Do you get sick room idiotum? We know how to help

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Home flowers require special care. They silently ask for help, signaling the discomfort of a disheveled appearance, a gray coating, drying leaves. The task of a flower grower is to understand in time what a roomy idiot or other pet is sick, and to provide timely assistance. Only healthy plants will fill the house with coziness and phytoncides of health, protect the aura and help restore mental balance.

Homeland of the Adianum

The adianum is known under a different name, fern. In nature from more than 300 species, but at home there can be only a few particularly decorative and undemanding in the care of varieties. Most often you can meet the roomy hairdresser's hair. An openwork plant, on which thin, like black hair, petioles are located small delicate leaves. They are numerous and create a cloud or a waterfall of greenery, depending on the variety and conditions of detention.

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The native land of this plant are mountain crevices, hollows and gorges of subtropics. Therefore, the fern needs simultaneously:

  • bright light, but shading from direct rays;
  • warm, but not hot;
  • Fresh air, but no drafts;
  • permanent moisture in the air and earth, but without stagnation;
  • In winter, the temperature should not fall below 10, and then for a short while.

Under acceptable conditions the fern reproduces by spores, they are numerous and are introduced into the litter all summer. It grows very quickly, doubling annually the green mass. Populating the crevices between the cliffs of the adianum, together with moss and lichens, revitalizes the warm rocky landscape of the tropics. Creeping rhizomes expand rapid population.

Care for the adianum at home

Only by observing the conditions of the existence of a roomy idiotum can you get a beautiful bush that brings balance and calmness to the family. Therefore, acquiring a new member of the community, you need to take care of creating conditions in advance.

For the adianum, the northern window is selected or the plant is placed in the suspension so that the direct rays of the sun hardly touch it. The plant should be watered daily, but so that there is no stagnation of water. Bathing under the shower once a week is welcome. Irrigation water should be warm, soft, without chlorine. Top dressing is not frequent and only extracts from organic fertilizers.

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In the summer in the room the temperature should be about 22 degrees, in the winter around 16-18. In this situation, and even with the spraying of leaves, the lack of drafts and tobacco smoke, the plant will be comfortable. If the soil is matched correctly, care in accordance with the requirements, diseases and pests of the adianum do not threaten

Signs of pests and diseases of idiots photo

Determine why the tugora of leaves dropped for three reasons: dried, flooded, settled diseases and pests.

An experienced hostess will feel unpleasant long before the apparent manifestations of the disease. Daily looking after a pet, she will notice:

  • a slight droopy of the leaves;
  • slowing growth;
  • loss of shine;
  • appearance of light or dark spots.

It's time to check if the conditions of detention have changed. In this case, it should be borne in mind that in plants the changes occur both for the better and for the worse for a long time, the analysis should be conducted in the last two weeks. Perhaps the cause will be found and fixed immediately.

All diseases are classified as infectious or physiological, from the outside, from the wrong content. The appearance of insect pests is possible by any means. Measures are taken, respectively, with the use of chemicals or by changing the conditions of detention.

In any case, only a weakened plant can get sick in a confined space, where the infection is delivered by a person, in one way or another. Help identify the disease adiantum photos and videos on the page.

The leaves of the adianum darken, brown dashes appear, it is a signal to check the acidity of the soil according to a litmus test. It should be in the range, be weakly acidic. Change the composition of the feed mixtures. Therefore, if the soil does not respond to acidity, it probably accumulated salt, alkaline substrate. You can wash the earth repeatedly with water, but the best and less painful will be the transplantation of the plant. First you should check whether the roots are filled, whether the flower is cold. If you do not take action on the first signal, the blackening of the leaves of the adianum with drying will follow.


Delicate foliage reacts by drying from the tips to any trouble. This is too high air temperature, and tobacco smoke, and the stagnation of an unventilated room. The rays of the sun fall right on the leaves and mummify them. If the dew drops dry, starting from the tips, it is possible under the influence of drafts, from the rising air from the heating batteries, which is not only very warm, but also dry.

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Yellow foliage can prompt, the root system does not cope, and there were problems. But such color can signal and about a lack of nitrogen fertilizers in top dressing. To conclude about the lack of nutrition and the unhealthy roots can be, if the adianum does not grow.

If signs of disease or foci rot on the roots, plant transplantation with the replacement of soil and utensils is mandatory. But in this case, the washed, healed roots should be kept in a solution of the fungicide. Soil must be treated against the infection and added to the ground a recommended long-acting fungicide for ferns. Anyone can not use it, since ferns do not tolerate soil salinization. At the time of treatment watering should be meager, no additional fertilizing. It is better to reduce the load on the plant by cutting vayi. When reanimating the plant, it is necessary to create comfortable thermal conditions.

If the leaves of the adianum darken from the edge, and later the bronze color is transmitted to the entire vayu, this is a viral disease from which there are no methods of disposal. Transfer to other plants can be done with a tool. From such a flower you need to get rid of. Dissect this virus of thrips.

What if the dumbfound withers for no apparent reason? Then you need to look for the invisible. Armed with a magnifying glass and inspect the plant for:

  • a spider mite on the back of the sheets;
  • fern aphid;
  • shields;
  • thrips;
  • mealybug.
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To treat all pests, you need to use a tobacco-soap solution. If home remedies do not help, then use the actellic, phytoverm and carbophos. From the scabbard will help removal of her alcohol solution. Signs of the appearance of the scales are accompanied by the appearance of brown shields, under which they are bred, spread and covered with new carapaces. As a result, they secrete gum, which is populated with soot mushroom, the plant without assistance is doomed to death. Shield is suffocated if the plant is wiped with an oil swab.

The strawberry nematode can be populated on the fern, which feeds on the soft tissue of the leaves between the veins and stains them brown. They can be found if the moistened leaf is placed on a dark background. Worms with a length of mm will become visible, they come out of the leaves. All infected wii should be removed from the plant. The adianum is dried so that the nematodes can not move.

Aphids spin the wye, later they wither. Fighting the decay is carried out with a soap solution and chemical insecticides of complex action. If the leaves dry on an adianum after preliminary discoloration, it is necessary to search for a spider mite. They feel good in warmth and dry air. In order to get rid of this pest, three times treatment with insecticides will be required, the most harmless of which in the conditions of the room will be phytoverm.

The thrips live on the underside of the leaves of the flower. When strongly multiplying, they cause drying leaves of the adianum. Trypses do not destroy home remedies. Only repeated treatment with strong drugs every 5 days can save the plant from parasites.

For the period of work with insecticides in the room you need to take measures of your own protection. Be sure to remove from the premises of domestic inhabitants, birds, fish, animals and children.

However, it is necessary to reassure the lovers of the indoor adianum - the plant is rarely subjected to pest infestation because of the special composition of the juice.

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