Goose withdrawal by artificial means in an incubator at home

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The conclusion of goslings in an incubator at home is considered to be a lucrative and interesting business. A person who breeds birds will be able to sell meat and provide a useful product to his family. Goose eggs are highly appreciated, and can be eaten. They have a beneficial effect on the work of the brain, excellently saturate the body and are rich in vitamins A, B, C, K. The breeding of goslings in an incubator and the subsequent maintenance of birds is a simple task. It is enough to know the basic rules and recommendations, so that the growing process passed without problems.

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Selection of eggs for incubation

Any experienced poultry breeder knows that there are two methods of breeding goslings - natural and artificial. In the first case, a hen is used, which is played by an adult goose. For artificial removal of geese in an incubator at home, an incubator will be needed. It can be purchased for a different number of eggs.

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Incubation of goslings will be successful if selected in advance good eggs. For this, the ovoscope will be useful. With its help, you can determine how good a copy is. Before testing, too small and large eggs should be weeded out, as well as with cracks and other defects on the shell.

When using an ovoscope, pay attention to the following:

  • the yolk must be strictly centered;
  • protein should not contain dark spots;
  • the yolk turns back into the correct position when turned.

If you keep the birds and plan to take their eggs to evaporate the goslings in the incubator, then you can influence the quality of the specimens. To do this, feed adult individuals with a balanced feed, correctly calculate the number of males and females, every day bring geese to the pasture. In this case, most eggs will be of good quality.

How to remove goslings in an incubator?

Store eggs before placing in an incubator for more than 7 days. Goose go in a day, so you have to wait until a sufficient number of copies are collected. The storage temperature should be 10-15 °, and the eggs lie only on their sides with a blunt end up. To ensure that the embryos do not die, they should be turned over to the other side after 4 days. If stored for longer than a week, then the chance to get live and healthy chicks will decrease significantly.

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Excretion of goslings at home is carried out according to certain rules. They should not be violated, as the number of surviving and healthy chicks depends on this. If grown for the first time by artificial means, it is necessary to familiarize with the process in detail.

Basic rules of incubation:

  1. Maintain the correct temperature. In the first days of 38 degrees, and then until the end of incubation, the temperature is reduced to 37 degrees.
  2. Observe the humidity level. Water in special grooves should be constantly.
  3. In time, turn the eggs 180 degrees, setting the egg blunt end up.

When asked how the geese are excreted in the incubator, it is enough to simply answer. The scheme of actions is always the same, and it is suitable for every person. Before laying, wash the eggs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate in order to decontaminate them. Put in liquid for 3 minutes for a couple of hours before laying. To prepare the solution mix 5-7 crystals of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water, the temperature of which is 30 °. The amount of solution can be increased while maintaining the indicated proportions. After the eggs are washed, they can not be wiped with a rag. You need to let them dry yourself, so as not to break the protective shell.

Place the eggs in the incubator on a grate. Put them to the side and nothing else. The first week should be maintained at a temperature of 38 °, higher it should not rise. To control the temperature, use a street thermometer. To remove the goslings in the incubator at home, eggs are sprayed for the first 7 days, and then do not spray for a week. From the 15th day, spray again

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It should immediately be marked with a simple pencil shell, by signing the date of the bookmark on it. This is necessary in order to know when they are about to hatch. Particularly useful in the event that later one or more bookmarks will be held. Top mark with the letter B, and the bottom - H, which helps not to get confused when turning the eggs.


Turn the eggs at least three times a day, so that the embryo does not adhere to the wall. Do this in the same time interval. It is important to perform the action quickly, so that the eggs do not have time to cool. If the incubator has an auto-turn function, then it is recommended to set the periodicity to 4 hours. It is important to remember that no need to turn the eggs from the 26th day of incubation.

The first 10 days of eggs do not cool. Then, once a day, turn off the incubator and open the lid for 5-10 minutes. In the second half of the incubation, the cooling time is increased to 20-30 minutes, carrying out procedure 2 in the morning and in the evening.

So you need to continue evaporation of goslings. As for temperature, it should remain at 3 °. You should start sprinkling eggs with warm water, doing this once a day (you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate). Experienced breeders recommend adding 5 drops of vinegar to the glass of water. This is necessary in order to soften the shell. It is desirable to immediately cool the embryos immediately after spraying for 20 minutes.

The first check and rejection of the eggs is done on the 10th day of incubation. On day 21, you need to check the fetus again with the help of an ovoscope. The contents of the egg should be dark, the lumen can only be at the blunt end. The boundaries of the air chamber are uneven. If the fetus is killed, it will be displayed as a dark stain without vessels. In this case, the egg should be removed to make room for a better warm-up.

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Approximately on day 28 it is necessary to take out eggs, to lay a piece of cloth on the lattice, so that the toddlers do not damage the legs. Open the special vent on the lid of the incubator. Very soon the chicks will start hatching, and this should be prepared. The temperature is reduced to 37 °, and the humidity to rise to 90%. Sprinkle with potassium permanganate every 6 hours. There were cases when the chicks appeared before the month. Therefore, how many days the goslings are hatched in the incubator, the question is controversial.

How many hatching will the hatch?

Often one can hear the question of how many days to remove the goslings at home. It is usually asked by beginner poultry farmers. The period is individual for each case. But on average they appear no earlier than 28 days and not later than 31. The first to split the shell chicks from small eggs, and then the rest. If problems arise with the incubation, and one of the babies can not get out on their own, it will require human intervention. It is necessary to begin to help a day after the beginning of the piercing.

How hatchlings hatch

It will be useful for each beginning poultryman to watch a video of how the goslings hatch in the incubator. It will help to better understand the process and in the future feel more confident when the kids begin to poke. At the end of the incubation period the chicks begin to knock actively into the shell. It's enough just to listen. If in doubt, attach the egg to your ear.

On the withdrawal of goslings in an incubator at home, we can say the following. It was successful if the chicks themselves began to poke themselves for 28-30 days. This can take from an hour to a day. If the process is delayed, you need to help the baby hatch. You can release only if the shell is drained, otherwise the nest will die.

If the person comes up to the breeding of the geese responsibly, then it will end successfully. Most of the chicks hatch, and you can start looking after them.

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