How to grow onions on the windowsill and what you need

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Green onions have been cultivated for several millennia. This is the most popular greens, the harvest of which is very simple to obtain. Being interested in the question of how to grow onions on the windowsill, it is necessary to study the rules for growing greens at home.

Features of growing onions on a feather at home

There are several ways to grow onions on the windowsill, and each of them has its own characteristics. You can start growing greenery at home in the month of January. In order to determine whether this vegetable is ready to let out a feather, it is enough to put one onion in water. If the roots begin to grow actively, you can plant the rest.

Some plant onions in the greenery of the house in winter at a time. It should be understood that the feathers are not stored for a long time, they will have to be eaten quickly. Two weeks are enough for the pen to reach the desired length, and the crop will be ready. It is more convenient to plant onions at home on the windowsill, in turns, in separate small batches.

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It is enough to plant ten to twenty bulbs a week to provide greenery for the family. Before starting this event, it is worth deciding which variety is suitable for home breeding.

Bow on the windowsill

Which grade is better to choose

When starting growing onions at home, you need to understand that not every variety is suitable for these purposes. In total, several hundred species of this useful root crop are known, but the following varieties develop best at home:

  • Batun. This plant cultivated in warm Asian countries grows well in the substrate. Productivity is quite high, despite the fact that the greens are not very lush. Distinguish between perennial and annual batun;
  • Shallot. It turns out delicious aromatic greens of excellent quality. It can be noted a good yield and unpretentiousness of this variety. The vegetable can grow freely next to other herbs;
  • Leek. Unpretentious variety in care, does not require special care. The feathers are green, dense, somewhat similar to garlic arrows, with a pronounced aroma and taste. A great option for home erection;
  • Schnitt. It has the highest productivity, the feathers are delicious, juicy, fragrant, long. Suitable for home planting, but requires special care.

For greens, it is preferable to choose fruits with a large number of primordia. For growing green onions at home, varieties such as Arzamassky, Rostov, Amber are excellent. Batun and leek grow better from seeds, other varieties can be grown from seed.

A multi-nested fruit is an ideal way to get a lot of onions on a feather at home. The peculiarity is that many sprouts come from one root crop. It is often called kuschevka. The most popular varieties are Danilovsky, Pozharsky, Bessonnovsky, Union.

Varieties of onions

Dates and methods of planting onions on a feather at home

Sprouting onions is carried out in two ways - in the ground and in water. You can start the landing in January. If germination is done by seed, it should be kept in a warm place for a week, and then transferred to the windowsill. By this time, 1-2 sprouts should hatch.

Many make the same mistake, immediately after disembarking they put a container to the window. Do not do this, seedlings should spend 7-10 days in a dark place. This will allow the formation of the root system, the heads will be fixed in the ground. After which the greens will need a lot of light.

Onion in a tray

Conditions for growing onions at home

When deciding how to plant onions at home, special attention should be paid to the conditions of germination. In winter, feather distillation is very active. It will turn out to provide the family with greenery if the place for its cultivation is properly organized. No special containers are required for planting; any vessel will do.

Growing onions in the ground

Location and Lighting

The dishes must be placed on the windowsill, because nowhere else will the root crop receive so much natural light as at the window. And the better the lighting, the better the greenery develops. Ideally, the onion sets on the windowsill overlooking the south, southwest, and southeast sides. You can put containers on the insulated loggia.

To speed up the distillation, you can organize artificial lighting, but it is worth remembering that this plant does not like heat. For lighting, special phytolamps are used, for example, luminescent. The lamp is installed at a height of 50-60 cm from the tank, it is desirable that the lamp works around the clock.

Bow in stand

Temperature mode

Onion is a cold-resistant culture, so it does not tolerate high temperatures. The optimum temperature regime is 18-20 degrees. It is important to ensure that the container in which the sprouted onion sits does not overheat. Foil wrapping will save the sun. Dishes should be kept away from the radiator.

To reduce the time for obtaining greens, you can increase the temperature to 24 degrees, but no more. It should be noted that when the temperature rises above 30 degrees, growth stops, the feather withers and turns yellow. The capacity can be rotated during the day, this will allow you to get more even greens.

If planted correctly, the feather will reach the desired length in 2-2.5 weeks. The food uses greens 15-25 cm long, and the lower part of the fetus is removed. Many housewives try to use top dressing for better vegetable growth. This culture does not require the use of any means. She already grows fast. In winter, it is permissible to water the root crop with water diluted with ash in it.

How to grow green onions on a windowsill

There are general recommendations that will ensure the cultivation of green onions on the windowsill.

  1. Fruits in autumn should be kept in a dark, ventilated place, this will save them until planting. You can plant green onions at home at other times, but it will go out of dormancy longer.
  2. Before planting, each root crop is cut in the widest possible place, this ensures an increase in the number of feathers obtained. But if the greens hatch, then pruning can not be done.
  3. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the fruit in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can use ordinary water. Soaking time is 8-10 hours. This procedure contributes to faster pen growth.
  4. Water for watering greens should be taken at room temperature or slightly warmer. Growing greens in the ground, you need to ensure that it is not too damp. Otherwise, the bulb will quickly rot.
  5. It is worth cutting feathers after they have all sprouted. This will make the bush more magnificent. Cutting can be done several times, at the place of the cut new greens grow.
  6. Fruits one bulb for no more than 2 months, then it is depleted. The fruit is removed from the ground, in its place you can plant a new bulb.
Growing onions on the windowsill

How to grow green onions at home in the ground

It is very convenient to grow green onions on a windowsill in the ground. Planting fruits is made close to each other. During the growth of the pen, the vegetable itself dries out, and there is more space. This allows you to get more green from a small planted area. You can choose any soil, in a simple garden ground a long and high-quality feather grows.

When planting onions at home on greens, you should correctly select the capacity. The container or bottle must have openings for water to exit. Under them you need to put a pallet. The height of the walls should be sufficient so that there is enough space for the development of the root system. Otherwise, the roots push the fruit to the surface of the earth.

The soil should be fairly loose, with an acidity of not more than 7 pH. Some experts recommend adding wood typos to it. Before planting greens, the earth must be steamed or calcined in the oven to protect the fruits from various diseases. The bottom of the tank is covered with drainage, the soil layer should be 8-10 cm. Planting is done shallow, under the ground there should be no more than 2/3 of the bulb.

Bow feather

You can plant the house onion in the ground in a more original way - vertically in a plastic bottle. In a prepared container at a height of 6-7 cm from the bottom, cut several rows of holes. Their diameter should not exceed the size of the planted bulbs.

Pour the first layer of soil into the container to the level of the lower holes. To lay out a number of fruits, germinated places should be directed outward. Fill up another part of the earth, lay out the onion again, and so on until the bottle is full.

When choosing this option for growing onions on a windowsill in winter, you can use soil or earth. Mineral wool, sawdust, napkins can also act as a filler. This method will provide a crop without unnecessary costs.

How to grow onions in water on a windowsill

Another worthwhile way to plant onions on the greens on the windowsill is to use a container of water. This is the most popular option, it does not require any costs at all. Any housewife will find a jar in which at least one root crop will fit.

Already sprouted onions are best placed in a container of water. The fruit should not be completely in the water, otherwise it will rot. You can buy containers, they look aesthetically pleasing, do not spoil the interior and take up little space. There are some nuances of growing onions on a window in water:

  • Water in a jar should be regularly added;
  • Periodically, the fluid must be changed, it becomes cloudy;
  • To germinate onions in water, you need to take a liquid at room temperature;
  • The water used is settled;
  • It is ideal to use an aerator, it will provide constant access to air.

At home, you can build a container. Foam or a homemade wooden lid with holes is placed in a wide container at the bottom, and water is poured. Sprouted bulbs are stacked on top.

If separate plastic cups are used, the fruits should be larger in diameter than the size of the cup. You can make lids with holes from the foam, wire or cardboard for them, where the roots of the vegetable will descend.

Green onions on a windowsill in water are ready for use after two weeks.

Onions in water

Onion Sevk House on the windowsill

Growing onions on the window can be done using seeds, they are called chernushki. The speed and time through which greens can be obtained depend more on the quality of the seeds, on the variety and supplier. It is important to properly prepare the seeds for planting. To do this, they are first disinfected, sorted by size, put on a napkin of gauze or bandage, folded four times.

The prepared material is poured with a small amount of water with potassium permanganate diluted in it. The color of the liquid is intensely purple. After 25-30 minutes, a napkin with seeds is washed in running water, placed in a solution of a biostimulant. This substance promotes better root growth and development. Known and popular stimulants are Epin, Cycron. For ½ cup of water, one drop of solution is required. Soaking time - 20 hours.

After the expiration of the period, the seeds are washed again with water, the container is left in a dark cool place for germination. The cloth must not be allowed to dry completely. To do this, it is periodically wetted with ordinary water at room temperature. A lot of liquid should not be, otherwise the seeds "suffocate". Thus, the material is kept until small white roots appear.

Planting onions at home is carried out in special containers. In size, they should fit under the windowsill. By weight, it is better to choose light products, so that it is easy to move them. An important parameter is hygroscopicity. Each container should have drainage holes. The soil for planting is better to choose from mixtures for vegetable or onion crops.

Be careful with fertilizer. It is better to put it less, an excess of organic substances negatively affects the taste of the vegetable and its keeping quality. Small seeds are distributed neatly at regular intervals in the ground, this is painstaking work. You can lay them out with tongs, or mix small seeds with talc or sand and sprinkle them into grooves.

From above, the seed is slightly sprinkled with soil, the earth is moistened with a sprayer. Close the container with a lid or plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. The coating is removed after the appearance of the first sprouts. Care for the growing beam is very simple, it is enough to spray it with water every few days and after 2-3 weeks to fertilize fertilizers.


Even schoolchildren know how to sprout onions at home on a windowsill. This is a simple and fascinating activity that will provide a family with fresh fragrant herbs at any time of the year. Growing onions on a feather at home is economically more profitable than buying greens in a store. Even taking into account the costs of seed, sowing, soil, containers, the cost of greenery will be incommensurably lower.

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