We study diseases of gloxinia leaves and methods of treatment

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To the virtues of gloxinia, flower growers rightly include not only large flowers-bells, but also velvety foliage, forming a magnificent overground part of the plant. If in the home collection there is gloxinia, leaf diseases and treatment of their consequences can take away from the grower a lot of time. Fungal and bacterial infections, care mistakes and pests threaten the flower with serious damage and even death.

Part of the diseases of gloxinia and its leaves can not be defeated. Therefore it is much more useful and easier, knowing the signs of diseases, to pay attention to their prevention.

Fungal diseases of gloxinia leaves and their treatment

The most dangerous, rapidly developing and intractable diseases are caused by pathogenic fungi. Their spores are carried by the wind, they fall on plants with drops of water or particles of soil. You can bring pathogens from the instrument, loosening the soil or transplanting the tuber.

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Most often gloxinous fungi phytophthoras are tempted. The leaf disease on gloxinia manifests itself as brown-brown spots on the greens, petioles and stems. In dry air, the affected areas dry out quickly, the leaves, and then the whole aboveground part dies. With high humidity, the tissues under the fungus decay, soften and also die off.

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Treatment of late blight rarely gives positive results, and a viable fungus can maintain activity for several years. Therefore, it is important not to admit the appearance of the disease, focusing all efforts on prevention.

  1. All purchased tubers are treated with fungicides before planting.
  2. The ground for planting is heated in the oven.
  3. Plants of gloxinium and soil under them several times a year are sprayed with a solution of phinocyte or phytosporin.

If the disease of the leaves gloxinia, as in the photo, still made itself felt, the affected specimens are not only treated with an antifungal agent and cleared of drying leaves. Gloksinii transferred to quarantine, separating from healthy plants, and then for the prevention of spraying system fungicide. The treatment is repeated after a week.

The same measures are effective in treating gloxinia with leaf diseases caused by other fungi. Such diseases include:

  • real and downy mildew;
  • anthracnose;
  • axochitosis;
  • septoriosis and other infections.

The greatest risk of infection of indoor plants are exposed to non-compliance with security measures during planting, summer outdoor maintenance, as well as negligent care.

An alarming symptom that speaks of fungal disease gloxinia, as in the photo, is education unusual whitish plaque, brown, gray or reddish spots, foci of drying and dying out tissue.

Treatment of such diseases is advisable with a low degree of damage, if the infection has captured most of the stems and leaves, you will have to part with gloxinia.

Viral and bacterial gloxinia diseases

Bacteria that cause gloxinia diseases get to plants from the soil, from tools used during transplantation or from a used pot. As a result of bacterial infection, the overground part and the tuber also suffer, because of which the stems, leaves, buds deform, become wet, die.

To determine the type of infection, you need to refer to photos of gloxinia, but their treatment, even with the right diagnosis will give a positive result.

Diseases of a bacterial nature, especially if their pathogens are settled on tubers, can not be eradicated. Even deep pruning does not save the plant. Therefore, if the florist appreciates his collection, the immune defense of gloxins is supported by Epin or other similar preparation, establish care and observe the safety during storage and transplantation tubers.

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These same rules should be guided to protect flowers from viruses. Their appearance is marked by the spotting of leaves and flowers, their deformation and gradual oppression. If the flower has similar symptoms, its parts are not used for reproduction, and at the first opportunity are replaced with a new, healthy specimen.


Pests of gloxins and their control

Often traces of the presence of pests are perceived as a disease of gloxinia, but the treatment of leaves in this case is of a completely different nature and with due attention necessarily return the plant health.

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The most dangerous enemies of gloxins are thrips and microscopic mites. In the first case, small grayish-brown spots appear on the leaves. The edges of the leaf plates are twisted and dried. The shape of buds, stems and other parts of the plant is ugly. In addition to repeated treatment with insecticides, gloxinium is useful for transplantation by washing the tuber in a solution of potassium permanganate.

The causes of the appearance of pests and gloxinia diseases lie in the mistakes of leaving. In the dry air and with improper irrigation, spider and cyclamenic mites appear on the leaves. Rapidly multiplying, these parasites capture and oppress gloxinia and other indoor flowers. Colonies of ticks look like a dusty raid. And life activity causes oppression of shoots, the plant refuses to blossom. To defeat dangerous pests, use acaricides and insecticides, while always set up regular care for green pets.

Care rules for gloxinia - video

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