How to grow broilers in cages or what conditions need to create chickens

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Novice poultry farmers are wondering whether it is better to grow broilers in cages or in a special program in a cage or in a special program, as a result, beginners poultry farmers are wondering whether it is better to grow broilers in cages or in a special program in a cage -

To make an informed decision, you need to have complete information about the correctness of the content of chickens. Broilers are bred for weight gain in a short time, respectively, it is important to create favorable conditions for the chicks so that they develop correctly.

Pros and cons of

More economical is considered to be the cellular content of broilers, compared to the floor. But it, along with its merits, has its drawbacks.

The pros include a number of criteria:

  1. Saves space. From this it follows that energy costs will also be reduced, since chickens need light, heating and ventilation.
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  2. Significantly reduced feed consumption. This is due to the fact that chickens do not scatter feed and do not tread on it.
  3. Due to limited movement, mass gain is faster, as energy is spent on growth, not on movement.
  4. When growing broilers in cages, they are less in contact with other individuals. This communication is limited to the neighbors in the cell, which allows for timely action to be taken when the infection spreads.
  5. Easier daily cleaning. It also reduces the risk of spreading the infection, plus the chicken does not bite its droppings and does not breathe ammonia.
  6. Bird care more optimized. This includes not only watering and feeding, but also veterinary inspection, which should be carried out daily.
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chickens For large-scale production, a greater gain in weight will be a big plus, which will significantly increase profits, as the feed will be less than a week compared to the floor content.

The disadvantages include such indicators as:

  • high costs for equipment and cells;
  • creating a special indoor climate with birds - light, temperature, ventilation;
  • will have to purchase special feed for balanced nutrition of the chicken;
  • the occurrence of foot problems when a large weight is reached due to being on the grid floor;
  • necessarily need daily cleaning of trays in the litter;
  • taste is lower than that of free-range chickens.

After clearing the cage from chickens, disinfect it to prevent possible infection of the next batch of broilers.

Cages for a private house

In order for the content of broilers in the cages at home to be correct, you need to prepare in advance. First of all, select the premises, purchase the necessary equipment and purchase cells. You can build them yourself or buy a ready-made industrial version. You can use any room, for example, a shed. In the summer, growing broilers in cages is possible outside.

We must remember about the temperature conditions. Overheating will adversely affect the health of the bird.

The equipment includes:

  • lamps for lighting, as chickens need high-quality constant light for proper development;
  • special heating elements, since chickens need a high temperature of air - starting from 36 degrees, which gradually gets down to 18 degrees when growing up;
  • ventilation mechanisms necessary for the comfortable and healthy development of the bird.
  • feeders and drinkers.
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Growing broilers at home in cages involves acquiring or self-fabricating the cage. It can be bought by choosing from a variety of models produced in factories. In this embodiment, it remains only to choose the size and equipment of the cell. Many manufacturers sell cages with already built-in feed and water supply mechanisms, as well as with automatic cleaning of the litter tray.

In order to manufacture a cage with your own hand, it is advisable to first get acquainted with video broilers in cages at home. There are different variants of cells. It will be easier to navigate in the forms - from what materials it is easier to make them and easier to use.

To begin with, a framework is built. It can be made of both timber and metal profile. Further, it is attached to the grille for walls and floors. The walls can be made of plywood, but when installing the grill ventilation will be much better. For the lower part of the cells need a fine cell, in order to avoid injury to the chickens. Some mesh manufacturers install plastic pallets together. Galvanized sheets are prepared and installed under the cage floor. It is advisable to make them removable for ease of handling and cleaning litter.

Standards content

When broilers are grown in cages, you must adhere to the zootechnical standards:

  1. On average, per 1 square.m. there should be an average of 23 heads, while the weight at the finish should not exceed 40 kg.
  2. When chute feeding per 1 chicken, it is necessary to allocate about 2.5 cm. When feeding from a round container, individuals, on average, should be 50 pcs.
  3. With a vacuum drinker, which is produced in the first days, you need to respect the ratio of 50 chickens to 1 drinker. Further, with a gutter variant on the head, it suffices to select 2 cm.
  4. Compliance with temperature norms. When the chicks are still small, the temperature is maintained at about 36 degrees. After, decrease by 0.2 degrees daily. Thus, at week 7, the temperature should reach 17-18 degrees. With her in the future and contain adult individuals.
  5. Need to pay attention to humidity. It should be about 60%.The condition of the bird, its respiratory system and the sensation of temperature depend on the proper installation of humidity.
  6. It is important to follow the light mode. If for small chicks it is necessary to have almost round-the-clock lighting, that is, 23 hours a day should be lit with high-quality light. As you grow up, on day 7, you need to switch to the day / night mode. The light period will be about 17-19 hours.
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In order to grow broilers at home, it will take about 70 days in cages. After that, the chicken starts to gain weight more slowly and consume more feed. Accordingly, it does not make sense to grow it further. But even at this age, the weight of the broiler will be about 2.5 kg.

Broilers from chick to slaughter in cages - video

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