How to make a household granulator for animal feed with your own hands and what is the price of a new

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To convert the bulk combination into granules, use household granulators for feed, the price of which depends on engine power. The higher its rate, the more pallets are produced in 1 hour. Granulated food is stored much longer than usual and is more convenient to transport. It is also easier to give the necessary portion of food to livestock or poultry, depending on their age and needs. This device can be made with your own hands, especially since the price of a household pelletizer for compound feed is quite high. For example, equipment with a capacity of 150 kg / hour costs 65,000 rubles, while a model delivering 1000 kg / hour of feed costs 255,000 rubles.

The principle of operation and the device of the granulator

The device works as follows: from the top, the raw material is poured into the tank, which, falling on the matrix, is pressed by the rollers into its holes. The finished granules wake out through a special window in the housing.

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There are models of household granulators for animal feed, made with their own hands from the meat grinder. Instead of rollers, a screw is used instead of rollers, but such a device will need finely ground material. Such an apparatus can only be used for mixing soft materials, such as herbs or combination blends.

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To assemble the granulator, the following parts are required:

  • base( frame);
  • die and rollers with a serrated surface;
  • enclosure;
  • electric motor;
  • gearbox;
  • shaft.

The frame must be welded from sturdy steel, as it must withstand heavy loads and vibration during operation. Pelletizer housing for feed, you can cut your own hands from a wide pipe, or make a cylinder from a metal sheet. It is best to do it collapsible, to be able to serve the unit if necessary. At the bottom there should be a window for the output of the finished granules of the combined mixture.

The case diameter is chosen so that the matrix can rotate in it with a minimum gap.

Matrices are produced in two types: flat and cylindrical. The first one looks like a round disk with holes. Most often it is used to create granulated feed, as it is capable of processing raw materials of any hardness, and the speed of its work is higher.

The cylindrical matrix is ​​a drum with holes inside which the rollers rotate.

Matrix is ​​better to buy ready-made, since its creation will require special machines. Holes in it must have a conical shape, tapering to the bottom, so that the granules are more compressed.

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Assembling a granulator

In order to avoid gross errors, it is recommended that you first make with your own hands detailed drawings of the location of all the details of the household granulator for feed.

After the housing is ready, a gearbox is installed in its lower part. It will transmit the rotation from the electric motor to the granulator shaft, so that the matrix or the roller can rotate.

In the upper part is set the matrix and the rollers, which are fixed to the shaft. The rollers are mounted on the shaft using rolling bearings, and are also mounted on a rotating axle through the same bearing. Their clamping to the matrix is ​​regulated by a threaded nut. This entire unit is installed in the casing lugs and remains stationary during operation. The rollers are selected so that their width across the surface completely covers all the holes in the die.

An electric motor is mounted near the case. Using a belt or chain drive it is connected to the gearbox. A cone-shaped tank is placed above the body, through which raw materials will be fed into the granulator.

The video shows a drawing and a pelletizer for feed that you can do yourself:

To assemble an apparatus for pelletizing feed from a meat grinder, you will need the following details:

  • frame;
  • meat grinder;
  • electric motor;
  • matrix;
  • belt, 2 pulleys.
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The matrix is ​​made of the same diameter as the standard grinder. The protruding ribs are removed inside the casing so that it fits snugly as possible( only a minimal gap is left).The cover for the device is made with free space inside. That it was not necessary to do new if it is necessary to establish a matrix of a greater thickness. Outside, knives are fixed on it, which will cut the granules of the required length. Both pulleys, the electric motor are mounted and the belt is tensioned.

The belt is installed without teeth, so that if something happens, it can slip. As a result, the motor will not overheat and will not burn.

Even in the case of the purchase of some parts, such as press rollers, bearings, the price of a domestic pelletizer for feed produced by itself will be lower than that of a ready-made store. In addition, it is possible to assemble an apparatus operating with the help of a manual force, without an electric motor. But before you buy or collect the granulator itself, you should consider that in addition to it, you need a crusher and dryer.

Homemade Granulator - Video

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