How to choose a mixer for the kitchen: rules and features of choice

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Drum mixer
The presence of a mixer at home in the kitchen will be appreciated by any housewife. It will make it easier to mix or whisk various ingredients when cooking products. But the stores have such a large selection of these devices that it is difficult to understand how to choose a mixer, on which the manufacturer to stop, what functions and features can be useful, how not to overpay for unnecessary bells and whistles.

What is a mixer and what is it for?

Why is it needed in the kitchen? To whip or mix different foods. But do not confuse it with a blender, as it is faster, more powerful and turns products into an even mass with sharp blades. Compared to the mixer, it is less powerful, it has no blades.

Mixer selection

In stores, you can find two types of such devices: some are called manual, while others are stationary. They look different: their difference is not only in power, but also in size. The main advantage of devices with a bowl is that they are more powerful and work better, as they have a more efficient engine. Manual models are no worse, and in some cases even better. They are small in size and therefore can be used almost anywhere. But at the same time, they are less powerful, since the engine is hidden in a more compact body.

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Some distinguish the third type of mixer with a bowl - mixed. This is when a special stand for it comes with the handheld device. Such a model is convenient in many cases. If you need to quickly mix or beat something, then it is not necessary to get the whole structure.

How does he work

The main device in the mixer is an electric motor. The main task is to mix various products during cooking. The first such devices were large in size and took up a lot of space. For this reason, they were used only in production. But in the 50s they became much cheaper and became widespread.

How to choose a mixer and which is better for the kitchen: stationary with a bowl or manual?

Kitchen mixer
The main ones are mixers with a bowl and stand or without a bowl. The first can be attributed to stationary, and others - to manual. Already by name you can guess what their main difference is. During operation, the hand-held mixer must always be held by hand, and the stationary mixer works automatically without any help. Therefore, most people prefer stationary models, as they are more powerful and do not require constant monitoring of work. But the price of such a device will be much higher.

To make a choice in favor of any kind and decide which is better, try to imagine how it will be more convenient for you to mix the necessary components. If you want to keep it in your hand all the time and independently control the process, then there is no point in paying more for the stationary model. In any case, the result will be the same, so start from your desires and habits.

Hand Mixer

The hand mixer has another important plus. It is easy to clean and wash in a few minutes. This is all possible thanks to its compact size. But in contrast to the stationary one there is a plus, which is deprived of manual. During work, you can do any other business in the kitchen and save due to this time on the cooking process.

If the mixer was still stopped on a stationary model, it is important to consider the volume of the bowl. It is better to take with a bowl of maximum volume. But keep in mind that such a device will take up more space. Such a bowl will be up to 2.5 liters. Another characteristic of the bowl is the actual volume. It means the volume of the product that can be mixed so that the mixture does not spray. This volume will be less and will be about 1.5-2 liters.

Which mixer is better

Consider how large the bowl is for which dishes:

  • 1 liter. In a bowl of this volume you can cook mainly only sauces or omelets;
  • 2 liters. Such bowl sizes will already be enough to knead the dough or whip the mashed potatoes. But there are few models with such a bowl on sale;
  • 3 liters. The most popular and versatile option. This volume is enough for preparing any dishes;
  • more than 3 liters. Such a volume for expensive and powerful devices. But they are particularly reliable and are intended for frequent and active use.

The material itself, of which the bowl is made, is also very important. Cracks or scratches do not appear on supports made of quality material; they are environmentally friendly. The main materials are plastic, glass or metal. The main plus of plastic is light weight. But low strength requires more accurate use. Metal is more expensive at a price, but it will also be more reliable in strength. Glass is considered the most environmentally friendly material, but also the most fragile.

Upgraded Kitchen Mixer

There are also modernized options for sale. In such devices, apart from the nozzles themselves, the bowl itself also rotates. Moreover, it can rotate along a variety of trajectories. Although the price of such a device is higher, but the components will mix more carefully.

Before buying, pay attention to the material from which the device is made. If the case is plastic, you need to inspect for cracks or nicks in it. Such places will be polluted; they cannot be cleaned. According to this factor, a metal case is more desirable.

The right mixer

Buy models only of famous manufacturers:

  • Vitek. Attract with a good design, workmanship and the presence of a large number of functions at a low price;
  • Polaris Elegant, easy to operate, multifunctional, have a durable case;
  • Bosch Fast, quiet in operation, convenient size and with a rotating bowl;
  • Bork. Professional models with a stylish look, quiet operation and powerful engine;
  • Moulinex. This company stands out for its high reliability and long service life;
  • Scarlett Suitable for daily use, are the best option for the kitchen at home;
  • Supra. Conventional and inexpensive devices without unnecessary frills.

Power selection

Directly related to the speed of work is the power of the device. But at the same time, this parameter indicates the amount of energy consumed. The greater the power, the better the devices cope with mixing thick dough, because mixing takes place at high speed. On average, for hand mixers, power ranges from 160 to 400 watts, while for stationary mixers it can reach up to 1000 watts.

Kitchen mixer power selection

If you plan to prepare a batter or cream, you can buy a model with a power of not more than 300 watts. To be able to whip marshmallows, a thicker and more powerful dough, consider options from 250 watts and above.

How to use nozzles

Use mixer
Together with the mixer comes from at least two nozzles and more. These are various corollas and spirals. One nozzle is for beating, and the other is for mixing the components. It is important to pay attention not to the shape of the nozzles and the way they work, but to what material the nozzles are made of and how reliable they are.

Often there are different nozzles for cooking mass from various products. A special nozzle, with the help of which it is possible to beat mashed potatoes, so as to get a uniform mass without lumps. There are nozzles with which mixtures or mashed potatoes are prepared for children from various fruits and vegetables. Including a special nozzle can go to the device to grind products using a removable knife made of stainless steel. It can be useful if you want to chop onions, garlic or other products.

Required Features

Typically, mixers have a large number of different speed modes. In cheaper at least 3 modes. If we consider options for the average price range and higher, then in such models there may be 10 or even more speed modes. To simplify the selection of the right speed, you can focus on the pictures on the device. They will tell you which mode is best for a particular dish.

Mixer functions

For faster preparation of the desired mixture, in some models there is a useful function “Turbo-mode”. When this function is activated, the power of the mixer, i.e. the speed, increases for a short period of time. This feature can be useful if you need to quickly grind the lumps that remain during normal operation. The "pulse" mode works in a similar way. The main point of this mode is that the stronger the button is pressed, the more power and faster it works.

Learn the features and choose a mixer with the following features:

  • nozzle discharge;
  • protection against overheating and clogging.

Button "ejection nozzles" will be very convenient. And the function "surge protection" may be needed at the moment if you are too keen on preparing the mass and the mixer has been working at high power for a very long time. In case of overheating of the engine or locking nozzles, it will turn off and will not malfunction.

Some devices have the function of moving the nozzles up and down. There is no need to overpay for this function if you do not need it.

For more comfortable use, make sure that the mixer has a rubber handle and a special compartment in which the cord will be hidden. A big plus will be the presence in the set of various blades, measuring cups and brushes for cleaning. But use them for their intended purpose in strict accordance with the instructions.

Mixer Care

Proper mixer care

If the material of the nozzles is normal and can rust, wash them separately. Stationary mixers are often sold with aluminum nozzles. This metal may lose its color after washing in a dishwasher. If the material of the nozzles is similar to plastic, then most likely it is aluminum, on which a special coating was applied. In such cases, the use of a dishwasher for washing is also prohibited.

The mixer body itself cannot be washed under water, so it is wiped with a damp soft cloth or sponge. The valve is cleaned with a toothbrush or a toothpick. But after that, it is mandatory to blow it off to remove residual debris. If there are children in the house, try to clean it away.

Terms of Use 

Kitchen Mixers
Use standard nozzles only to whip batter or cream. In no case do not try to knead the dough with it. If it is thick or rigid, the engine will burn. Also, the mixer can easily overheat if you use an ordinary vegetable knife for mashed solids. This knife is intended only for vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers or others. When cooking any food, take the hair away so that it does not get on the nozzles.

Despite all the tips, it is useful to read the operating instructions before use in order to know the features of a particular model. And reviews on the Internet will allow you to find out the main advantages, disadvantages or features of use. This way you will learn how to choose the right mixer for your kitchen. After that, you will know which parameters of the appliance are especially important and will be able to purchase the most suitable model both in online stores and in household appliances stores in your city, without overpaying for unnecessary functions.

A photo

Mixer model
What are the types of mixers
Home mixer
What are the mixers
Mixer model
How to choose a miser
Modern electric mixers

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