Glass-ceramic stoves and hobs are becoming more and more popular due to their presentable appearance and ease of use. But how to clean such appliances? They are much easier to care for than ordinary enameled ones, but have their own nuances when cleaning.

How and how to clean at home?
How to wash a glass ceramic stove? To begin, we will analyze the correct order.
- Disconnecting the device from the network.
- Next, moisten the surface with a wet cloth or sponge (but keep in mind that in some cases the stove needs to be left dry - carefully read the cleaning methods).
- Cleaning with auxiliary equipment.
- Abundant washing from chemical residues.
- Dry wiping.

Means for removing contaminants on ceramic glass stoves and hobs
Of course, the easiest way is to ensure that when cooking nothing splashes onto the panel, but this is not always possible. That is why below we will consider a list of ways in which you can clean the technique. From them you can choose the most suitable.
Folk remedies
- Olive oil. A simple and effective tool with which you can clean the stove - it can be found in any store. The oil gently and carefully removes even the most persistent dirt:
- moisten a soft sponge or cloth with oil;
- apply a cloth (or sponge) to the dirt and leave it for half an hour;
- after this time, gently remove the dirt with a sponge;
- After wiping off dried dirt, wash the hob using soap or glass and mirror cleaners.
You can also wipe the surface with a cloth slightly moistened with oil to create a protective layer. This layer will contribute to a simpler disposal of dirt afterwards.
- These products can be easily found in almost any kitchen, and the method itself is not difficult:
- make a mixture of soda and warm water, stir until sour cream;
- apply this substance on spots and leave for 15 minutes - no more, as the soda should not dry;
- with severe contamination, you can add lemon juice, which quickly and effectively dissolves any dried stains on glass ceramics - apply the juice directly to soda;
- take any soft cloth or sponge and start cleaning. Wash off dirt using a large amount of water so as not to leave streaks of soda;
- if the pollution is not removed the first time, repeat the procedure. You can leave the soda for a little more time: 20-30 minutes.
Soda is most suitable for getting rid of strong and stubborn stains, while not being aggressive in relation to a sensitive glass-ceramic surface. Moreover, it has a deodorizing effect and removes food odors from the panel.
- Table vinegar. It can be useful not only when preparing marinades, but also when cleaning your hob from stubborn dirt. What do we have to do:
- first, find some container with a spray gun to spray the liquid into the dirt;
- mix vinegar and water in a proportion of 50/50 in a container, shake;
- spray the solution on the surface and leave for a small amount of time - about 10-15 minutes;
- Wipe the stove thoroughly with a dry cloth or sponge.
- Liquid ammonia is ideally suited as an alternative to store solutions for cleaning glass and mirrors. It effectively fights against any burnt spots, gives shine to the glass-ceramic surface. The only drawback is the unpleasant odor during cleaning, so we advise you to ventilate the room during the cleaning process.
- mix water with ammonia in a spray bottle in a proportion of 250 ml per 50 ml;
- shake the container;
- spray the solution on the surface of the stove and leave for about 10-15 minutes;
- after this time, wipe off any remaining dirt and traces with a dry cloth or sponge.
Household chemicals
Glass Ceramic Care
Household goods stores sell products designed specifically for cleaning glass-ceramic surfaces. They differ in that they do not have abrasive particles that can damage the coating of the plate, and have a composition that gently but effectively fights even the most ingrained dirt.
Also, these products usually contain silicone, which, when exposed to the surface, covers it with a protective a layer that facilitates operation - the coating becomes more “flexible” when cleaning, dirt does not stick to it so much.
After cleaning according to the instructions for the product, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. What for? The remaining chemistry may begin to corrode the sensitive surface of the plate under the influence of high temperatures.
Glass and mirror cleaning products
Also, washing the hob is suitable for cleaning glass and mirrors. They must be sprayed onto a cooled surface, left for a certain amount of time and then wiped with a dry rag or sponge.
Secrets of Proper Cleansing
Do not use the same rags and sponges with which you wipe the dust or wash the dishes. Since after each wiping or washing the dishes, particles of old dirt may remain in the sponge, the glass-ceramic surface washed with the same sponge will be in ugly stains that are noticeable with the naked eye. It is advisable to immediately purchase all the necessary utensils for cleaning.
Removing old dirt
As mentioned above, the glass ceramic stove should be cleaned immediately after you stain it. But it happens that there is no time or effort at once for cleaning, and over time, the need to wash it completely flies out of memory. During this time, the mud can become very frozen and turn out to be almost “unkillable”. In addition to the above methods that will help you quickly remove contaminants through their dissolving, as a heavy artillery against old dirt will help a scraper with metal blades. Take it and scratch it very gently over the dirt, then wipe the cleaned area with a sponge or a rag with detergent so that the coating remains perfectly clean.
Use only metal scrapers, since plastic ones are not suitable for cleaning surfaces at high temperatures - they melt quickly.
Glass Ceramics Care and Pollution Prevention Rules
The first thing to know is that glass ceramics need to be cleaned as often as possible, since even accidentally spilled water can leave dirt and stains. What can we say about fat and oil - whether you like it or not, you will have to clean it after each cooking.
Also forget about cleaning the glass-ceramic panel with rough brushes, metal sponges and aggressive cleaning agents, as everyone is accustomed to cleaning familiar enameled models. Glass ceramic is intolerant of such aggressive cleaning, as its surface is easily scratched. Oven cleaners and stain removers are not suitable for her.
Regular, timely and gentle cleaning is the motto for proper maintenance of the glass ceramic panel.
When washing equipment with potent agents, be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your skin from chemicals.
What can not be done with glass ceramics
Despite the fact that glass ceramics is very durable and can withstand loads of any severity, it will not tolerate sharp point impacts - it is immediately covered with many small cracks.
Also, a glass-ceramic stove suffers greatly from sudden changes in temperature, for example, if you often put ice containers, pans, teapots on it. Before you put a cold kettle on a burner, check that it does not work, and only then turn it on.
To clean the surface, it is better to have rags specially purchased for your stove. Already used household items will only aggravate pollution.
Of course, it’s more pleasant when after cooking you don’t have to spend a lot of time cleaning, so try to be careful. Constant contamination not only takes you away from cleaning, but also significantly shortens the life of your stove. Many defects in glass ceramics become noticeable to the eye far from immediately, for example, you will not see cracks from a liquid that accidentally spilled onto neighboring burning burners. They are not visible instantly, but they appear later and lead to damage to the equipment.
Despite all the disadvantages described above, glass-ceramic panels are quite unpretentious and have no difficulties when cleaning. Believe me - in practice, care for this technique is not difficult. It is enough to remove dirt from the surface in a timely manner and not to forget about using gentle methods. And then the stove will please you for a long time with a luxurious appearance and excellent performance.
In addition to following the tips given by us, do not forget about the instructions for use given by the manufacturers of glass-ceramic hobs. Not all plates are the same - each has its own characteristics in use.
Proper maintenance of the equipment is a matter that allows you to save extra money, since glass ceramics are quite expensive. One has only to imagine how much money the repair of the device or its replacement will cost - and you immediately want to clean the stove as often as possible.
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