Ventilation breathers: a fashionable whim or a necessity?

It is probably no secret to anyone that clean air is one of the foundations of normal human life and health. Urban residents in this regard are experiencing real discomfort. Opening a window for airing residential premises or work offices, they simultaneously fill the space with dust and street dirt. Comes to the rescue new highly efficient “smart” ventilation - breather.

breathers for the apartment

This is a household appliance that perfectly cleans the air. At the same time, it is convenient to install it both in residential and in working rooms.

What are ventilation breathers

The content of the article

  • What are ventilation breathers
  • Device breathers
  • Why install breathers?
    • Device features
    • Advantages of breathers over other devices

So what is a ventilation breather? it compact device, which, in fact, is a supply ventilation. But being refined, it is enriched with additional features.

  • The only instance is able to properly ventilate a room with an area of ​​50 square meters. m
  • Purification of the polluted street atmosphere is carried out by one or several filters at the same time.
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  • Heating the incoming stream to the required temperature.
  • During the operation of the device, air enters the room continuously at any time of the day or at any time of the year. In addition, for fresh air to enter the apartment, there is no need to specifically open the windows for this.

Device breathers

To fully understand the essence of the operation of the devices, we consider it in more detail.

  • An external valve lets air into the house when the device is turned on, and automatically closes when it is turned off.
  • A set of high-quality filters purify the air, prevent small particles of debris, dust, harmful bacteria and other negative factors from passing through.
  • By means of a fan, air is uniformly distributed around the perimeter.
  • The climate control system monitors comfortable air temperature and normal operation of the device.

For reference! Installation of these devices takes no more than an hour, however, this process is neat.

The installation of the device must be done by a professional master. By the way small dimensions allow it to be mounted absolutely anywhere in the apartment.

Why install breathers?

This is a good question that residents of large cities, industrial areas, those who live near roads and highways will be happy to answer.

People with reduced immunity, with a tendency to allergies, respiratory tract diseases will also appreciate such a device. Elderly people, children and all those who care about the cleanliness and health of their home and their family will be happy to take advantage of the capabilities of such a device.

For reference! Some models of breathers are controlled not only through the remote control, but also using mobile applications simply from your smartphone.

How does it work

Device features

  • Breezer owners celebrate it effectiveness in eliminating stuffiness. After all, this is a fairly common problem in large families, where the stove is constantly on, and the room does not have time to ventilate.
  • Dust, all kinds of bacteria and gases are filtered. Thorough elimination of them positively affects human health and well-being.
  • The device removes allergens, eliminates dampness in the apartment. High humidity is a direct cause of pathogenic microorganisms that adversely affect human health.

For reference! Choosing a breather in your home, you should not just focus on the cost of the device. It is important to familiarize yourself with the technical specifications in general. This includes the amount of energy consumed, dimensions and weight, the noise level in each operating position, the number of efficiency, the number of filters and their purpose. Additional functions are also important.

Advantages of breathers over other devices

Compare the capabilities of the breather and other devices.

  • Supply valve. The essence of this device is to direct air into the room.
  • Air conditioning. The operation of this device is to cool the air that is already in the room.
  • Cleaner. This device only cleans the air in the room.
  • The breather combines these three devices. The breather not only promotes air from the street into the apartment, but also heats / cools it, cleans it. Some models are equipped with the function of disinfection and aromatization of air.

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