How to connect your own washing machine: step by step instructions on connecting with their hands

To install the washing machine does not necessarily cause the master, whose services will cost dearly.

Using the manufacturer's recommendations, both independently connect the washing machine, you will be able to properly carry out all the necessary manipulations with minimal financial cost.

The content of the article:

  • How to connect the machine-machine
  • Step # 1 - The choice of location for installation
  • Step # 2 - Preparing to install
  • Step # 3 - alignment of the washing machine
  • Step # 4 - Connect the machine to the water supply
    • Preparation of materials and tools
    • hose fastener to the washing machine
    • Connecting the "machine" to the toilet
    • Joining the hose to the mixer
    • Fine points of connection with the tube
    • Connecting to the water at any place
    • Nuances use stiralki without running water
  • Step # 5 - connection to sewer
  • Step # 6 - Connection to the mains
  • Step # 7 - stiralki testing machine
  • Useful videos on the topic

How to connect the machine-machine

To start the operation of the washing apparatus, it is necessary to choose the best place to host it. Then prepare stiralku to conduct work on the connection.

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After this will correctly perform the following steps:

  • align the device, giving it the optimum position;
  • connected to the water intake of water required for washing;
  • connected to sewage for draining water at a given implementation of the program (washing, soaking, rinsing, spinning);
  • connected to the mains supply to provide electric current driving the motor unit.

Next, we will discuss all of the above steps.

Step # 1 - The choice of location for installation

First of all, consider the place where the unit will be installed. Current models requiring connection to the water supply and sanitation, have a stationary arrangement, since the transfer of their very difficult.

In determining the location of the machine, the machine should be taken into account such factors as:

  • available near the water and wastewater systems;
  • possibility of easy electrical connections (preferably an extension cord, and directly);
  • the presence of a smooth (preferably concrete) floor;
  • harmonious combination washing apparatus with the interior space;
  • easy access from all directions: in addition to a light load of laundry, it is important to have a clearance from the wall so that you can get accidentally fallen linen or other object.

In practice, the washing devices are typically placed in a bathroom, kitchen or the hall.

Bathroom. This is the traditional place of the placement machine, as in this room, which has all the necessary communications, it is easy to equip the drain and water supply.

Washing machine in the bathroom
Bathroom - the usual location of the washing machines. When installed in this room, it is important to respect the rules of operation, without compromising the recommended humidity level

The disadvantages of this option include the miniature size of most bathrooms, which is why owners often have to choose compact models.

In addition, for such space is characterized by high humidity, which can affect both the state of the wiring and on the health of various components "stiralok".

Kitchen. This room is also often used for the installation of the unit, which is usually installed under the sink or near a sink. Since this room is usually also small in size, is to wash often prevents hostess.

In addition, the temperature-humidity conditions in the kitchen and do not always conform to the rules of operation of washing machines.

Washing machine in the kitchen
Automatic machines are often put on the kitchens. In this case, it can be used as built-in and conventional models

hallway and other offices. Unusual, but it is a viable option is to install an automatic device in the hallway, closet, utility room or even a large closet.

The only obstacle in this case could be the lack of easy access to the communication system.

Step # 2 - Preparing to install

Bought the machine is delivered in a flat packed. All the rotating parts are fixed by fasteners (bolts, bars, straps) that protect the device from accidental damage during transit.

Preparing to Install
Before starting the installation it is important to remove all fasteners (screws, brackets, clamps), which protect the machine components during transport

Conveyed stiralku should be released from the box, and then do the removal of fixing parts:

  1. From the rear wall unit is necessary to remove the bracketWhich are set for the rigidity necessary for the transport of household appliances. These elements also adheres to a flexible portion of the structure, namely, hose and electrical cord.
  2. Following this, it is necessary to remove barsLaid down between the tub and the body of the device. It is sufficient to slightly tilted forward stiralku.
  3. It should also remove the boltsWhich are installed on the front of the machine to the drum fixation. The opening of the deleted items is better to immediately insert the plastic plugs (they are usually included in the box model).

The released fasteners must be carefully packaged and storing it: they may be needed when contacting customer service.

Step # 3 - alignment of the washing machine

To machine-gun served with maximum efficiency, its installation should be approached with the utmost care.

Special attention is required floor stand, which must meet a number of criteria:

  • strictly horizontal surface;
  • durable structure;
  • stability;
  • protection from vibration and other influences that are inevitable when operating the unit.

If the base does not meet this criterion, it is better to take measures for their implementation. On fragile surfaces, it is desirable to produce a cement-sand screed or strengthen existing floors at the site of the proposed installation of the washing device.

Scheme height adjustment typewriter
The diagram clearly shows the method of adjusting the height of legs of the washing machine, which must occupy a perfectly horizontal position

Making sure that the base meets all the requirements of the previously named, you can begin the installation.

Fully unpacked machine with retracted fasteners placed on the selected location.

On the upper surface defines a horizontal installation, the angle of deviation, which is checked by the upper cover, not to exceed two degrees.

Exceeding this index leads to a sharp increase in vibration that have a negative effect on the state units and significantly reduces the service life of the machine.

Adjust the machine feet
Adjusting the washing unit is achieved by changing the height of the support legs: to increase the distance from the floor can be loosened to decrease - screwed

It is strictly forbidden to enclose under them available materials that can slide out from under the pillars in the process, which can lead to the creation of an emergency.

At the same time the sliding tiled surface is allowed (and even recommended) to put a rug of thin rubber.

Once the body machine will perfectly horizontal position, tighten the locknut clockwise, fixing optimum height adjustable feet.

The following factors are recommended to take into account when aligning the machine:

  1. The highest degree of stability of the unit achieved at the maximum screwed adjusting the supports, but this option is allowed only when a perfectly flat surface.
  2. When installing the machine on a sloping floor for securing the support structures appropriate to apply the fixing part.
  3. To check whether the unit is correctly set, you need to try to shake it diagonally. If the process is done correctly, the free running offline or its amplitude is the same for the various diagonals.

Make sure the correct position of the unit, you can proceed to the next steps.

Step # 4 - Connect the machine to the water supply

The most difficult and responsible part of the installation of the machine, the machine is to connect it to the water supplying system. To do this:

  1. Estimate the position of the unit to select the connection method, which determines the selection of hoses, valves, fittings.
  2. In determining the appropriate length of flexible tubing is important to bear in mind that they should be placed over the piece of furniture and plumbing devices, so that they do not interfere with walking.
  3. As a rule, complete with machine hoses are available, but their size is often insufficient. In this case it is better to buy extensions to facilitate laying.
  4. The necessary elements for connection to the water supply stiralki is also a ball valve or gate, the selection of which depends on the characteristics of the wiring.

Typically, the connection is made in a straight section of pipeline, using the process pipe or tee, which is attached to flexible hoses from the toilet cistern

Flexible hoses of the mixer
Sometimes it is more convenient to use fasteners to the mixer with eyeliner to it cold water. It is also possible by connecting the unit additionally acquired clamp mortise

Let us consider all the steps for connecting the machine to the water mains.

Preparation of materials and tools

To connect to a metal pipe, you'll need gas adjustable wrench, and seals - tape FUM or combed flax. Better to give preference to the latter, since it swells when exposed to moisture.

Reinforced filler hose
To connect the washing machine to the water supply system, you need hoses, fittings of various kinds, as well as all kinds of valves

If it's a sidebar to the internal water supply, made of resin, it is necessary to use a special Soldering equipment for plastic pipes, the calibrator and special fittings for plastic and metal and plastic.

Prepare all necessary, we can proceed to connect your washing machine to water.

hose fastener to the washing machine

First of all it is necessary to connect the supplied or purchased separately hose directly to the machine. To do this, you need to put the hose end filter - its convex edge should be directed towards the removal of the washing machine.

Then tighten the nut to be in place the hose attachment to the device. Tightening is done manually, using the keys undesirable.

rubber gaskets
Rubber seals used in fastening flexibles contribute to tightness of the connection. It is important not to forget to put them before performing the tightening nuts

Thereafter possible to start connecting the machine to a water source. In this case, there are several possible options.

Connecting the "machine" to the toilet

The easiest and fastest way to connect the washing machine to the water supply, has been widely used. Instead of complicated installation operations need to perform a few basic steps that are available, even for a beginner.

Connecting the machine to the tank of the toilet bowl
The easiest way to connect the machine to the water supply using the toilet tank. This simple manipulation easily perform even the novice master

To connect you need:

  • removed from the process tube a flexible liner;
  • screwed fitting tee;
  • connected thereto by a flexible liner and the tank water supply hose in stiralku through the valve or stopcock.

Unfortunately, such an embodiment can not be used for mounting a washing apparatus separate bathroom or in the kitchen, as automatic toilet unit and must be in the same room, preferably at a small distance from each other.

Joining the hose to the mixer

A popular option is to also connect a washing machine to a mixer that can be used in virtually any room.

Connecting to a mixer
The supply of cold water into the machine can be provided, connecting the machine to the mixer. This is a fairly easy process that can be applied not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen

For this method requires a special embodiment the tee, the design of which provides mounted ball valve. This part is installed in the space between the cold water tap connection in the mixer, eyeliner cold water to the same parts.

This method is reliable and simple, but has a significant disadvantage since the hose, by means of which the connection to the water pipe stiralka, always on sight. It can hide, arranging a box followed finished tiles.

Fine points of connection with the tube

Connecting machine to communications can be performed practically anywhere from plastic or polypropylene.

To do this, cut the pipe enough, replace the cut metal tee, through which you can perform an offshoot of communication to the washing unit.

When connected to the pipes necessary fittings
It is also possible to connect stiralki pipes. To do this, cut the pipe establishes a special fitting, the end of which is attached the hose

For this operation the following steps are necessary:

  • cut the pipe;
  • measure parameters fitting (tee);
  • cut a piece of pipe, the transient device;
  • attach the connecting ring nut;
  • using a special tool - the calibrator - razvaltsevat ends of the pipe in the ground connection to the tee;
  • wear on the pipe fitting of the fitting;
  • move up to the two ends of the sealing ring, after which tighten the nut.

Stopcock to better fasten the adapters in advance of the frame. This will prevent damage to the fairly flexible pipes. Upon completion of the connection tee to the tap screwed fastened flexible water hoses.

If the apartment is installed plastic pipe, require complicated version stiralki connection.

In this case, to perform the installation work requires not only special fittings, but also a special tool that allows fasteners to solder pipes with adapters.

Here, on the cold water supply pipe tee set, which is connected through a stopcock hose supplying water into "automatic".

Connecting to the water at any place

In some cases it is convenient to connect the washing apparatus in a certain place of the straight pipe. To perform this operation, you will need a special adapter - The coupling saddle, which is a clip from a holder with a threaded tap.

Driving-saddles couplings
This figure is a schematic view, Saddle coupling, by which one can connect the machine almost anywhere straight pipe

Like element can acquire specialized sales points, it is important to pay attention to the diameter of the fitting, which should match the size of the pipe.

Coupling saddle-on tube
An integral part of saddles is a collapsible cage: its construction is going on the tube at the connection stiralki to water, it is important to use a reliable seal

Firmly fixed to the right adapter fragment overlaps the water flow. Thereafter, through the pipe saddles drilled hole.

On removal of the sleeve is screwed a valve (ball valve) that is used for connecting a hose that supplies the water washing machine.

For more comfort during operation and can be connected to the unit angle of the crane.

Nuances use stiralki without running water

The functioning of automated washing machines is possible in case the water supply pressure. Lack of running water in the country or in a private house does not mean abandoning the usual amenities, as you can use an alternative solution in this case.

To use a modern machine is enough to lift a certain height (not less than one meter) volumetric water tank to the bottom of which you need to connect a hose leading to the withdrawal of the corresponding unit. The water in the container should pour in a timely manner.

Pumping station in the country
Fundamentally solve the problem, you can use the purchase of a pumping station. However, due to the high price of such option is usually considered in permanent residence in a house without water

Step # 5 - connection to sewer

Connect the washing machine to the sewer system, communication can solve the problem of discharging dirty water that remains after washing.

This can be done using different schemes:

  1. temporaryBy using a special hose directed into the toilet or in the bath.
  2. constantProviding for a stationary device drain.

The first method is very simple: the drain water is produced through a hose that is attached to the edge of the bath, the toilet or sink, which can be done by means of special fixing elements.

In the second case, there are two possibilities. Draining is carried out by means of the special design of a siphon, in which there is a separate outlet for connection stiralok-machine disposed under a siphon bend.

It is not necessary to replace the like conventional counterparts, because it will linger wastewater, spreading bad smell.

Wiring diagram machine to the sewer
This diagram shows an embodiment of connecting the "machine" to the sewerage system with siphon of special design, which provides for special outlet hose

Connecting a washing machine can be performed without siphon. When the diameter of the sewer pipe into 4-5 cm tap for automatic machines may be connected directly to the element.

In this S-bent drain hose is put into the tube so that it does not touch the waste water, and then carefully surrounded and sealed by a sealant. The distance from the inflection point to the floor must be greater than 0.5 m.

Maximum length of the hose is usually specified in the instructions supplied with the model. If you select a large part, to the pump load will increase sharply, which may lead to an unexpected failure.

If the washing machine design does not provide for the presence of the check valve, the mounting model has a limit on the height at which there is a drain hose.

Manufacturer specific information, usually results in the operating manual.

Step # 6 - Connection to the mains

Specific details how to connect just bought the washing machine, please read the instructions.

Particular attention should be paid to the safety rules, since the device has a high power consumption level (1.5 - 2.5 kW), and is contacted with water.

Socket for washing machine
To connect the unit to the mains supply it is important to carefully choose the outlet. The device must necessarily be grounded, in addition, it is desirable to choose a model with a cover

As a general rule, to connect with their own hands the washing machine requires three-wire socket, which has a phase of zero and carefully insulate the ground wire.

The switchboard is grounded by use of a bus-section is not less than 0.3 cm.

When connected, it is desirable to follow a few guidelines:

  1. The best option - individual supply hoses. In this case stiralka powered from the electrical panel through a separate input, and supply of electricity occurs additionally laid power supply. The wires do not spoil the interior, you can put them in a neat plastic box.
  2. The use of specialized instruments electrical protection. In addition to mandatory power circuit breakers in line automated machine further recommended mount device (RCD).
  3. Strict compliance with all components of the electrical circuit requirements/ Technical / performance characteristics. To carry out wiring important to apply three-core cables, the cross-sectional area should be greater than 1.5 square centimeters
  4. Connection scheme outletSpecified in the instructions. It is important to comply with the mandatory condition - the presence of the protective earth. Connecting wires necessarily made to the grounding bus of the distribution panel.
  5. Connecting conductor heating or water communication is strictly prohibitedAs this may not only lead to the exit of the machine out of action, but also to the creation of emergency situations.
  6. It is better to give preference to outlets with IP44-IP65 When selecting a model with a high degree of safety; it is desirable to have a cover protecting from moisture, and ceramic substrates.
  7. Avoid extension cords, adapters and tees connecting the washing machine: inevitable in this case, additional compounds may provoke an increase in temperature in the contacts that leads to breakage of the unit.

It is undesirable that the plug for the machine is in a room with constant high humidity. If enough length of electrical cord, power supply to better accommodate adjacent space such as a corridor.

Step # 7 - stiralki testing machine

After completing all the work described above, you must check the installation is correct by running alternately washing machine works in all modes.

Verifying the connection
The final stage of work is to check all of the washing machine system. It should be carried out strictly according to instructions, and affects all aspects of the connection

To do this, you need to examine all of the collected sites and then perform a test run the machine without laundry, during which it is necessary to pay attention to the following options:

  • period of time (it has to be small), for which the tank is dialed;
  • leaks;
  • the correct functioning of the drain;
  • uniform rotation of the drum;
  • good spin;
  • a full hot water that is produced after 5-7 minutes to complete the set water.

At all stages of operation of the unit must be free of extraneous sounds.

Useful videos on the topic

Presented video explains in detail the process of connecting the unit to the water supply, electricity and sanitation.

If you need to connect to the sink drain stiralki, the detailed video instructions can be found in the following video:

Subtleties connections washing equipment for sewerage and water supply system with their own hands without involving the master analyzed in the following video:

Similarly, following detailed instructions, in which the steps is painted as enables a connection washing machine to all communications with their own hands, will be able to cope with the installation of domestic appliances quick and easy. If there is any doubt in their own abilities, it is better to invite the master of the service.

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