Types of hoods for a kitchen without duct: principle of operation

types of hoods for the kitchen without ductBuying such an important household appliance as an extractor fan, buyers often encounter the problem of installing an air duct. But manufacturers produce different models of devices that can do without installing a ventilation duct.

Our article is devoted to this type of exhaust hoods for the kitchen - hoods without a duct.

Originality and principle of work

The content of the article

  • Originality and principle of work
    • The similarity of recirculation and supply devices
    • Differences between the two types
  • Types of hoods without duct
    • Housing Options
    • Mount
    • Additional features
  • Advantages and disadvantages of hoods without duct
    • Advantages of recirculation hoods
    • Device disadvantages

Everyone knows the principle of operation of exhaust devices. They draw in contaminated air above the hob and take it outside the kitchen, into the ventilation shaft. These models relate to air inlets.

We will figure out what happens in the unit, which does not need ventilation.

The main principle of its work is recirculation, that is, the return of air masses back to the kitchen

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. Therefore, these types of household appliances are called recycling.

The similarity of recirculation and supply devicesprinciple of operation

Like air inlets, appliances without an air duct draw in air that is directly above the stove.

Thereby both types perform the same function, clean the atmosphere of the kitchen.

Differences between the two types

Recirculation units do not have ventilation outlet. Therefore they do not remove airgetting into the device and bring him backto the room. But do it only after filtering, cleaning and removing particles contaminating the composition of the air mass.

Concerning such constructions must have a fanthat accompanies the movement of air, as well as one or more filtersresponsible for its quality cleaning.

Types of hoods without duct

Having determined the main distinguishing feature of this type of devices, we continue their study.

Manufacturers have developed and produce various models of such hoods. This allows customers to choose the appliance that is most suitable for their particular kitchen and conditions of use.

Reference. Carbon filters clean the air of the main types of pollution (dust, soot, fumes, odors), grease filters remove minimal particles of fat.

Housing Optionstypes of hoods

  • Compact flat models horizontal or vertical arrangement functional and at the same time attractive with their design.
  • Embedded appliances that are popular due to the possibility of placing in a kitchen cabinet above the hob.

reference: telescopic models with a pull-out panel are also included in the group of integrated devices.

Cases of flat and built-in units are made of high-strength plastic or metal (aluminum, stainless steel, enamel).


  • Flat views can be mounted to wall or ceiling. This type of hood is called insular. It is usually used in large kitchens, in which the worktop along with the hob is not placed around the perimeter of the wall, but in the center of the room, in the form of an island.
  • Recessed models are attached to furniture - wardrobein which they are located.

Additional features

For ease of use, manufacturers equip devices with additional features.

  • Backlight, which is enough not to use the main light in the cooking process.
  • Auto Power On a device that occurs immediately after using the hob. Turning off the unit is also not necessary. It will stop working on its own as soon as the surface is disconnected from gas or electricity.
  • Remote Control, allowing to remotely control the operation of the device.
  • Filter indicatorthat tells the owner of the hood that the filter needs to be replaced.

Advantages and disadvantages of hoods without duct

To understand what type of exhaust device you need, you need to objectively evaluate household appliances without an air duct.

Advantages of recirculation hoodsadvantages and disadvantages

  • Compactness devices allows them not to look bulky in a kitchen of any size.
  • No corrugated or plastic duct for venting, which does not always fit into the design of the kitchen. And besides, it often requires changes in the interior, needs additional installation.
  • Energy efficiencyreduced electricity costs.
  • Simplicity and ease of installation, connection, care.

Device disadvantages

  • Filtersavailable in design have to change regularly.
  • Power recirculation hoods lessthan the supply.
  • Some hood models without a duct run louderthan a device associated with forced ventilation.

Now you know what types of hoods without air ducts are. Therefore, you can independently determine how necessary this type of household appliances is for you, whether it is worth purchasing it. And also choose a suitable design that will make the kitchen even more comfortable.

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