How to make a spring bee spring: a video and a description of the ways

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You can get a new family of bees by trapping a swarm, but there are other ways. A video on how to make a bee spring in spring will help the formation of new families and, at the beekeeper's will, replenish the population of hives.

Spring is the best time for getting layers. During a long warm period, when honey-plants blossom one by one, bees adapt easily, the new family has time to grow stronger, to replenish with new members and to make supplies for the winter.

What methods of obtaining new families are used in practice? What are the positive and negative aspects of existing methods? A good help in solving these and other issues will be a video on how to make a spring of bees in the spring.

First of all, it is necessary to decide which uterus to take to form a new family. Today, beekeepers use three methods of forming the layers:

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  • with a third-party fetus acquired in another farm;
  • with a young unfertilized uterus from its apiary or just emerging from the queen cell;
  • with an adult laying eggs with a uterus from a strong large family.

Among other things, the bee layers are formed both with adult workers' insects, and with a younger generation who did not previously fly for a bribe.

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Transfer of bees to a new beehive: young or flying?

Preferably, the layers are made in the second type. A hive with a new family is placed near where the insects lived before. Gradually, flying individuals return to their habitual place, and in the submission of the planted uterus are young bees. The main problem of this method is the backlog in the development of a new family, but for spring and summer, with the right care and organization of a bribe, the family has time to grow stronger, withdraw brood and raise a strong generation of workers bees.

Telling about the bee offsets of the video will help to master the technique useful for any beekeeper and, if necessary, quickly and painlessly divide the existing families.

How to make a collection of bees that have already flown before for a bribe? To ensure that not only young but also adult individuals remain in the layer, the beekeeper will have to take out the beehive for at least 3-5 km from the main location of the apiary. In this case, all bees will have to stay in a new place. And the family immediately proceeds to the honey and care of brood. Unfortunately, unlike young adults, flying bees can manifest aggression in relation to the implanted uterus, which inevitably leads to problems. It is for this reason that beekeepers do not always willingly use, it would seem, a simple and correct way of getting the bees off.

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How to make a collection of bees in the spring, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this or that method?

Breeding on the "strange" fetus

Formation of early lapping can be done if a new family is formed around the uterus acquired in the region where spring begins earlier.

Fertilized uterus begins to lay eggs after a couple of days after planting in a new family, so the first bribe of a sufficiently strong collection of bees can be obtained in June. The weak side of this option is:

  • high cost of getting a new family;
  • a serious risk of loss of the uterus, if the beekeeper is not experienced enough or if during the transplantation into a new beehive the bees will show aggression towards the "strange" queen.

Breeding of bees with barren uterus

If the stem is a stubborn female, or when a beehive is transplanted into a new hive, a bee moth is placed in it, the beekeeper must be aware of the inevitable delay in the development of the forming family. At the same time, working bees better take the uterus, which appears from the queen cell, than the barren individual, so there is no need to take additional precautions.


When the bees took the uterus, you will have to have patience. Strengthening the removal of bees from another hive usually does not give results, and sometimes it harms already existing families engaged in basic honey. Usually in the course of the summer even small layers are gaining strength and can, among other things, be used to merge with families when replacing old queens.

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The brood with the "native" fertilized uterus

If a part of the family with the uterus underwent a transplantation into a new hive, the bees left by the "orphans" refuse to raise the remaining brood and actively collect honey, making a serious stock. This circumstance is used by beekeepers:

  • to obtain the earliest product;
  • to renew the family and replace the uterus in it.

It is important to take into account that having lost their uterus, the family weakens and needs special control and attention, until a new uterus appears in it and the new brood and a new generation of bees appear.

Watching the video, how to make a bee sprinter in the spring, and planning the formation of new families, the beekeeper must take into account the characteristics of the honey collection in the place of installation of the hives. In spring and early summer flowering of honey trees due to weather conditions can be greased or short-term. If there is such a danger in the region, you should not make the bees clear-cut. Otherwise, the lack of honey will lead to the risk of swarming and disintegration of the newly formed family.

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