How to choose a thermal sweat. Expert advice. Types of Thermal Sweat

How to choose a thermal sweatIn the modern world, the place of the samovar is occupied by a thermal sweat. The device is in great demand, since it is a mixture of an electric kettle and a thermos. But an incorrectly selected thermal sweat can bring only unnecessary costs for power supply or inconvenience of use. Therefore, you need to know how to choose the right thermal sweat.

Thermopot - tasks, application and how it works

The content of the article

  • Thermopot - tasks, application and how it works
  • What are the thermal sweats?
    • Pros and cons of thermal sweat
  • The main parameters for choosing a thermal sweat
    • Volume
    • Power
    • Volume of liters
    • Heating element
    • Timer. Heating rate
    • Control Panel
    • Thermopot body
    • Filter availability
  • Equipment
  • Auto shut off
  • Price
  • Durability
  • Shape and weight
  • Which company is better than thermal sweat
  • Expert advice
  • How to care for a thermal sweat

Thermal sweat is used to boil water and maintain its high temperature. Thanks to these properties, it is widely used not only for home use, but also in enterprises, catering establishments, etc.

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TEN, a spiral or a disk brings water to a boil. The heat-insulating flask maintains a high temperature of the liquid. When it drops, another heating element is turned on to raise the temperature. Some models are equipped with a water purification filter.

What are the thermal sweats?

Thermal sweatToday on the market there is a wide variety of thermal sweat models that differ in size and functionality. Accordingly, the price of devices varies depending on functionality.

Models for 3 thousand. rub. they can only boil and maintain an indefinite high temperature of water.

Thermopots for 12 thousand rub. They are necessarily equipped with a filter, a delayed start timer, task functions for the required temperature, self-cleaning and sound notification. Therefore, you can choose a device for every taste and financial capabilities. The main thing is to decide on a suitable model so that there is no inconvenience in use.

Pros and cons of thermal sweat

Among the main advantages of thermal sweat can be distinguished:

  • the ability to have a supply of hot water;
  • large allowable volume of water;
  • convenience of water spill (the device does not need to be lifted and tilted in order to use hot water).

Among the main disadvantages of thermal sweets can be identified:

  • the large dimensions of the device take up a lot of space in the kitchen;
  • water is brought to a boil for a relatively long time;
  • there is a certain percentage of danger, since the device is constantly connected to the power supply network;
  • higher price than an electric kettle.

Therefore, thermal perspiration is not suitable for everyone. In some cases, it is better to use a simple electric kettle.

Important: Some models do not have a power lock function when there is not enough fluid. When heating is dry, there is a chance of fire.

The main parameters for choosing a thermal sweat

Before deciding on the choice of model, you need to decide whether a thermal sweat is needed in the household. If you still need it, then you need to pay attention to all the structural and functional features of the device. Otherwise, there can only be problems with ease of use, safety and energy costs.


Also, the size of the device is directly related to the volume of the tank. A device with a capacity of 5 liters is hardly suitable for a small kitchen. Thermal pots with a small volume have a lower mark of the minimum allowable amount of water, which simplifies the process of rapid boiling for a cup of tea.

It should also be noted that the actual volume of the water tank is slightly less than that specified by the manufacturer.


Thermal PowerThe consumer power of the device is much lower than the electric kettle. For boiling water, the maximum power is used up to 1000 watts. To maintain high temperature - no more than 100 W / hour.

Power slightly affects the speed of boiling water. Therefore, it is not always appropriate to buy the most powerful device, because this is an extra expense for electricity.

Volume of liters

For a small family of up to 3 people, it makes no sense to buy a thermal sweat with a large capacity. These are just the extra cost of power. Also, the water will be infused, which may impair its quality. A device with a flask volume of up to 3 liters is suitable for such a family. If the family is large, and guests in the house are not uncommon, then you can get a device with a volume of up to 7 liters.

Heating element

Heating element of a thermo sweat kettleMost thermal pots have two heating elements. One to boil, the other to maintain heat. There are 3 types of heaters in total:

  • open: a spiral that boils quickly and quietly, but needs to be cleaned;
  • closed: TEN which is hidden in the case and protected from scaling;
  • disk: a heating disc to which two electrical contacts are directly connected.

reference: The appliance with an open coil must be cleaned regularly. Limescale shortens the life of the thermal sweat, makes water harmful to the body and increases the boiling time of the liquid.

Timer. Heating rate

Thermal sweat timerThe boiling time of water directly depends on its volume in the thermal stream. The boiling time will be approximately 5 minutes per 1 liter. water, while a teapot needs 2-3 minutes per liter.

The timer allows you to set the time for heating the water, which is very convenient when you do not want to waste electricity again or wait for the water to boil.

Control Panel

Thermopot management can be manual or microprocessor. Manual allows you to pour water, even when the power is off. But using automatic spill control is much more convenient.

Also, the control panel may consist of a display and buttons, or a touch screen in more modern models. It is difficult to find a thermal sweat that is difficult to control. Typically, the control type of all models is intuitive.

Thermopot body

Thermopots are made in a metal, glass or plastic case. Some prestigious models are made from a wooden case. Metal are better, respectively, more expensive. Cases of devices do not heat up due to safety measures. Which body material to choose is primarily a matter of design choice.

Filter availability

Thermal FilterWater purification filters not only make it suitable for drinking, but also eliminate scale formation in the tank. This functionality is present in models from the middle price category. Electric kettles are not equipped with a filter, which is a great advantage of thermal pots over them.


Each thermal sweat should have the following items:

  • external case (metal or plastic);
  • reservoir for liquid (metal or glass);
  • heating element for boiling water;
  • a heating element for heating cooled water (not on each model);
  • a thermostat to determine the need for heating water;
  • fluid pump.

More expensive models are equipped with filters, light or sound signaling devices, timers and other additional elements for ease of use.

Auto shut off

To protect the thermal sweat from early breakdown and ensure the safety of use, the automatic shutdown function is used. After boiling the liquid, the sensor reacts to high temperature and turns off the device.

Some models are equipped with an automatic shut-off function if insufficient water is detected in the tank. This allows not only to protect the device from damage, but also to ensure fire safety.


Varieties of thermal sweatThe price of thermal sweats ranges 3-12 thousand rub. The price depends not only on the availability of additional features, but also on the efficiency of the model. The most expensive are models with a glass bulb or case. Some Japanese thermal pots have a flask covered with ceramics inside, which completely eliminates the change in the taste of water after boiling.

Much also depends on the brand. The most expensive are models from manufacturers such as Samsung, Panasonic and LG. But a large price is paid not only for the name, but for the correspondingly high quality and functionality of the equipment.


Glass is a brittle material. Therefore, such thermal fluxes must be used extremely carefully. The most durable devices are in a metal case.

Thermopot refers to durable goods. Panasonic sets a life of up to 7 years on its models. Models that are more harmful than the price category are usually able to fully function for 5 years.

Attention: the durability of the thermal sweat depends in most cases not on the design features, but on the conditions of use. If there will be constant care for the device, and use will be wise, then a high-quality thermal sweat can well serve up to 20 years.

Shape and weight

The shape and weight of the device are the personal preferences of the consumer. The cases can be made in the form of a cylinder or a rectangle. Some models are concave under the nozzle for the convenience of spilling water. Most appliances have a carry handle.

The most severe are stainless steel and ceramic thermal sweats. The average weight of appliances becomes 2-3 kg. Weight depends on capacity and the availability of additional features. Car thermal pots weigh only about 600 g.

Which company is better than thermal sweat

Thermopot which company is better to chooseOf course, it is better to buy a thermal sweat from a well-known manufacturer, which for decades has well established itself in the electrical market. But it is difficult for well-known brands to find a model that is easily accessible financially.

Supra manufactures thermal sweets both in the budget price category and in premium products. After all, the device is most often chosen according to material capabilities. Therefore, companies conditionally divided into segments of the price category:

  • Budget options - Fairy, Polaris, BRAND;
  • Mid-priced options - Toshiba, Panasonic, Polaris;
  • Premium Options - Zojirushi, Samsung, Bosch, Panasonic, LG.

Expert advice

It is hardly possible to find a thermal sweat that meets all the requirements for functionality and efficiency. When choosing a device, more attention should be paid not to its advantages, but to its disadvantages. Among these disadvantages may be:

  • high consumption of electricity;
  • inconvenience of management;
  • poor water supply (spraying);
  • case heating and others.

Before buying, be sure to ask for a demonstration of the included device. All locking systems should be as efficient as possible. The lid must be tightly closed. The thermal sweat should stand firmly on the stand and table.

And only after checking in the store you can start buying. You should choose a thermal sweat with a guarantee.

How to care for a thermal sweat

In the configuration for the device, instructions must be available. It indicates all the features for care and maintenance. The care of the thermal stream directly depends on its device:

  • models with an open heater require regular descaling with acidic agents, rather than mechanical stress;
  • models with a filter require replacing it every three months.

Important: models with a closed heating device also need descaling. For this, weak acid solutions are used.

Very important! It is impossible to pour water into the thermal sweat from under the tap. For this, any containers are used. Collecting water from the tap, there is a chance of water entering the electronic control unit, which will damage the thermal sweat.

About how to choose a thermal sweat, further on the video from the TV program “Test purchase”:

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