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Geranium or Pelargonium - the plant is not very whimsical in care. When creating comfortable conditions for it, geranium will grow actively, as well as delightful flowering. However, sometimes before the florists there is a problem - the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and gradually dry up.
Yellowing of foliage can provoke such factors:
- improperly selected pot;
- violation of the conditions of the flower;
- lack or excess of fertilizers;
- Irregular irrigation.
Whatever the reason, first of all, it is necessary to remove all damaged leaves. If the yellowing process continues, the plant should be transplanted into a new soil, washing the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Close pot
In the case when a young plant is planted in a small container or adult geranium has not been transplanted for a long time, it is necessary to carefully remove the flower and plant it in a pot with a large volume. In the close vase, the root system of geranium quickly fills the entire space, as a result, the development of the flower slows down, and the leaves turn yellow.
However, do not use a large pot - it's enough if the new capacity is more than the previous one by 2 cm. In a too large flowerpot, the young geranium will throw all its strength into building roots, and flowering will not come soon. In addition, because of the large area of moisture will evaporate more slowly, which can lead to decay of the roots.
At the bottom of the pot must lay the drainage layer.
Violation of the conditions of geranium
Pelargonium leaves begin to lose color and dry up as a result:
- Too bright illumination. Under direct sunlight, the deciduous mass burns out. The pot must be moved to the south or west window sill - there the flower will have enough light, and you can avoid the burns of the leaves.
- Draft. It is necessary to remove the pot from the window, which opens for ventilation, especially in the autumn-winter period.
- High air temperature. The optimum temperature regime for geraniums is not more than 20 degrees Celsius. Hot air causes yellowing and drying of the leaves, especially if the pot is near the radiator. It is advisable to transfer the pot in a cool room.
Irregular irrigation and feeding
Watering geranium is necessary after the top layer of soil in a pot is dried. Missed watering leads to yellowing and drying of the leaves. Completely dry earthenware should be well spilled with standing water, and excess moisture, which flows into the pan, must be drained.
The soil in the pot must be periodically loosened to ensure free air access to the roots.
With the onset of spring pelargonium needs nutritious top dressing. Yellowing of the leaves may indicate a lack of mineral substances. In this case, you should water the geranium with a solution based on liquid fertilizers for indoor plants. You can use potassium or complex preparations.
It is worth considering that excess nitrogen in the soil also leads to loss of color of the leaves. To stop yellowing, the flower should be watered with iodine.