How to choose an electric stove in the kitchen. Key selection guidelines

Electric furnaceThe nomenclature of household appliances, as it may sometimes seem, has no boundaries. In almost every kitchen you can find combines, blenders and, of course, a microwave.

No one will argue with the fact that it is good for heating, defrosting, cooking simple dishes. But so far, experts cannot unambiguously answer a simple question - how harmful is it. The thing is that high-frequency radiation is officially recognized as harmful to human health. Unlike a microwave oven, a traditional electric oven does not carry any hidden threats.

An electric oven is essentially a reduced oven. It works from a power supply network of 220 volts, and its dimensions allow you to put it anywhere.

Key parameters for choosing an electric furnace

The content of the article

  • Key parameters for choosing an electric furnace
    • Cooking chamber volume
    • Power
    • Number of heating elements
    • Thermostat
    • Timer
    • Convection
    • Defrosting
  • Completeness of electric furnaces
  • What is a vacuum electric furnace
  • Care for the electric stove
  • Recommendations for choosing a furnace
  • Features of the operation of the electric furnace
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In its appearance, an electric furnace resembles a microwave, but the range of its functions is much wider. In fact, it can quite replace the oven, which is located in the stove. That is, in this oven you can cook everything that the housewives do in the oven.

IMPORTANT! Electric ovens are harmless to the human body, since heating is provided by heating elements.

Cooking chamber volume

If, the consumer plans to use this device for heating food and cooking simple dishes, then an oven with a camera with a volume of 10 liters. But if it will constantly work, then the optimal volume can be considered from 20 to 30 liters. If the family is large, then it makes sense to think about a furnace with a volume 40 liters. In it you can cook food for five or six households at once.


Power consumption is directly related to the volume of the furnace. That is, the larger the volume, the more the furnace consumes energy. Small stoves consume 650 watts, large 2200 watts, respectively.

Number of heating elements

Electric furnace heating elementsOn the market you can find furnaces with a different number of heating elements. There are designs that have one heating element. This is the so-called budget option, most often such ovens are used for heating and baking. Models, with two heating elements located above and below, allow you to use it with maximum efficiency, and the price also rises.


The delivery also includes a device such as a thermostat. With its help, the temperature of cooking is determined. The fact is that in such furnaces there is no possibility of setting the heating temperature “by eye”. The adjustment is stepwise. All produced furnaces have the following property - in the absence of a thermostat, the oven will provide heating up to 180 degrees.


This is a device that brings a certain amount of comfort to the cooking process. By turning on this device and adjusting it for a certain time, you can be sure that after this period has passed, the furnace will be turned off and an appropriate sound signal will be given.


Some models of electric furnaces are equipped with a forced air system. This is the most controversial option. The fact is that cooking under the pressure of hot air is less effective than under the influence of heat radiated by installed heating elements.


DefrostingThere are models with a built-in option that allows you to quickly defrost meat or other frozen foods. It is important not to overexpose the product and not spoil it by excessive heat treatment.

Completeness of electric furnaces

A typical oven kit includes the following components:

  • pallet;
  • lattice;
  • Bakeware;
  • a baking sheet, by the way, there may be several.

If a rotisserie is provided in the oven, then it must be equipped with skewers and other devices.

What is a vacuum electric furnace

This is a new device designed for cooking in bags from which air is pumped out. This type of cooking is widely used in the countries of the European Union.

One of the key advantages of this technology is the preservation of the structures and juiciness of products. So, the meat cooked in such an oven will have a delicate taste and will never dry out. Vegetables retain all their nutritional properties and structure.

Care for the electric stove

The performance of this device depends on the quality of the applied coating inside and outside the furnace.

After each meal, you need to thoroughly wipe the oven, remove traces of fat. To clean the oven, it is enough to use ordinary detergents. By the way, all manufacturers forbid using products containing abrasive substances.

Their use will sooner or later lead to damage to the coatings inside the chamber. All washing and cleaning operations must be carried out only on a stove that has cooled down and is disconnected from the mains supply. Some accessories, such as the grill, can be put in order with the dishwasher.

Recommendations for choosing a furnace

Recommendations for choosing an electric furnaceBefore you purchase an oven, you must determine the range of tasks that it will solve. If it is installed in the country house, and is used only on weekends, it makes sense to think of a stove with one heating element, it will allow you to warm the food brought with you from home. Its volume can be 14–25 liters, which is enough for a family of 4 people.

If, in the buyer's plans, the installation of an oven in the kitchen of his apartment and its constant use, then it is advisable to think on the purchase of a furnace with two heaters - the top and bottom and the optimal set of features - a timer, temperature adjustment and etc.

Of course, the cost of an electric furnace plays an important role. Products of this class cost from 2,000 to 20,000 rublesBut at the same time, expensive models have many functions that will not often be used, for example, defrosting or cooking kebabs.

And yet, if the consumer is considering the purchase of a furnace with additional options, he must remember that the more functions incorporated into the furnace, the higher the cost and more difficult maintenance.

Features of the operation of the electric furnace

Also, users use the oven door as a stand. The door, at a minimum, can be damaged or overturned. When you first turn on the network, unpleasant odors will appear in the kitchen, but this phenomenon is disposable. The smell comes from the grease used to prepare the furnace for transportation. Therefore, you can set the timer for half an hour and then your stove will be completely ready for use and delight you with delicious and healthy dishes.

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