Replacing the heater in the water heater: how to remove and check the ten, how to change it if it is faulty

Electric water heatersSooner or later, any owner of such a device will have to take measures to replace the heater in the water heater. Even in the most expensive unit, this element can fail due to burnout or mechanical damage caused by corrosion.

How to check whether a heater is needed in a water heater

The content of the article

  • How to check whether a heater is needed in a water heater
    • How to remove and check the water heater
    • How to get a heater
  • How to check the health of the heater
  • How to change the heater in a water heater
  • How to extend the life of a water heater

Each appliance has its own service life, and an electric water heater, unfortunately, is no exception. One of the possible problems that are encountered in such devices is the failure of the heating element (TENA). Below, the issue of diagnosing and eliminating this malfunction will be examined in detail.

How to remove and check the water heater

A signal that the heater in the boiler could fail is the lack of response of the drive to the inclusion or knockout of RCDs.

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If everything is in order with the wiring, there is electricity in the house, and the outlet, into which the heater is turned on, is working, it is worth checking the internal electrical circuit of the unit.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • it is necessary to disconnect the device from the network, and then unscrew the housing cover, behind which there is an electrical unit;
  • if the visual contact does not reveal a malfunction, there is every reason to diagnose the heating element;
  • pre-check the thermostat, it may have turned off due to overheating - in this case, you must return it to working condition by pressing the button;
  • the next step is to remove the contents of the heater: to quickly drain the water, it is recommended to disconnect its inlet and outlet from the nozzles, substituting an empty water tank under them;
  • if the installation scheme provides for regular drainage, open the corresponding taps and wait for the end of the liquid discharge;
  • further, you need to disconnect the drive from the water supply - in case it has a vertical orientation, and the heater is attached from the bottom, it can be dismantled in the working position.

In some cases, it is more convenient to carry out further manipulations by first removing the boiler from the wall.

IMPORTANT! It is better to remove the boiler together, especially if the model holds 50 liters or more.

How to get a heater

How to get a heater from an electric water heaterBefore proceeding to further disassembly, it is advisable to photograph the wiring diagram of the electrical wires so as not to forget how they were connected during the reverse connection. After this, you need to remove the terminals from the heater. If there are other elements that interfere with its extraction (for example, a thermostat), they will have to be detached.

Using a suitable wrench, unscrew the nuts or bolts that secure the heater to the boiler body and carefully remove it.

Carefully inspect the part. If it is covered with a thick layer of scale, or if the insulation is damaged, it is likely that a replacement will be required.

How to check the health of the heater

To diagnose a heater, you need a tester or multimeter. First of all, it is necessary to check the conductivity of the spiral. For this, the multimeter probes need to be attached to the terminals of the part and ringing. If the tester does not make a characteristic sound, an open circuit has occurred, the heater has burned out. Put the instrument in resistance measurement mode. Depending on the power, the indicator should display a value of several tens of ohms. If the tester shows infinity, this also indicates a malfunction.

Another necessary diagnostic procedure is a check for breakdown. We apply one probe of the meter to the case, the second to the TENA terminal. If the circuit rings, then the heater is out of order. When the boiler is turned on, with the correct electrical switching, the RCD will be triggered due to a breakdown on the body.

How to change the heater in a water heater

To repair the drive, you need to find the serial number in the operating instructions by which you can select a failed spare part. It is advisable to use heating elements designed specifically for your model of device. The part is returned to its place in the reverse order. First, the heater is placed inside the boiler and fixed with screws, after which all the remaining elements return to their original place, they are connected.

The device is hung on the wall, after which it is connected to the water supply system and filled. If there are no leaks, you can supply electricity and turn on the heat.

How to extend the life of a water heater

Water heater troubleshootingIn order for the storage water heater to serve for a long time, it is necessary to observe measures to prevent it from premature failure. When it is connected to the HVS, it is advisable to use a pressure reducer to lower the pressure to an acceptable level (no more than 6 atmospheres), and also let the incoming water pass through the fine-purification system.

IMPORTANT! Never turn on the appliance when there is no water in it!

It is recommended to carry out maintenance in a timely manner, to regularly clean the heating elements from scale in a solution of citric acid in order to avoid local overheating, replace the magnesium anode, clean the water filters, avoid maximum heating, control the operation of the check valve, turn off the device night. If the equipment is not intended to be used for a long period (several months), it is advisable to disconnect it from the water supply system and drain the water.

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