Air Cleaner

What is an air purifier, its functions and purpose

What is an air purifier, its functions and purposeAir Cleaner

The air in the city is far from ideal in the sense of cleanliness - car exhausts, air emissions from various industries, and if there is not much green space, the situation is compounded even more...

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Air cleaner with your hands: the operating principle, species, usage recommendations

Air cleaner with your hands: the operating principle, species, usage recommendationsAir Cleaner

The operating principle of the air cleaner to the house with his own hands, which can make everyone, the same as commercial device - the contaminated air passes through the unit (filter or a singl...

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ORBIT air cleaner. Will it kill germs in your home?AppliancesAir Cleaner

This "miracle" was awarded to us by the mother-in-law so that we would not get sick. She said that she bought the device for 25 thousand rubles, noting that it will kill all germs in our house. We ...

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