Marking of washing machines Samsung

Korean brand of washing machines Samsung - one of the most famous brands. If you are thinking about buying Stirka from Samsung, you will find a wide range of products. Which model to choose, what to look for?

In this article, we will consider the value of marking Samsung washing machines, what it is needed for and what benefits can be taken from it.

Content of the material:

  • 1What does "Samsung" marking mean?
    • 1.1Samsung WW80J5410GW / LP

What does "Samsung" marking mean?

The CMA encoding hides the basic parameters of the machine. Having learned the meaning of the serial number, you can understand where and in what year the technique was manufactured. Let's analyze it with the example of model WF602.

  1. The first English letter W indicates the type of household appliances - a washing machine.
  2. The decoding of the letter F sounds like "front" - the front load type of the laundry.
  3. The number 60 means the capacity of the drum. In this case you can load 6 kg. If there was a number of 50, it meant that the load was calculated at 5 kg; 59 (almost 6 kg). After 9 kg fractional numbers end. Therefore, if you see the number 12 - this means a load of 12 kg.
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  4. What does the number 2 mean? This is the year when the model first appeared on the market (not the year of release).
    2 = 2012 year.
    What does
  5. Symbols under the designation "Letter 1" (cf. see the table above).W- without Digital Inverter Motor and with Eco Bubble. That is, the machine is equipped with a conventional collector motor with a drive belt. The value of Eco Bubble is an additional option that allows you to better wash your laundry by creating air bubbles during washing.
    Next comes the letterB- model with Digital Inverter Motor, but without Eco Bubble. This styalka is equipped with an inverter direct drive engine. The motor is attached directly to the drum, the belt is missing. It is a reliable, powerful and silent engine. In this case, the bubble effect is absent.
    U- Digital Inverter Motor and Eco Bubble. This model combines both a function with bubbles, and an inverter motor.
  6. The following digits 0/2 indicate the spinning power. Hence, 0 is 1000 revolutions, 2 is 1200 revolutions. If it were 8, it would mean 800 rpm.
  7. The characters below the third letter indicate the type of control panel:
    FROM- has a Led display and includes 10 basic washing programs.
    A typeTOIs a panel that has 14 main programs plus additional ones. For example, self-cleaning the drum, as well as the ability to install its own program through a smartphone.
  8. Letters number 4 and number 5. Symbols indicate the color of the body and the loading hatch. SoWQmeans that the color of the case is white and the doors are chrome. LettersSDsuggest that the case at the stylalki is gray, and the door of the hatch is chrome plated.

Not always marking "Samsung" is just this. Sometimes you need to look at the labels on the control panel.

Look at the photo below. Below the red line is underlined by Eco Bubble. Hence, this model is of type W, as we indicated above. That is, there is an option with a bubble effect, but there is no inverter motor.

What does

The next designation in the picture below is Digital Inverter Motor. What the car refers to type B - there is a built-in direct drive motor, but the effect of bubbles is absent. A special feature of this model is the "Diamond" drum. Its pyramidal surface has small honeycombs, so your laundry will be delicately processed without damaging it.

What does

Now there are two red lines in the "Samsung" panel. This is a type of U that includes both Eco Bubble and an inverter motor.

What does

The AGR panel on the photo below is of type C. This is a dot LED display and 10 wash modes inclusive.

What does

This is how the "Samsung" panel of type K looks (in the photo below). Graphical display. The selector allows you to select 14 programs. By pressing the additional buttons, you can set different options.

What does

There are other designations. The serial number of the washing machine is indicated on the label. It is located on the body of the AGR, front or rear. Consider the following example.

Samsung WW80J5410GW / LP

  • The first two letters of WW, as always, indicate that this is a washing machine, not another household appliance.
  • If after the first W goes D, it means that the washer is equipped with drying.
  • The next number 80 indicates the maximum load when washing - 8 kg. At the same time, 90-9 kg, and 112-1 kg.
  • How to decipher the symbol J? This is the year of development of this model CM - 2015. If there was a letter H, then the year would have been 2014.
  • The following figure 5 is a series of a washing machine. For example, the 5 series includes 7 programs, while the 8th series includes 15 programs.
  • The figure 4, further on the marking, means the speed of rotation with the spin of 1400.
  • The number 10 indicates the design of a particular model.
  • The penultimate GW symbols are the color of the hull and the door of the styalka hatch.
  • The last LP combination is the place of production of the model - CIS. If this place is EU, then the car was produced in Europe.

The encoding of the technology may be different, so when you choose to open the passport model "Samsung where the exact designations are indicated.

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