;

+does not occupy a place in the working area;

+individually selected place, installation height;

In a niche

Niches specially provided in headsets or independently converted are used for convenient microwave placement.

Microwave In Niche Kitchen Set
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+ convenient location, does not interfere;

+ the wires are hidden;

Heats up, mandatory ventilation is needed;

Under the countertop 

Sometimes, to the detriment of the drawer under the countertop, they arrange a place for a microwave.

Microwave Under Countertop
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+ if rarely used, it does not interfere;

it is inconvenient to take out dishes, the oven is very low, you have to bend over;

small children can get control buttons or a hot dish, which is very dangerous;

On the table

The most common microwave arrangement.

Microwave on the table
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+ always at hand;

+It is convenient to put and get dishes;

takes place;

the table under the stove becomes dirty, you often have to raise it for cleaning;

can not be placed near the sink and stove, afraid of moisture and overheating;

On the windowsill

In order not to take up space on the table, you can adjust the microwave on the windowsill, but only on condition that it is wide.

Microwave on the windowsill
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+ free space on the table;

in winter, glass fogs from the microwave;

flowers cannot stand such a neighborhood;

not aesthetically pleasing.

In separate rooms 

If there are special pantries or rooms where household appliances are installed, you can put a microwave there.

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+ does not interfere;

+any radiation and exposure is minimized;

you’ll have to go to the pantry for every heated dish.

The location of the microwave oven depends on the capabilities of the kitchen, its size, on the design and desire of the owners. But for the safety of the family, it is necessary to adhere to the requirements of the instruction.

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