How to choose a refrigerator: helpful tips from an expert

The refrigerator is one of the most important household appliances in every kitchen. Together with the hob and sink, it forms the so-called working triangle, the comfortable arrangement of the corners of which affects the performance of the hostess. There are many different technologies now, thanks to which chillers are constantly being improved. This article will focus on how to choose a refrigerator, taking into account all the characteristics, overall quality and price.

Multicolored refrigerators

Types of refrigerators

So which refrigerator is better to choose so that it is in the first lines of the rating, is inexpensive and easy to repair? Let's first figure out what they are. After all, it is a difficult, balanced and responsible decision - the choice of a refrigerator. The wizard's tips collected in this article are designed to help you in this matter.

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All refrigerators are divided into types depending on how many chambers are provided inside the unit. The most famous are refrigerators that have one chamber, two or more chambers, as well as models called Side-by-Side. Let's take a closer look at each in order to understand what is the fundamental difference between them.

Single chamber

A refrigerator with one compartment consists of a common compartment and a freezer compartment, the latter of which is very compact in size. In such models, the freezer sometimes comes with its own small door, which is additionally covered by the top of the common refrigerator door. In most cases, the freezer compartment for single-compartment refrigerators is located above the main compartment.

Recently, there is also a separate type of single-compartment refrigerator. This special type is a stand-alone freezer with compact dimensions.

Single chamber refrigerator


Filling a two-compartment refrigerator necessarily includes two compartments:

  • refrigeration;
  • freezer.

These models do not have one common door; each compartment closes independently. The freezer in such devices can be located both above and below. However, you yourself may have noticed that among our compatriots, it is the freezer located under the main chamber that is much more common.

In addition to the obvious division into two chambers, the refrigeration compartment can be further divided into two, three zones and even more. The most common examples of such division are:

  • meat or fish - maintaining the required moisture level of 50%;
  • vegetables or fruits - maintaining the required moisture level at 90%.

Two-compartment refrigerator


We have already examined single-chamber and two-chamber models, the simplest and most standard ones. But how to choose the right refrigerator with a large capacity indicator. A good refrigerator should be able to serve a large family. If you have similar requests, then perhaps this model will suit you.

A multichamber refrigeration unit usually consists of three compartments:

  • refrigerators compartment;
  • freezer;
  • zero chamber.

If we already have an established idea about the first two, then the third one is puzzling and makes us lost in conjecture. We dispel your doubts. The zero chamber, which is also called the freshness chamber, is designed specifically to store food in it, the optimum temperature of which is 0 ° C. With this regime, products are stored longer without losing their original freshness and useful properties.

In multi-chamber models there are several compartments, each of which is closed by a separate door. Here is a list of chambers that can be used to supplement the basic functionality of the refrigerator:

  • fast deep freezing chamber;
  • chamber for heating products;
  • compartment for storing wine.

There are many variations, just keep in mind that such a refrigerator cannot be inexpensive. Its cost, in any case, will be much higher than that of one- or two-chamber models.

Multi-chamber refrigerator


If you are faced with the question of which refrigerator is better to buy for your home, choosing among the representatives of the premium class of technology, think about purchasing a Side-by-Side model. Such versions are very large in capacity; they first came to the world market from a point on the map called America. If we talk about the components of such a refrigerator, then the situation is as follows:

  • refrigerator compartment - on the right;
  • the freezer compartment is on the left.

In Side-by-Side refrigerators, the chambers are not located one above the other, but on the same level. They are located on doors that can swing wide open, providing households with the most complete overview.

Side-by-Side refrigerator

Refrigerator selection parameters

We have already figured out how to choose a refrigerator for home, tips and tricks on the types of household appliances helped us with this. An equally important part is the choice of the refrigerator by parameters. This is not only the dimensions of the unit, but also its volume, the type of defrosting system, the number and types of compressors. You will learn about all this below.


When buying a refrigerator, it is always important to match its dimensions with the dimensions of the kitchen. There must be enough room in the room to accommodate this device. Therefore, it is better to first measure the area of ​​the room and the space for the refrigerator, and only then go to the store for purchase.

The width of the refrigerator directly depends on the number of chambers, since they determine the overall size of the device. So, for single-chamber models, the width is approximately 50-63 centimeters, two-chamber models are made wider, this is already 60-70 centimeters. Multi-chamber options are very diverse, very different from each other. Therefore, there are models with a width of 55 centimeters, and there are those that are 92 centimeters wide. Side-by-Side - roomy and, accordingly, wide models. Their indicators can reach 120 centimeters, but on average fluctuate around 90-95 centimeters.


Height is an equally important parameter that must be taken into account when choosing a home refrigerator. Typically, refrigerators come in the following heights:

  1. Single-chamber - rarely reach more than 130 centimeters in height. And models without a freezer compartment can be very small - 90 centimeters.
  2. Two-chamber - the most classic models with a freezer compartment in height are 140-200 centimeters. Such a wide range is due to the variety of forms of this traditional type.
  3. Multi-chamber - the height of this species most often starts from 160 centimeters.
  4. Side-by-Side - these refrigerators display average height figures, showing approximately 150-170 centimeters, as do multi-compartment units.

Overall volume

This parameter directly depends on the dimensions of the refrigerator. The greater the parameters of height, width and depth, the larger the volume of the household refrigerator will be. It is divided into general and useful. Choose the volume you need based on the number of people in the family. The more there are, the more roomy the refrigerator will be needed.

  1. For a small family (1-2 people). You may like a single-compartment (120-220 liters) or small two-compartment (about 300 liters) refrigerator.
  2. For a large family. In order to freely place all the food in the fridge and freezer compartments, you will need approximately 500 liters of free space.

The most classic model is a 380 liter refrigerator. There is enough space in it to arrange all the necessary things on shelves and drawers.

Defrosting system in the freezer

  1. Manual. Distributed in older generation refrigerators. The system is as follows: when ice forms in the freezer, the device is disconnected from the mains and waiting for complete defrosting.
  2. Semi-automatic. Based on the instructions in the instructions, from time to time it will be necessary to press a special button, thereby defrosting the refrigerator.
  3. Automatic. The No Frost system or drip principle works here. The latter looks like this: frost forms on the walls, when the compressor is turned off, it melts, water flows into a special chute. In the No Frost system, a fan plays an important role, creating circulation of cold air and preventing frost from appearing. This method is quite energy-consuming, since the fan and the heater are constantly running.

Energy efficiency class

Depending on how much energy a refrigerator consumes, it can belong to one of the following classes:

  • A, A +, A ++ - low power consumption;
  • B - fairly economical power consumption;
  • C - economical energy consumption;
  • D, E, F, G - high power consumption.

Climatic class

All modern refrigerators are also divided according to the climate criterion:

  • N - normal. Range from 16 ° С to 32 ° С;
  • SN - subnormal. Range from 10 ° С to 32 ° С;
  • ST - subtropics. Range from 18 ° С to 38 ° С;
  • T - tropics. Range from 18 ° C to 43 ° C.


Refrigerating devices are also divided by the number of compressors in the mechanism. Depending on this parameter, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Single compressor. The most common option, most modern refrigerators are equipped with it. The power of such a compressor is enough for both the refrigerator and the freezer. Accordingly, there is a single temperature controller for the entire structure. Therefore, if you want to defrost such a refrigerator, you will not be able to do it separately, all the available compartments will undergo defrosting.
  2. Two-compressor. Twin compressor models are rarer and more expensive. Here it is possible to independently regulate the temperature regime in each chamber separately, as well as to defrost one or another compartment separately. The fact is that from two compressors to each chamber there is its own cooling circuit. Two-compressor refrigerators come in two-compartment or Side-by-Side versions.

Which company is the best refrigerator?

Now that you know everything about the competent choice of a home refrigerator according to the above parameters and criteria, it is time to decide on a specific model. On the modern market of household appliances there are many brands and manufacturers, in one store in Moscow alone there are several dozen types. So that you do not get confused among such a variety, we have prepared a list of the best brands.

  1. Bosch, Samsung - these manufacturers combine quality with a relatively low price. For several years they have been steadily occupying third and fourth places in the ratings.
  2. Electrolux - the brand is so popular and respected by its eco-friendly policy. The models consume a small amount of electricity.
  3. Liebherr - this German company has been in the top in terms of product quality for many years. Refrigerators of this brand are designed by qualified engineers, production is accurate and reliable at all stages. All Liebherr models feature low operating noise levels.

Now you know everything about how to choose a household refrigerator for your kitchen. Enjoy the shopping!

Video: overview of popular brands

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