Pros and cons of Micatermic Heaters: What to consider when selecting an instrument.

Micatermic HeatersDuring the winter days are often central heating may not give the desired effect, which is why the use of heat sources installed in addition, it becomes imperative for a comfortable life in the period. People often buy heaters, so as not to freeze in winter. Convector heating unit is currently the most popular of all the segment of devices. There is confusion between the convector and Micatermic units. In fact, Micatermic heater, which appeared recently in the shops, is only slightly similar to its counterpart. The new equipment has the other device and that of heat distribution.

The principle of operation of the heater Micatermic

The content of the article

  • The principle of operation of the heater Micatermic
  • Pros and cons of Micatermic Heaters
  • What criteria to consider when choosing a heating device

Words marketers the use of a fundamentally new space technology can skip past the ears, as well as other advertising slogans. Manufacturers claim that Micatermic heaters are electrical devices that are due to infrared radiation contribute to the heat.

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Radiant heat component is about eighty percent, while convective - about twenty. We manufacture a heater technology has a name - "Microtherm", it contributed to the emergence of names of devices.

Achieving the effect occurs because the heated plate, which is isolated from both sides with mica.

REFERENCE! Called mica mineral which is an excellent electrical insulator, but has at the same time good thermal conductivity.

The plate, which is isolated by means of mica, a metal heater is placed inside the housing. In each case there is a grill, which is not an obstacle to the passage of the infrared beam. The radiation of radiative component plates on both sides and causes the number of gratings data: manufacturers often mounted on two bars on the casing, so that heat did not go in one direction.

REFERENCE! Once infrared rays fall on the environment, is their heating, which contributes to further heating of the entire room air. Micatermic heater works that way.

To enhance the flow direction of infrared rays already existing "sandwich" comprising a metal component and a heating plate of mica, a couple of superimposed layers:

  1. Reflecting heat.Apparatus heater Micatermic
  2. Concentrating the heat.

Components of layers - metal oxides. This has contributed to the emergence interlayer heating devices, which are not inferior to conventional heated air on the one hand, and therefore can be mounted on a wall to save space. Often, these devices have a flat practical form, but you can find the original model, which respond to individual needs of the buyer. There is, for example, a heating device having a cylindrical tubular form.

Pros and cons of Micatermic Heaters

Referring to the advantages and disadvantages of Micatermic heaters for the full picture.

That refers to the pluses:

  1. Economy. The traditional view of the heater consumes more electricity to thirty percent, which significantly affects the costs to become owners.
  2. Security. Maximum housing temperature of heating device - about sixty degrees, which eliminates the possibility of burns.
  3. Saving the climate in the room. Thanks to the operation of the device is not going home oxygen combustion. No matter how much room does not get warm, lack of oxygen is not.
  4. Quiet. The installation of the device can be done in a bedroom, office, nursery. In operation, the device will not emit unnecessary noise.

That can be attributed to the disadvantages:

  1. Heating only a certain portion. orientation zone to be heated, but as the heat removal from the heating apparatus becomes insufficient. Away from the unit, the effect of the operation of the heater is almost there.
  2. Radiating plates have a plurality of apertures which are clogged with dust. Due to the inclusion of this device may be accompanied by the smell of burnt particles become smaller.

What criteria to consider when choosing a heating device

What are the criteria you need to consider when choosingBefore buying an infrared heater Micatermic should be given time to study the technical parameters of the device.

What you should pay attention before buying a heater?

  1. Power. This is the main component, which serves to measure the performance of the machine and heat dissipation. It is necessary to select a device based on the floor area, which is an additional source of heat is required.
  2. Wiring. It is necessary to ensure the normal household wiring ability to withstand the power of the unit before to give preference to a particular heater. It is necessary that the device can run smoothly and without hassle.
  3. A place. An important point is the selection of the place where the device is located. You need to consider when choosing a particular model, where you can install a heater.
  4. Appearance. In the selection of the heating device it is necessary to pay attention to the interior of the entire room, the unit is not out of the general style orientation. You must choose a heater of the same colors, so it did not look awkward in the room. Often prefer white and dark brown colors.
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