Infrared heater is harmful or not

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In the off-season period, when it's not yet quite cold, but already not warm, almost everyone uses heaters of different types. Fan heaters, oil coolers, electric spiral appliances are familiar to the consumer for a long time. Today, equipment manufacturers note the high efficiency of infrared heaters and recommend using only such devices. The performance characteristics are attractive, but we would like to know whether the infrared heater is harmful or not before purchasing it for your family.


  1. A little about infrared radiation
  2. Is the infrared heater harmful?
  3. Do infrared rays benefit?
  4. Exclude harm can be

A little about infrared radiation

Any type of heating device used by a person emits infrared rays (IR) waves of different length and intensity. Who does not like to bask under the warm rays of the sun? In this case, prolonged exposure to the sun can harm the skin. The positive and negative effect of infrared rays on a person is determined by the depth of penetration of radiation into the skin.

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Let's look at how the infrared heater works and what makes it different from other heaters. The uniqueness lies in the fact that the energy is transferred to the surface of the object with virtually no loss. The higher the temperature of the device, the more heated the heating object. The maximum heating of the plane occurs when a large number of short waves appear, which is observed when the heater itself is heated. If during the operation of the device mainly on a heated object there are short waves, the benefit parameter falls to zero, and the harm from the infrared heater increases.

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Today there are 3 types of heaters on sale:

  1. Instruments that are heated to 300 degrees with a wavelength of 50-200 microns.
  2. Instruments that are heated to 600 degrees with a wavelength of -50 μm.
  3. Devices that are heated by more than 800 degrees with a wavelength, microns.

Infrared rays with a wavelength of less than 3 microns penetrate through the upper layer of the skin and are capable of damaging human health.

Is the infrared heater harmful?

If you install the device in a room and sit in front of it for a long time, a burn may appear on the skin facing the heater. This is due to rapid warming up and evaporation of moisture from the upper layer of the skin under the influence of IR.

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Influence of IR radiation on the human body has been studied for a long time. In medicine, infrared rays are used during physical therapy procedures. Sessions of medical procedures are strictly limited in time. Production of heaters with permanent infrared radiation physicians are considered harmful. Under the strong impact of the rays in the inner layers of the skin, changes can begin.

Do not allow long-term exposure to infrared rays on the eyes to avoid the lens and retina burn. After such a burn, there is a risk of cataracts.

Attached low on the ceiling the device will permanently affect the head. Ceiling models must be hung as high as possible and directed at an angle, which will significantly reduce the harm from the infrared heater.

Do infrared rays benefit?

The human body also emits radiation waves of 3-50 μm. Natural infrared radiation has a length of 7-14 microns. In these parameters, the body receives radiation as much as possible. Using in the healing procedures of heating the infrared waves of a certain length, physicians support the patient's body in tone and help him to recover. The number and duration of sessions is strictly limited so as not to harm.

Long infrared waves do no harm to the body. With their help, a person can increase the body's immunity.

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Is the infrared heater harmful to health? We can say that with the correct choice and installation of the device, the harmfulness is reduced almost to zero.

When choosing an IR heater model, you should pay attention to its technical characteristics and to know the range of radiation waves. That it does not harm you this parameter should be in the range of 3-10 microns.

Exclude harm can be

Positive feedback from specialists on the use of infrared heaters in everyday life are based on the following rules:

  1. The power of the device you purchased should match the parameters of the room or be adjustable.
  2. Radiation from the heater should be directed towards the wall or floor, not the person.
  3. Try not to let infrared rays hit your head.
  4. Do not install IR heaters in the children's room.
  5. The use of infrared devices on the street is not harmful.

Numerous reviews of users of household electric infrared heaters mark the efficiency of their use at the dacha, when in a short time it is necessary to warm up the house in wet weather or create a comfortable recreation area in an open gazebo.


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