Desktop electric oven: pros and cons, models

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The oven is the most demanded device for preparing and cooking food. The modern market provides a fairly diverse selection of ovens: whether they are powered by gas or have the ability to connect to the electrical network. However, the latter is gaining high popularity, despite the noticeable power consumption. Many people ask the question: tabletop or built-in kitchen set? In this article, we will take a closer look at the desktop oven.

The electric desktop oven is a convenient and mobile device for cooking.

Tabletop oven

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Pros and cons

Main advantages:

  • Large selection of control modes.
  • Self-cleaning function based on steam.
  • Sound signals, thermostats can also take place, especially when it comes to modern models.
  • Uniform heating of food (convection).
  • Fits perfectly into the overall interior of the kitchen.
  • The convenience of use. The oven can be placed at any height, depending on preference.
  • The presence of minor useful functions.
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Main disadvantages:

  • Uneconomic operation associated with a sufficiently high power consumption.
  • The quality of the power supply wiring must be of a high standard.

Criterias of choice

When choosing an oven, you should focus on certain points. The sizes of the dishes used, in order to give preference to a more mobile option, if necessary. You should also take into account such a nuance as the composition of the family and the estimated budget.

An important point! when choosing a cabinet, you should count the number of devices powered by electrical energy. An overload in operation can lead to a short circuit and the subsequent shutdown of the entire network in the apartment.

For many people, the appearance of the cabinet also plays an important role, so that it fits harmoniously into the interior of the kitchen. It is worth paying attention to usability.

The device with many different buttons, displays and panels attracts attention, promises full automation in cooking. However, it may not be very convenient and understandable for everyday use. This should also include cabinets that are too bulky for a small kitchen.

The main criteria are primarily:

  • Safe use.
  • Convenience in everyday use.
  • Harmonious combination with the interior of the kitchen.
  • The presence of additional "smart" functions.

Modes and functions

The electric oven is divided into classic, with a standard program and simple instructions, and multifunctional models. One of the important points that you should pay attention to when purchasing an oven is its functionality. Below are the main functions and modes of operation:

  • If a person is a lover of meat with a fried, crispy crust, the grill function will come in handy. By design, it has the shape of a small spiral and turns on in a few minutes.
  • Convection. This function makes it possible to uniformly heat the atmosphere inside the stove. In this case, burning of the prepared food is completely excluded. It is a special fan of small dimensions.
  • Hydrolysis and pyrolysis cleaning. Very handy features that many will like. Especially for those who do not want to waste time cleaning and washing the inner walls. In the first case, the principle of purification is heating. A temperature of the order of 300 degrees is created, which causes all contaminants to burn out. To start the hydrolysis system, pour water onto a baking sheet. In the process of work, water will evaporate and drain into the pan along with the remaining fat.
  • The presence of a retractable cart. A very useful accessory that will protect your fingers from burns.
  • Timer. With its help, you can set the required time for the preparation of a particular dish.

Mini oven

Power selection

When choosing a power, consider the size of the oven and the amount of energy consumed. Of course, large and powerful cabinets have certain advantages in terms of cooking speed. However, electricity consumption and subsequent costs for it are significantly higher. It all depends on the budget: if a person is able to "maintain" a more powerful cabinet, then the choice should be given to him. Replace old, rotten wiring for fire safety purposes.

Independent manufacturers took this nuance into account, so they came up with special markings. They help you navigate the choice of an oven. Class A is the most economical option. The cooking process may take a little longer, but the energy consumption will be minimal. Class C is a fairly energy-intensive class. It should be borne in mind that the consumption of electricity will be large, and therefore the costs for it are similar. The average consumption of an oven is 2 to 5 kilowatts.

Rating of the best mini ovens

Stoves with a budget of 5000 r. It is possible to buy them at an inexpensive price even in Moscow and other large cities:

  • Delta D-023 is a fairly common electric mini-oven in the purchase.
  • SCARLETTSC — EO93O11 - the most affordable price for an oven with a total power of 1500 watts.
  • Rommelsbacher BG 1055 / E - the presence of several operating modes. Good overheating protection.
  • FirstFA-5045-2 Stell - the possibility of simultaneous operation of the tile and the cabinet itself.

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