How to cut drywall at home?

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Drywall is one of the most common materials in construction, which nonetheless is very fragile. With it, not only sheathe ceilings and walls, but also create a wide variety of decorative elements of the home interior. However, its inaccurate cutting leads to cost overruns, and the inability to produce it leads to unnecessary costs for specialist assistance. But do not be upset, because it is not at all difficult to cut drywall correctly with your own hands, if you precisely follow the given instructions.

Drywall Cutting

Principle and rules for cutting drywall

Types of Drywall

The principle and rules of cutting are based on an understanding of what you are dealing with, so you should first study the structure of the material. But in this case, the name speaks for itself - the two outer layers are formed by cardboard, which serves as the basis for relative strength, and gypsum with fillers is enclosed between them. For various purposes, different types of drywall are used: standard, waterproof, fireproof. The first is used in all cases, excluding wall and ceiling cladding (moisture-proof drywall is used here) and structures, located in the immediate vicinity of a fireplace or other heat source (in this case, there is a fire-resistant material).

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Preparation and marking

Lay the GKL sheet on a flat horizontal surface and mark using a simple pencil, tape measure or ruler. A marker and a fountain pen are suitable for this procedure, but their traces are visible under the putty.

Marking on drywall for cutting

Immediately before or during operation, select the tool to be used for cutting. Before you opens up many ways to implement the plan, depending on the means you have. In fact, you can cut drywall with any sharpened object, but this will require certain skills. Consider the basic tools that can be used.

How to cut: tool selection

If you are going to cut drywall on a regular basis or at least often enough, it is recommended to purchase a professional tool once and not to suffer from improvised means in further. In any other case, you should have clerical - construction, reinforced - or mounting knives. Types of clerical are hardly distinguishable among themselves, but building is stronger. However, in any case, the cut from this knife is such that after it is necessary to eliminate the formed nicks.

For the operation being performed, a hacksaw for metal is quite applicable - its blade is thinner than that of a hacksaw for wood, so it wins in the accuracy of the subsequent result.

Another useful tool is a jigsaw. Its advantage is the lack of the need to think about how to cut drywall, because you just need to lead along the drawn line. To process the edges, additional tools are used, such as a peeling planer, the effect of which can well be reproduced with sandpaper.

When we figured out how to cut drywall, we can go directly to the methods of cutting it, the number of which is also large and varied. Let's consider some of them.

How to cut with a mounting knife

Knife Drywall Cutting

An assembly knife is suitable for cutting drywall into large longitudinal parts. First make the necessary measurements using a tape measure and a pencil, attach a metal ruler to the drawn line and start cutting the material with a point along the edge of this same ruler.

Drywall cutting procedure with an installation knife

Be careful and take your time so that the cut comes out smooth and accurate and matches the line from the pencil lead.

The core is cracked with a light tapping, then the plate is turned over, and the drywall is again cut in the broken place. At the end, the material should be processed with a planer so that the edge becomes smooth.

How to saw with a hacksaw

How to saw drywall with a hacksaw

It is worth noting that most often a hacksaw is used to cut rectangular openings. In this case, you need to draw drywall on the reverse side. Drill a hole in a corner of the drawing with a diameter so large that the hacksaw blade can safely enter there. You can also make holes on all sides. After the operation is completed, the edge, as in the previous case, is processed with a planer or file, depending on the size of the hole made. Important: it is desirable for the tool blade to be perpendicular to the plane of the drywall sheet. In this case, the edges come out more evenly.

Cutting a square hole in drywall

Jigsaw cutting

Drywall sawing with a jigsaw

Jigsaw is a tool that will help save time and your energy. Applying it, it is possible to saw and cut not only straight lines, but also smooth, curved lines and various shapes. If you use it, put the GCR sheet on two stools so that the previously drawn line of the shape of the desired cutout passes in the distance between the surfaces of the stools. Act smoothly and leisurely, cut strictly along the intended line. The jigsaw has another significant advantage: with it, the processing of the edges is reduced to minimum, because it is held perpendicular to the surface of the sheet, which is the key to such result. This is facilitated by the special sole installed in it. The disadvantages include the fact that you still have to spend money on it, but this tool is worth it. Also, when working with it, a lot of dust rises, you should take care of the means for protecting the eyes and respiratory organs in advance.

Figure cutting, as well as square and round cuts

It is worth paying attention to the above figured cutting. To saw the best, an electric jigsaw is definitely suitable. But if the figure is, for example, a normal circle, then it is acceptable to use ordinary clerical or mounting knives. Initially, it is important to determine the center of the circle, and then draw it with a pencil and compass. Cut the edge of the intended opening as sharp as possible with the tip of the knife. Then place this section over the empty space - here again the construction of two stools is suitable. Slightly hit the cutout with a hammer - the material will break in the center of the hole.

Edge processing

A slice is treated with a peeling planer, since the edges never come out smooth and neat enough - this is a property of any tool, the experience and skills of the performer play a smaller role here. You can also chamfer with a regular knife, but it will take more time and require professional skills.

Plasterboard edge processing

In conclusion, it should be noted that drywall cutting is one of the most common operations in a list of those that can easily be done independently at home, without resorting to help specialist. It is enough just to approach any work with the mind and patience and carefully familiarize yourself with the sequence of the task, based on its features. Then the result will be appropriate.

Good luck and a good repair.

Video: how to cut (cut) drywall do it yourself at home

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