Wallpaper for the kitchen - how to choose the right ones? Photo ideas

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Wallpaper for the kitchen is an inexpensive opportunity to complement the interior. Given their diversity, picking up is not so simple. Let's look at the features of the most popular coatings and which ones are better to choose. As for the kitchen, the selection criteria are different, unlike the bedroom and living room. Of course, if you want a new repair to last a long time.

Fashionable wallpaper on the kitchen

Wall mural in the kitchen

Wall murals in the kitchen are bright and original. A well-chosen option and an exclusive creation of a photographer or artist will harmoniously complement the interior. To maximize the advantages of such wallpapers, they can be encased in special frames. But the latter must be made of a material that is resistant to moisture.

beautiful photo wallpaper for the kitchen

You can originally complement the kitchen with a combination of several types of photo wallpaper. Such work will take more time than gluing one kind. But as a result, you can get a great kitchen design with photo wallpaper: for example, a unique ethnic-style ornament.

instagram viewer
Ethnic photo wallpaper in the kitchen

Wall murals in the interior allow you to radically change the room:

  • visually enlarge a small room;
  • make the room more comfortable, austere or playful;
  • to carry out zoning.

Wall murals on the wall attract attention and become one of the main elements of the kitchen. Therefore, they need to be carefully selected to improve the appearance of the room, and not just stick an absurd poster.

Wall mural for the kitchen

As you can see from the photo of the interior, Alexander Dayneko's “Running” painting became a bright addition to the room. The latter has a practical character and a minimum of originality of the idea. But the murals added a sense of movement to the kitchen and changed the style.

Wall mural for kitchen 2017

Wallpaper for painting

In order not to tear off the wallpaper every year, and in just a few hours to change their color, the designers came up with canvases for painting, on which any color is applied to taste. Such a coating can be made with non-woven, fiberglass or vinyl. They have proven themselves in such styles as Provence, Art Nouveau. And eating in a “comfortable” color environment is much nicer.

Wallpaper for painting in the kitchen

A significant advantage is the lack of the need to level the walls. Such a coating is much thicker than most other analogues and will hide small irregularities without problems.

Vinyl wallpaper for painting for the kitchen

Smooth wallpaper for painting is made of non-woven fabric or fiberglass. The most common are paintings that mimic the appearance of plaster. Also coverings with original geometric patterns and multicolor ornaments do not lose relevance.

Wallpaper for plaster in the kitchen

The lion's share of such coatings are white. Others are delicate pastel shades.

Wallpaper for painting


In addition to the aesthetic effect, liquid wallpaper in the kitchen has an equally important purpose - to hide irregularities and other imperfections in the room. A significant advantage of this coating is the absence of seams. This not only positively affects the appearance of the kitchen, but also helps to keep the heat in the room and reduce the level of street noise. A viscous structure is the key to the absence of cracks and other similar negative surprises. Given also the resistance to sudden changes in temperature, they will fit into the interior for a long time.

Liquid wallpaper for the kitchen

So that liquid wallpaper does not absorb the kitchen aroma, does not get wet from steam and lasts for more than one year, latex or acrylic varnish must be applied to them. For reliability, you can immediately 2 layers. Then the dirt can be wiped with a regular piece of cloth dampened in water.

Liquid wallpaper


Properly combined wallpaper in the kitchen meets the basic principles of design. Use materials of the same quality and thickness. If the numerical indicator of the latter is significantly different, an ugly tubercle will appear.

Color is one of the most important issues when choosing. One option can harmoniously complement another or contrast. The combination of a monophonic covering with color drawings looks interesting.

Combined wallpaper for the kitchen

Stripes and cages, geometric and abstract patterns are easier to harmoniously compare both with each other and with other options. The color and style of furniture and other interior items should be considered. It is worth remembering that the bright color and shades of the walls of the coating combine well with the light colors of the interior.

Combined Wallpaper

Vertical combination

You can see in the photo in the interior that the vertical combination of wallpaper allows you to visually expand the walls and raise the ceiling. The color of the coating can be either monophonic or contrasting. The second option helps to balance the length and width of the room.

Vertical combination

In 2018-2019, asymmetry is popular. You can also alternately glue wallpapers of different colors and shades. Moreover, coatings have different lengths. If you decide to opt for a contrasting combination, then a good wallpaper design should be based on classic color combinations:

  • black and white;
  • blue and yellow;
  • yellow and blue;
  • green and yellow.
Vertical combination in the kitchen

White color is in harmony with any other tone or image. Bold is matching black with red or purplered with gold.

Kitchen Wallpaper - Vertical Combination

Horizontal combination

With this combination, the upper part of the walls of the kitchen is pasted over with some wallpaper, for example, paper (made from cellulose) is perfect, and the bottom - with others, for example, vinyl. If the bottom of the wall is covered with tiles, decorative plaster or wood panel, it will be advisable to use horizontal combination.

Designers recommend taking 1/3 of the wall on the bottom wallpaper in the kitchen interior, and 2/3 on the top. And if the room has high ceilings, then vice versa. This ratio is well perceived visually. You can also place the border between the wallpaper at the height of the windowsill.

Horizontal combination in the kitchen

With horizontal combination, plain wallpapers will look better from above, and bright coverings with drawings - from below. Coatings with small patterns should adjoin the floor, and large ones with the ceiling.

Unlike vertical combination, horizontal one can take wallpapers that differ significantly in thickness and quality. The border between such a coating will help to hide a decorative element: a wooden plank or a border.

When combining horizontally, special attention should be given to the lower coatings. They must be resistant to damage, quickly and easily washed.

Wallpaper - Horizontal Combination

Emphasis on the wall

To pay attention to the wall, you need to stick on it wallpaper that have a pattern or contrast with another wall. Such a design move is a highlight of the interior, which gives it courage and originality. It is imperative that the color scheme of the accent wall is combined with elements from the opposite part of the room. If not, our wall will become nothing more than a bright spot in the room. Therefore, try to ensure that furniture and textiles emphasize the benefits of wallpaper.

Emphasis on the wall wallpaper

By deliberately focusing on the wall, you can emphasize other elements of the kitchen. For example, add inconspicuous niches and columns of brightness. Then the shortcomings of the layout can be turned into its advantages.

Wallpaper - emphasis on the wall

Brick wallpaper

This wallpaper believably imitates brickwork. Colors can be chosen different: from pastel light tones to bright red and strict dark. The coating can be glued to various bends or protrusions, which adds even more realism. There is also brick wallpaper for painting. The image of bricks fill the room with an atmosphere of reliability and safety. This is a good opportunity to visually divide the kitchen, for which they are used in most cases. It’s worth gluing the walls around the perimeter of the kitchen if it matches the style of a loft or gothic.

Brick wallpaper for the kitchen

The color scheme should be chosen depending on the size. The smaller - the brighter the bricks should be. If the wall is well lit, use a simulated texture. So wallpaper under a brick in the interior will have a more realistic look. If little light gets on the wall, you need to take smooth "bricks".

Brick wallpaper for the kitchen

Scandinavian wallpaper

Pastel colors, practical furniture and aged textiles correspond to the Scandinavian style. The main rule - the simpler the better.

Accordingly, the wallpaper for the kitchen in the Scandinavian style should be white or gray. If the kitchen is large in size, you can focus on the wall (more details), which is located opposite the door. For this, wallpapers with a pattern, shades of dark or bright colors are well suited. As the latter, red or the green wallpaper.

Scandinavian style kitchen wallpaper

Scandinavian style corresponds to the spirit of minimalism. Therefore, a large number of different accessories will look out of place. To make the wall more interesting, a painting or a clock will be enough. To add brightness, it can be supplemented with liquid wallpaper with warm colors such as (more details can be found by clicking on the link):

  • yellow;
  • green;
  • pink;
  • Orange;
  • blue;
  • light green.
Scandinavian wallpaper on the kitchen

Scandinavian-style wallpapers help create a light and comfortable kitchen interior.

A photo

Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Wallpaper for the kitchen

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